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Piggy Wiki
Carver Gallery

Carver is a skin in Piggy. He is a reward obtained during Season 5 - Witching Hour.


Carver appears as a black mole, he wears a mask that resembles a carved pumpkin over his head. On top of the pumpkin is a brown farmer's hat. He wears a dark red scarf on his neck. He wears a dark yellow shirt, underneath a brown plaid jacket. The jacket's sleeves end in tears, where his hands are, which are covered with green fingerless gloves. His jeans' cuffs are folded, and they have colored pads stitched onto them. Finally, he wears black shoes/boots.

When killing up to 5 players, Carver starts going through five different phases.

  • Phase 1: Carver's eyes light up and cracks begin to form.
  • Phase 2: The cracks become wider.
  • Phase 3: Carver's eyes burn brighter.
  • Phase 4: Carver's eyes turn from a lighter shade to a darker shade of orange.
  • Phase 5 (Final): The cracks become even wider, and Carver's eyes turn red.


Note: You can't enter the season shop and get the skin because Season 5 - Witching Hour is over.

Reach level 11 in Season 5 and purchase him for 1000 Candies.



Stands, leaning to his left a little, and occasionally tilts his head to the right, before bringing it back to where it originally was.


Limps with his right leg, dragging his left, while holding his axe behind him.


Leans back, then takes one swipe with his left arm, lodging his axe into you.


Looks down and puts arms down, with occasional head twitching (overlays the current animation).


Looks upwards while raising right hand.


  • Carver resembles a scarecrow, which may be a reference to the trope of scarecrows coming to life and attacking people.
  • Carver drops orange and yellow leaf particles.
  • He and Doggy share an axe as their weapon.
    • Doggy's, however, is smaller and isn't curved.
  • Carver is one of the few skins to not have any pupils.
  • Carver is the first skin to progressively change after killing, the second being Meisery.
    • Gryffyn does something similar, but his stages are repeated and randomized, whereas Carver's stages only happen once and in a specific order.
  • Carver and Meisery require the least currency (1000 Candies/Gifts) out of every season skin (the other four require 1050 of their respective currencies).
  • Carver's pumpkin was originally going to fully break after getting enough kills, but this idea was scrapped.[1]
  • When Carver knocks down Pony in Docks, he doesn't go through any of his phases during the jumpscare.
  • He is currently the last seasonal main skin to be modeled by MiniToon as Meisery was modeled by Axel Glow.
  • Carver is one of the few skins to hold their weapon in their left hand, with the others being Billy, Alfis, Glenn and Krampiggy.
  • There was a bug causing Carver's theme to play in Build Mode in a specific spot which plays even when a round starts.
    • This has now been patched.
  • Carver had a bug where if you got kills or infected someone for either the get 5 kills quest or the infect 3 players in Infection mode quest, they won't count for either quest. This also applied to Duocara.
  • This is the second skin to walk sideways, the first being Dakoda. Carver’s walking animation seemingly uses Dakoda’s as a base seeing as the body and leg movements are similar.
  • Carver and Shardantus are the only skins whose footsteps sync with their walk animations.
  • He shares his jumpscare sound with Duocara.
  • He is the last regular skin in the game to be made solely by MiniToon, although Moonie and her alternate skin are user-exclusive skins also solely designed by MiniToon, as well as the 2024 April Fool’s skin Piggy.EXE.

Sound Origins[]


The discussions tag for Carver can be found here.

Piggy: Book 1 Skins PiggyRedesign DistortedPennyRenderPiggyLittleBrotherRedesign Little BrotherMotherRedesign MotherFatherRedesign FatherGrandmotherRedesign GrandmotherSheepyRedesign SheepyAlt SheepyPandyRedesign PandyTeacherRedesign TeacherMemoryTransparent MemoryKittyRedesign KittyMimiSkinRedesign1 MimiDinopiggyRedesign DinopiggyDaisyRedesign DaisyAngelPiggy AngelPonySkinRedesign PonyTransparentDevil DevilDoggySkinRedesign DoggyGiraffySkinRedesign GiraffyBearyRedesign BearyFoxyRedesign FoxyEllyRedesign EllyMiliSoldier SoldierZombifiedPiglin ZompiggyBadgyTransparentAlternateSkinBadgy BadgyBunnySkinRedesign Bunny (Alternate) BunnyTransparentSkelly SkellyClownyClownTransparent ClownyTigryNew TigryMousyRedesign MousyParaseeParasitePigTransparent ParaseeZizzySkinRedesignZizzyInTheNutcracker ZizzyGhostyMoreTransparent GhostyRobbyTransparent RobbyBillyRedesign BillyBudgeyFrontTransparent BudgeyTransparentTorcher TorcherMrPSkinRedesign Mr. P
Piggy: Book 2 Skins InfectedPoliceDoggo Officer DoggyRacoonTrash RashKatieNurseTransparent Katie (Alternate) KatieMoreEvilKonaGaming KonaMadScientist KonaTransparentPandyUniform Pandy (Uniform)DessaTransparent DessaArchieArcticWillow ArchieRazetheCyborgRatTransparent RazeTigry (Uniform) redesign Tigry (Uniform)KolieWorkerTransparent KolieMarkus-WitchHunter MarkusAlfisTransparent AlfisLink=Dakoda DakodaTobiTheTurtle TobiAnotherFelix FelixDelta DeltaMariTransparent MariKamosiDoesNotStartWithPKamosiAltTransp KamosiSpidellaTheAwesomeSpider SpidellaZebraTwins TwinsKraxicordeHQ KraxicordeSilly zeus Silzous InfectedWillowWillowTheEntity???
Extras PumpiggyTransparent PumpiggyTheRedNosedReindessa ReindessaAnotherTransCroveCroveTheDeathDoctor CroveAnotherPoley PoleyMisterStitchy Mr. StitchySideTransparentOwell OwellFrostiggyHQnobg FrostiggyPrimroseArcher PrimroseBessBunny BessTrophyPiggy Gold PiggyPhenn PhennaColorfluidAntRedAnteoItsAllJustABadDreamLaura LauraBaka!Bakari BakariSentinel SentinelMr. Bliss Mr. BlissDarkKnight-Gryffyn GryffynOmbraTransp OmbraFerguscrazy FergusSHARDANTUS ShardantusMarley Russell In-Game Marley RussellGLENN GlennJakaylaTransp JakaylaCarver CarverDuocara DuocaraMayor DuocaraBelaV2 BelaMeisery MeiseryEelektra2 EelektraGoober BlattPrototypeTransp The PrototypeDecayingInfectedIcon Decaying InfectedMonsterman SamRachna RachnaKrampig KrampiggyMrsPoopyseedskin Mrs. P
User Exclusive PickleRickie3D-0 Pickle RickLisaSkin LisaMoonie PNG MoonieFes Moonie2024-07-27 18-02-41 MoopyTankMegaTankNormalMegaTank Mega Tank
Other Skins

Sketchy (Skin) Png real sketch (not fake)GurtySkin 2D-Gurty GurtyPiggyEXE Piggy.EXE
