Build Mode | Tutorial (Link Events) | Blocks and NPCs | Materials and Colors |

The current set-up and UI in Build Mode.
Build Mode is a feature in Piggy that was added on June 28th, 2020. It lets players build their own Piggy maps with different types of blocks, events, decorations and more. It came with the Mousy skin.
Block Placing[]
Using the many blocks and materials in this building format, players are able to create their own custom Piggy maps.
Server List[]
In the server list, you see the name of the map, who it was made by, how many people are currently playing it, and how many likes it has. It shows up to ten maps at a time, and it occasionally places new maps in favor of older ones.
Cutscenes Creator[]
With this, you're able to create custom cutscenes that play every time you escape a map, or when you start a map. You're able to select actors and their expressions (Sad, Angry, Talk, None for most characters except Infected, Player, and Finley who has his own unique expressions). Although the player is stuck with none no matter what. Actors can also walk using the walk setting on the selected character. You're also able to place down cameras (the camera symbol indicates the location of the camera, and the eye symbol indicates where the camera is pointing.) Additionally, you can select transitions (Move Camera, Fade In/out or none at all). You can also type in what the actors say in the talking box. And lastly, you can add music to scenes and rename scenes.
Menu Buttons[]
There are currently five buttons in the menu:
Name | Sub-Features | Usage |
Play | Starting up the game on your map with the specified gamemode. | |
Settings |
Personalizing your map, controls and more to your needs or likings, as well as helping with the building and moderating processes with useful tools. |
Save | None | Saving your maps to one of 10 map slots (by overriding their contains),
or changing their names both in the saving menu and the Server List. |
Load | None | Loading your maps in and seeing their memory sizes (like in kB). |
Cutscene Creator |
Making cutscenes that can play at the beginning of the round and after escaping. |
You can also press the respective buttons instead rather than using the keyboard. Found here:
Control | Action |
1 | Opening the item picker. |
2 | Opening the tool picker. |
3 | Opening the colors & materials picker. |
4 | Opening the menu. |
2+1 | Toggling the Destroy Tool. |
2+2 | Toggling the Build Tool. |
2+3 | Toggling the Colour Fill Tool. |
2+4 | Toggling the Colour Pick Tool. |
2+5 | Toggling the Resize Tool. |
2+6 | Toggling the Move Tool. |
R | Rotating the object counter-clockwise. |
T | Tilting the object clockwise. |
Leak for | Pictures | Leaked by |
Blocks and Models | ![]() |
MiniToon (Twitter) |
Blocks and Models | ![]() |
MiniToon (Twitter) |
Blocks and Models | ![]() |
MiniToon (Twitter) |
Blocks and Events | ![]() |
MiniToon (Twitter) |
Initial Gameplay | ![]() |
MiniToon (Twitter) |
Initial Gameplay | ![]() |
MiniToon (Twitter) |
Initial Gameplay | ![]() |
Optikk |
Settings GUI | ![]() |
Optikk |
Confirm Load GUI | ![]() |
Optikk |
Color Blocks | ![]() |
MiniToon |
Privacy Settings GUI | ![]() |
Optikk |
Decals for Build Mode | ![]() |
Piggy Leaks |
Possible Models for Build Mode | ![]() |
Piggy Leaks |
Initial Gameplay (Test Realm) | ![]() |
Piggy Leaks |
Morphs | ![]() |
MiniToon (Instagram) |
Blocks and Models | ![]() |
MiniToon (Twitter) |
Blocks | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
MiniToon (Twitter) |
Cutscene Maker | ![]() ![]() |
MiniToon (Twitter) |
Objects | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
MiniToon (Twitter) |
NPCs | ![]() |
MiniToon (Twitter) |
Name | Cost (Robux) | Icon |
Slot 3 | 100 | ![]() |
Slot 4 | 100 | ![]() |
Slot 5 | 100 | ![]() |
Slot 6 | 100 | ![]() |
Unpatched Glitches[]
- If the owner leaves or gets disconnected, then rejoins, they can't stop the game.
- The Soldier NPCs randomly start to float upwards and levitate while still moving around.
- If you escape while holding the Magnifying Glass item, you still have the effect on your screen.
- If you start a game and players are near any hostile NPCs (Except for Mr. P, Grandmother, or the hostile Doggy), they will be activated and/or kill those players before the game fully starts.
- Sometimes they will kill you but you will still be spawned into the map with your camera locked onto whoever killed you.
