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Piggy Wiki
??? Gallery
Not to be confused with his NPC counterpart, or any Badges called “???”.

??? is a skin in Piggy: Book 2. He is the distorted version of TIO, who was the overarching antagonist for Book 1, the main antagonist for the second half of Book 2, and the overall main antagonist for the entirety of Piggy. The only way to obtain him is by beating Lab - Chapter 12’s Hidden Ending.


??? is a very large vaguely humanoid and skeletal beast mostly made of an oily material. He has no legs and the base of his body is a stump layered with holes. His chest is mostly open, exposing a glowing white heart behind thin stretches of his body as well as a clean red tie at the base of his neck. He has two giant arms reaching the ground with five-fingered hands and gaps in the elbow and armpit areas. His head is a thin human-like head with a glowing white smile behind thin goop stretches as well as an orange and black Insolence eye and a white eye consisting of a ring and an X inside the ring. On his head is a towering top hat with bits dripping down and orange Insolence eyes scattered across.


Main article: Lab - Chapter 12/Hidden Ending

To unlock this skin, you must complete the Hidden Ending of Piggy: Book 2. Ensure you or someone in your server has earned every Book 1 and Book 2 badge.

Play Docks - Chapter 9 and escape the map without Pony getting hit, which can be done on any gamemode, though Player is recommended.

Play Camp - Chapter 11 in Swarm mode. Open the blue key tower and enter the code "467854" on the keypad, then escape or die.

Then, play Lab - Chapter 12 on Bot mode and solve the keypad puzzle. Completing this will trigger a cutscene.

After the cutscene, you will need to solve the puzzles from Alleys, Ship, Docks, Temple, and Camp while being chased by TIO. Once complete, you'll be teleported to a new area with Pony, Zee, and Georgie in situations with memories of the infected. Give the bat to Georgie, the rusty pipe to Zee, and the wooden sword to Pony. After that, an upstairs area will open and you need to give grass to Zizzy, a carrot to Bunny, and a bone to Doggy while being pursued by TIO and two Sentinels. After completing all tasks and defeating TIO, you will earn the Hidden Ending badge, unlocking the skin.



Stands upright. His head and body go up and down very gently, his fingers tap on the ground, his heart beats and his right eye moves from right to left.


Skin/Hidden Ending Pursuit

Lowers to the ground and uses both arms to drag himself forward, shifting from side to side as his heart beats faster.

Hidden Ending Wandering

Slowly moves himself with light reaches of his arms while standing near upright. Slightly bobs to the sides.


He grabs his victim in his left hand, his face following them as he lifts them up. He then throws them down with his left hand and slams them with the palm of his right hand.

The player being attacked will move accordingly in ???’s left hand until the animation is over, using their falling animation or their crouching animation if they died crouching. This does not apply to Pony in Docks - Chapter 9.


He clutches his heart and bends over, while breathing heavily.


  • He is the fourth permanent quest skin, the first being Mr. P, the second being Phenna, and the third being Laura.
  • He and Mr. P are both obtained from the secret endings of their respective books.
  • ??? has the longest jumpscare in the game, at 5 seconds.
    • Because of this, if the last survivor is infected by someone using this skin on Infection, they will stay on the map as an infected after the game ends.
  • He is the first skin to have a unique jumpscare camera. He is also the only skin to move his target’s model in the jumpscare.
    • ??? moving the target model was not a feature on release and was added in an unrecorded shadow update in August 2024.
  • He is the first skin to be mostly made out of meshes.
  • He is the second skin to lack a jumpscare sound, the first being Willow.
  • He is one of the few skins to only have the pitch of their soundtrack changed, the others being Badgy, Budgey, Dakoda, Archie, Spidella, Shardantus and Jakayla.
  • He is the only skin in the game solely made by SuperNob123.
  • When you type in "/e dance", the skin does the default dance from the video game Fortnite.
  • He is the tallest and longest skin in Piggy as of now.
    • He is so large and tall that his hat and/or his head will clip through most doorways and arches. This is due to the meshes of the model having the CanCollide property being set to false.
      • Despite this, he is not the tallest bot in Piggy with the first being Twisted Rabbit.
  • The ??? bot variant is one of the two bots which has different animations (The other being Ombra, however Ombra's animations are nearly identical except for their speed) for wandering and actively chasing people. ??? has a more tame upright walking animation seen in the Hidden Ending first phase and in the second phase when searching for players. If he locks onto a player in the second phase of the Hidden Ending, he will play his crawling animation used as the skin’s walk.
  • He has a large hitbox in the first phase of the Hidden Ending. This makes him the first bot to have a large hitbox with the second being the Speeding Wall Crawling Trap from the The PIGGY™ Household and the third being Twisted Rabbit from Decay.
  • He can't use the Teleporter or the Teleportation Chamber properly. This happens with a few other skins.
  • MiniToon confirmed that this skin is called "Distorted TIO" and confirmed this amalgamation is just a creation in the Player's mind.
  • This skin's meshes are made by SuperNob123.
  • He isn't visible in his shop icon or intermission screen, which is likely a bug.
    • Him not being in the shop icon may be due to him being tremendously big, therefore not being able to fit in the given box for its skin.
  • There once was a bug which occurred in Build Mode, where if you died by him, your screen would turn black for the rest of the round.
  • Despite how he may appear, he actually uses the R6 rig rather than R15. His R15 appearance is due to his character using "bones" for the animation, which allow the skin to bend it's joints without appearing to break.
  • He is one of the many skins that aren't made by MiniToon.
  • When ??? attacks Pony in Docks, Pony is knocked down before ??? finishes his jumpscare animation. This is due to the fact that ???'s jumpscare time frame is longer than most other skins, normally chalking up to 1-1.3 seconds.
  • ??? has black goop trail emitting from the base of his body that glitches through the ground during his idle and clips through the ground when walking or stunned. It only shows during his jumpscare animation and when he first appears to the player after talking to them in the Hidden Ending.
  • His bot variant's soundtrack stops playing once the upstairs part of the Hidden Ending map is opened, making it harder to survive him if he comes around a corner.
  • His walking/crawling animation is slower when you select him as a Build Mode bot. This possibly happens because the bot doesn't have a script that sets the Animation's speed to a higher value.
  • Disorted TIO is inspired by Epic Mickey (atleast in Minitoons mind). [1]



