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Piggy Wiki

The Candle is an item in Piggy. It appears as a quest item in Forest - Chapter 4 and Mansion, and a regular progression item in Docks - Chapter 9, Temple - Chapter 10 and Distraction.


The candle is a small yellow cylinder-like object with a thin wick. There is wax dripping, making a puddle near the bottom.


Forest - Chapter 4[]

There were five of these around the map as part of the Spooky Hunt. Clicking one would send it to the same platform Piggy spawns on. When all five were collected and lit with the torch, Mr. Stitchy would spawn.

Docks - Chapter 9[]

  • Used to light up the maze, thus opening up the path.
  • Used to click on all 5 eyes around the map. Necessary to unlock the Crawling Trap.

Temple - Chapter 10[]

  • Used to burn the webs, opening the 2 pathways to the exit and the Swinging axe room.
  • Used on the question mark wall, next to the purple safe in the shovel room, opening a portal. It will teleport you outside of the room when touched, it can also trigger the Phenna skin quest.


  • Used to burn the webs blocking the storage room.


There are five of these around the map as part of Bela’s Hunt. Clicking one will send it to the mirror room in the basement. When all six are collected and lit, the Black Key will spawn on Duocara’s back.


Forest - Chapter 4[]

The candles used to spawn in different locations:

  • Behind the Piggy spawn.
  • Behind the cabin across from the red lock cabin.
  • Inside the cave, which requires the hammer to access.
  • Inside the tent inside the fenced-in campsite, which requires the orange key to access.
  • In the corner of the watchtower, which requires the plank to access.

Docks - Chapter 9[]

  • Laying on the ground, next to one of 3 walls in the tomb/ red key room.

Temple - Chapter 10[]

  • Inside the green key room on top of a bench.
  • Inside the blue key room on top of the bench.


  • Inside the red key room on the shelf.


  • In the corner near were the survivor spawns.
  • Near the front door (2 candles).
  • Inside the room with the red toys.
  • In the corner near where piggy spawns.
  • Inside the Library.


  • The candle was removed after the Spooky Hunt, but eventually came back on the release of Docks.
    • It's one of the few items that got removed and came back again.
  • Oddly, the Traitor is unable to pick up the candle, despite it not being a weapon.


Keys Green Key Green KeyRed Key Red KeyBlue Key Blue KeyOrange Key Orange KeyYellow Key Yellow KeyPurple Key Purple KeyWhite Key White KeyBlack Key Black KeyPinkKey1 Pink KeyGrey key Grey KeyElevatorKeyEdited Elevator KeyFrontKeyV1 Front Door KeyGlitchKeyInGame Glitch Key
Keycards RedCard Red KeycardBlueCard Blue KeycardGreenCard Green KeycardOrangeCard Orange Keycard
Gears GearRed Red GearGearGreen Green GearSewerGear White Gear
Vials VialEmpty Empty VialVialPurple Purple VialVialGreen Green Vial

RedWire Red WireBlueWire BlueWireSpaceShip Blue WireGreenWire GreenWireSpaceship Green WireYellowWire Yellow WirePurpleWireSpaceShip Purple Wire

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Gifts Book BookDreidel DreidelFencingFoil Fencing FoilPresentThing PresentRobotToy Robot Toy
Paint Buckets MorningPaintBucket Day Paint BucketSunsetPaintBucket Sunset Paint BucketMidnightPaintBucket Night Paint Bucket
Quest Mrs. P Photo Redesign Render Mrs. P PhotoCandleDocksCandleSkellyskull Skelly PartsRedRose RoseWeirdBook Spell BookPurpleGuyTeddy Purple TeddyPurplePotionActual2 Purple PotionPurpleGuyGameboy Purple ControllerSnowmanCropped Snowman PartsEggPig Easter EggsGoldPiggyItem Gold Piggy TrophyBlueprint transparent BlueprintsPageTransparent PagesBlack Key Black KeyCrystalTransparent CrystalChip ChipGlitchKeyInGame Glitch KeyCrowbar CrowbarGearRed Red GearGearGreen Green GearCauldron potion 1 Red PotionCauldron potion 2 Purple PotionSpecial Potion Event Green PotionMrs. P puzzle piece renderPuzzle PiecesDangerHook Grappling HookHeart Key light fixed Heart KeyHeartBox Heart BoxHeart Piggy(1) HeartLitTorchonWall TorchesBrokePotato NotesBucket Empty BucketBucket Filled Filled Bucket
Others HammerHammer HammerWrenchWrench WrenchMostSecureCode Key CodeWoodenPlank PlankGasolineGas GasNewRedEgg Red EggNewGreenEgg Green EggNewTorch TorchGoldTokenCoin CoinWaterPistol Water GunCarn MalletFire1 Fire ExtinguisherDynamite DynamiteCrowbar CrowbarLaserMirror MirrorBulletfortank Tank BulletDinosaurtoy Dinosaur ToyScrewdriverbettercropped ScrewdriverMop MopScissors ScissorsTvremote Remote ControlLadderladder LadderActualGrenade Smoke GrenadeMimiRoaster BlowtorchChampionshipTicket Show TicketShovelShovelShovel ShovelBarenAxe Baren's AxeDangerHook Grappling HookCandleDocks CandleRopeIcon RopeSprayIcon Spray CanPie PieWeightIcon BarbellYellow flashlight FlashlightFishingRodMetallicaEvent Fishing RodFanBlade Fan BladeDecayLever LeverBurlapBag Burlap BagPickaxe Piggy Decay Background PickaxeSnowball Snowball
Build Mode Exclusive GoldTokenCoin Stackable CoinTraitor Gun Traitor GunActualKnife KnifeGenerator Parts Generator PartsSkeleton arm Skeleton ArmPresentThing GiftMagnifying Glass Event ItemPng Magnifying GlassSpecial Potion Event Special Potion EventMagic Wand Item Magic Wand
Piggy: Hunt Exclusive PlungerPiggyHunt PlungerValve item Valves