- Additionally, the Chasing Hand can also grab you before the game starts if you stand near it, automatically teleporting you to the Hand Drop Point or survivor spawn when the round starts.
- This is also the case for touch triggers, causing them to active before the game starts.
- If you end the game before Piggy's 30 second countdown starts, instead of ending the round, Piggy will spawn upon the game starting.
- In the Infection gamemode, your screen will turn black for a few seconds after turning infected whenever you get captured by Piggy. You have control of your character in this period.
- When the round ends, your screen can be covered in the Loading screen. It can be fixed by starting or ending the game, depending on whether you're playing a round.
- Sometimes, you have no choice but to rejoin the map.
- The Small Cupboard causes shadows to appear underneath it, even if it's on top of another platform.
- Seeing how people used this to make their maps darker, MiniToon added a dedicated Shadow Block.
- The Player has no walking animation in the cutscenes if they are R15.
- The Walkspeed of this character is at 16 which is slightly faster than other cutscene NPCs.
- Clicking during an intro cutscene can cause your camera to not focus on the cutscene.
- You can go over the scene limit of intro and outro cutscene scenes by copying previous scenes.
- Sometimes when deleting a scene in a cutscene, the scene order might get messed up.
- The Rope Event doesn't work for most infected skins and doesn't work on any bots (it is unclear whether it's supposed to work for bots or not).
- Items found inside cauldron events don't respawn.
- Items spawned from item spawn blocks don't respawn.
- Sometimes when equipping the Magnifying Glass item while picking up another item at the same time, you can have the Magnifying Glass effect on your screen and be able to see the Magnifying Glass Blocks while not actually having the Magnifying Glass equipped.
- When a Decoy is placed, it sometimes vanishes for no reason.
- If Mousy is chosen as the main bot and she touches a Decoy, she will freeze.
- She can be unfrozen is she gets stunned, once unstunned, she cannot kill afterwards.
- This same glitch applies to the skin when used by players.
- She can be unfrozen is she gets stunned, once unstunned, she cannot kill afterwards.
- The Grandmother NPC and the second bot spawned during swarm stop moving when they touch slow or speed blocks.
- When the Ombra or Frostiggy bots come in contact with the Slide Blocks, they will have a hard time moving around and be extremely slow.
- This may happen due to the fact that Ombra and Frostiggy slide normally, even when not on Slide Blocks, which makes it even harder for them to walk on Slide Blocks.
- When a Team Builder resizes or moves something, it will create multiple issues when building for other people, such as creating an invisible barrier you are unable to place blocks on in the location the moved/resized block previously was, or you not being able to place blocks on top of the moved/resized blocks.
- When someone escapes there's a chance that the cutscene won't play, but the game will still think the player is in a cutscene, making the round never end until the player leaves the game.
- Piggy can't watch intro cutscenes. They still need to wait for the span of the intro before the 30 second spawn delay starts.
- When joining mid-round, your UI might bug out and things such as jumpscare cameras or the fade effect you get from teleporting don't work. When this glitch is occuring, you will likely still have the crouch and Ability buttons after the game ends, but they will be unusable.
- The loading screen also won't work, which will make the game look as if it froze.
- The chasing hand can grab you while another chasing hand is lifting you into the air.
- When Soldier is selected as the bot for a Build Mode map through the 'use my equipped skin' option, the bot, once stunned, is stunned infinitely for the round. This doesn't happen if it's first person mode.
- It is believed this is because MinIToon forgot to change the stun script from the Soldier NPCs to the normal script.
- Almost any bot that is selected through the 'use my equipped skin' option doesn't respawn if they fall off the map, even if they are a bot that can be picked outside the 'use my equipped skin' option.
- When Piggy is selected as the bot through the 'use my equipped skin' option, and she falls off the map, bots will infinitely spawn until the round ends. This doesn't happen if there are Patrol Points on the map.
- Sometimes, bots selected through the 'use my equipped skin' option use their falling animation instead of their walking animation after jumping off something.
- Sometimes when it's first person mode, Duocara won't have a theme.
- If Piggy (Distorted), Dakoda, Fergus, Duocara, Marley Russell, Kona, Phenna, or Silzous is the bot through the ‘use my equipped skin’ option, they have issues killing survivors who stand still.
- If Eelektra, Blatt, or ??? is the bot through the ‘use my equipped skin’ option and it's first person mode, there is a chance it will play Ombra's theme instead of their theme.
- The text that says what you have selected is missing the last word on Mobile.
