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Piggy Wiki
Not to be confused with the Ghost Mode from the main game, or the Ghosty skin.

An example of a ghost in Piggy: Hunt.

The Ghost Curse is a gameplay mechanic in Piggy: Hunt. It allows dead players to become ghosts after being killed by the Infected.


When a survivor is killed by the infected, they turn into a ghost, leaving only a tombstone and any held item behind in the place where they died. A ghost has a translucent blue appearance. They levitate and have a translucent blue version of whatever face and head accessories they wear. A ghost is able to go through most walls and forms of obstacles, even when locked.

A ghost is also able to use "Ghost Stun", an ability that’s exclusive to them which is able to aid survivors by stunning the infected for a brief period of time. When the effect is applied to an infected, they will first walk slower than usual while the ghost appears above their head. Then, they will be properly stunned like a Stun Gun would do. A ghost can only stun the infected twice per round.

If a survivor escapes, the ghosts will also win and receive rewards (which are Piggy Tokens and/or Bacon). If a ghost leaves the round before this can happen, they will not obtain any sort of reward.


  • This mechanic is similar to the Ghost Mode in the main Piggy.
    • The difference is that Piggy: Hunt ghosts are able to stun infected while the Piggy ghosts aren't.
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