Sound Origins

The discussions tag for ??? can be found here.

Piggy: Book 1 Skins PiggyRedesign DistortedPennyRenderPiggyLittleBrotherRedesign Little BrotherMotherRedesign MotherFatherRedesign FatherGrandmotherRedesign GrandmotherSheepyRedesign SheepyAlt SheepyPandyRedesign PandyTeacherRedesign TeacherMemoryTransparent MemoryKittyRedesign KittyMimiSkinRedesign1 MimiDinopiggyRedesign DinopiggyDaisyRedesign DaisyAngelPiggy AngelPonySkinRedesign PonyTransparentDevil DevilDoggySkinRedesign DoggyGiraffySkinRedesign GiraffyBearyRedesign BearyFoxyRedesign FoxyEllyRedesign EllyMiliSoldier SoldierZombifiedPiglin ZompiggyBadgyTransparentAlternateSkinBadgy BadgyBunnySkinRedesign Bunny (Alternate) BunnyTransparentSkelly SkellyClownyClownTransparent ClownyTigryNew TigryMousyRedesign MousyParaseeParasitePigTransparent ParaseeZizzySkinRedesignZizzyInTheNutcracker ZizzyGhostyMoreTransparent GhostyRobbyTransparent RobbyBillyRedesign BillyBudgeyFrontTransparent BudgeyTransparentTorcher TorcherMrPSkinRedesign Mr. P
Piggy: Book 2 Skins InfectedPoliceDoggo Officer DoggyRacoonTrash RashKatieNurseTransparent Katie (Alternate) KatieMoreEvilKonaGaming KonaMadScientist KonaTransparentPandyUniform Pandy (Uniform)DessaTransparent DessaArchieArcticWillow ArchieRazetheCyborgRatTransparent RazeTigry (Uniform) redesign Tigry (Uniform)KolieWorkerTransparent KolieMarkus-WitchHunter MarkusAlfisTransparent AlfisLink=Dakoda DakodaTobiTheTurtle TobiAnotherFelix FelixDelta DeltaMariTransparent MariKamosiDoesNotStartWithPKamosiAltTransp KamosiSpidellaTheAwesomeSpider SpidellaZebraTwins TwinsKraxicordeHQ KraxicordeSilly zeus Silzous InfectedWillowWillowTheEntity???
Extras PumpiggyTransparent PumpiggyTheRedNosedReindessa ReindessaAnotherTransCroveCroveTheDeathDoctor CroveAnotherPoley PoleyMisterStitchy Mr. StitchySideTransparentOwell OwellFrostiggyHQnobg FrostiggyPrimroseArcher PrimroseBessBunny BessTrophyPiggy Gold PiggyPhenn PhennaColorfluidAntRedAnteoItsAllJustABadDreamLaura LauraBaka!Bakari BakariSentinel SentinelMr. Bliss Mr. BlissDarkKnight-Gryffyn GryffynOmbraTransp OmbraFerguscrazy FergusSHARDANTUS ShardantusMarley Russell In-Game Marley RussellGLENN GlennJakaylaTransp JakaylaCarver CarverDuocara DuocaraMayor DuocaraBelaV2 BelaMeisery MeiseryEelektra2 EelektraGoober BlattPrototypeTransp The PrototypeDecayingInfectedIcon Decaying InfectedMonsterman SamRachna RachnaKrampig KrampiggyMrsPoopyseedskin Mrs. P
User Exclusive PickleRickie3D-0 Pickle RickLisaSkin LisaMoonie PNG MoonieFes Moonie2024-07-27 18-02-41 MoopyTankMegaTankNormalMegaTank Mega Tank
Other Skins

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