- This doesn't apply to the Player Spawn, the Trap Point, the Purple Door, the Blue Keycard Door, the Blowtorch Door, the Color Block Button, the Drivable Car, the Invisible Sound Block, the Death Block, the Escape Door 1, the Thin Transparent Wall, the Fire Extinguisher, the Gun, the Bone, the Ground Light, the Ceiling Light, the Lamp Post, the Large Cabinet, the Crate, the Metal Crate, the Stick Display, the Baren (NPC), the Timer, the OR Gate, and the NOT Gate.
- Additionally, the Smooth cylinder corner, the smooth cylinder T-shape, the thin transparent wall, and the Custom Invisible Light Block are missing the last word in the UI for the name of the object.
- The Mr. P NPC can be stunned by the Pony, Zizzy, Doggy, and Giraffy NPCs. This doesn't actually stun him but just makes him unable to move. He will still turn towards the player and will still shoot them if in range; he can also kill if walked into. He returns to normal after getting a kill.
- On certain maps, if you pick up either the Gun or the Crossbow, load them, then put them down, then pick them back up, they will lose all of their ammo.
- When playing on Mobile, the buttons will sometimes get messed up after playing a match.
- However, you can counter this by setting the gamemode to Bot and then quickly closing the buttons tab. This may take a few tries.
- If you have a bad internet connection, the loading screen will stay on infinitely, forcing the player to leave the game.
- On some slots, if your map contains too many links, there is a chance that some of them will be disabled. Causing many glitches.
- The Prototype has a bug in Build Mode where any chasing hands will ignore all other players and instead try to grab them, even if they are out of the chasing hand's range.
- The Willow enemy NPC is unable to be stunned by the Georgie NPC.
- All NPCs (Except for The Prototype, Friend, The Hand, and the Sentinels) can collide with each other.
- Despite The Prototype, Friend, and the Sentinels not having collision with other NPCs, they still collide with Scry.
- Scry often gets stuck walking in place once they reach a patrol point.
- The friendly Willow NPC can be knocked out by the Doggy, Zizzy, and Georgie friendly NPCs, causing her to freeze for the rest of the round.
- The 8/23/2024 update claims to have fixed the bug for all friendly NPCs, but only fixed the Pony and Giraffy NPCs.
- If a Custom NPC uses a body package other than Blocky, it is extremely likely it will clip into the ground and slide everywhere.
- If a builder clicks during a cutscene, their camera will be placed where they were before the game started. They can also interact with items and gain those items when the game starts.
Patched Glitches[]
- Whenever you opened the Shop before the Cutscenes Creator update, two "BACK" buttons would appear, one of them in the original "SHOP" button spot and another in the bottom left corner.
- However, only the one replacing the "SHOP" would work.
- If you ended the game and quickly pressed a gamemode, you could play and build simultaneously. Another way you could do this bug was to start a game and leave, then join back.
- The Shop in Build Mode used to be bugged in a way that caused the GUIs to zoom into the screen.
- The Shop has been added to a 'menu' in Build Mode, so you can't use it while spectating anymore.
- The Torcher skin used to not be able to kill or infect anyone in build mode.
- If a player got killed by another player with the ??? or Ombra skins, their screen would stay black until the round ends.
- If a player spawned in a Build Mode map, they might've spawned at the Build Mode spawn instead of the Player Spawn.
- Sometimes, whatever block you would be placing wouldn't be located wherever your mouse/finger is.
- You could load a map, then place an NPC which was already on the map while the map loaded itself, causing you to be able to go over the NPC limit. This also worked for any other event which had a limit.
- Radar (after its' buff), the Spider Trap, and the Crawling Trap were completely broken.
- Some names of items would get censored when configuring links and events that used items, which caused the game to infinitely freeze upon starting.
- At certain points in the space, there were skin themes constantly playing.
- This was once fixed but later returned when Carver was added to the game. This has once again been removed.
- The Player NPC would clip through things if the selected user has an R6 avatar. This would often cause it to clip through the floor and die.
- You could bypass things if you started moving before the loading screen finishes. (For example, you could completely skip a room with this.)
- Soldiers could also have this happen to them, which is why you could have found them out of whatever room you put them in before the game started.
- You could walk through doors if you're playing on Hard Mode.
- Players could sometimes be spawned away from their spawn, mainly if they were R6.
- The chasing hand sometimes wouldn't teleport you. Instead, it would drop you after carrying you upwards.
- The magnifying glass was bugged and didn't work, giving the blocks the same function as the Invisible Block.
- The Dynamite was missing its name in the Build Mode items section and also when it told you what you had selected.
- Players who didn't have build permissions would sometimes have a "ghost block" following their mouse as if they could build the map.
- If Jakayla or Marley Russell were the bot through the 'use my equipped skin,' they lacked their theme when in forced first person mode.
- If a player NPC had an ID of a banned user and the game was started, it would be stuck in the loading screen, forcing you to rejoin.
- Xbox users couldn't crouch and didn't have their abilities, even if Hard Mode was off.
- Players could interact with doors during cutscenes.
- In cutscene creator, there was a bug with walking; if you made an actor walk behind another walking actor, the actor behind would oddly get stuck where the actor at the front is.
- When Skelly was selected as the bot through the 'use my equipped skin' option, they would sometimes clip through things, especially when spawning or getting a kill.
- Formerly, when playing forced first person mode, sometimes your flashlight won't turn on.
- The shovel pile was unable to contain any items.
- It also lacked the option to hold any limited items from seasons.
- All skins (Except for Silzous and Carver) had a glitch requiring them to get a kill before their theme played in build mode.
- You could interact with doors as a spectator.
- This never worked with the Ship, Glass, Heist, and Tall doors.
- Build Mode has the Survivor gamemode exclusive to the mode.
- The only way to get Piggy Tokens in Build Mode is to kill someone as the Piggy on the Player, Traitor, Player + Bot or Infection gamemodes. (5 per kill, and 10 with the 2x gamepass.)
- You can place up to 200 Soldiers.
- When they were first added to Build Mode, there was no limit.
- In the normal Traitor mode, the Traitor receives their weapon after 60 seconds. However, in Build Mode, it is only after 30 seconds.
- Most bots look slightly to the right in the "Change Bot Skin" menu, however Duocara looks slightly left, and Ombra looks more intensely right.
- In older versions of Piggy, pressing the "Kick" button in the settings with a blank field would kick everyone out of the server at once.
- If you place multiple items that are the same (Example: 4 Hammers), only one of those will spawn into the game, causing item randomization. You can use this to have different item spawn locations in your map.
- However, with the Plank, Dynamite, Red and Purple Potions, Skeleton Arm, Present, and Rope, they appear at the same amount as the events they go for, as long as there are multiple locations for them.
- Some items, like grasses, or carrots, can be placed as many times as you add them, as there can be multiple of the aforementioned type of item in one map.
- MiniToon can apply morphs, with the known ones being Boony, Giraffy, the KreekCraft Horse skin and Willow.
- Player Models (morphs) later came with the Cutscenes Creator update, which means the Giraffy morph is no longer exclusive to MiniToon.
- The baseplate starts gray with a basic texture and cannot be moved or changed in shape, as it determines where Players spawn in the world. This baseplate used to be completely non-editable, meaning you could not be able to color it at all.
- As of the NPCs update, you can now recolor and change texture of this baseplate using the paint option.
- The resize tool was previously not on mobile due to it being incompatible. It was later changed to be compatible with mobile and added to the game for mobile users.
- The bot selections previously didn't save to the map, meaning you had to manually set the skin to your liking every time you loaded a map.
- Some actors look slightly different in Build Mode:
- Soldier has their cheeks removed, Poley has a bigger hat, and Officer Doggy uses Doggy's redesigned head model.
- Though Poley got a bigger hat in Heist, the other changes are unlikely to happen.
- Soldier has their cheeks removed, Poley has a bigger hat, and Officer Doggy uses Doggy's redesigned head model.
- The Swarm gamemode was added to Build Mode a whole day after the gamemode was released.
- The UI received a small update on August 12th, 2021. Along with this, you're now able to teleport back to the main Piggy game.
- About 20 minutes later, a whitelist feature was added.
- For some reason, when Swarm was added to Build Mode, it and the Player gamemode had switched button colors.
- Previously, when Tigry was selected as the bot through the 'use my equipped skin' option, the bot that spawned in was the uninfected Tigry (Uniform) bot.
- When ??? is selected as the bot through the 'use my equipped skin' option, the bot has a slightly slower crawling animation than the skin and bot in the Hidden Ending.
- Due to this, the footstep sounds don't sync with the animation.
- If either Doggy, Foxy, Grandmother, or Mousy get selected as the bot and when getting stunned their names will show inside of "Piggy is gone for 20 seconds".
- This is probably because they aren't coded properly for Build Mode yet.
- Trap Points, Dreidel Events, and Special Potions can still activate abilities/traps even if the owner has disabled them.
The discussions tag for Build Mode can be found here.
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