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Piggy Wiki
Gryffyn Gallery

Gryffyn is an extra skin in Piggy. They are one of the two skins that could have been obtained from Season 4 - Expectant Exploration, along with Kamosi (Alternate). They are also the main bot and antagonist for the first phase of The Hunt: First Edition Event.


Gryffyn appears to be a tall knight statue resembling a pig. Mist seems to appear around their weapon and torso. In their default form, their eyes, helmet, visor, horsehair crest, pauldrons, and gauntlets are all black, as well as the markings on their chest, waist, knees, and elbows. They also wield a halberd, which is also marked black. With every kill, the previously mentioned areas and weapon change colors, which can vary between red, green, yellow, blue, white, and purple.


Note: You cannot enter the season shop and get the skin because Season 4 - Expectant Exploration is over.

Reach Level 11 in Season 4 and purchase them for 1050 Relics.




Stands up straight, while twitching their head to the right often, nods a little during head twitch.


Stands up straight, occasionally tips their head to the left. Unlike the current idle animation, Gryffyn's halberd is perched on its left shoulder, and its entire body is rigged.



Appear to bend their knees while walking.


Legs are less stiff compared to current animation, and Gryffyn now carries their halberd with their hands while moving their head.


Moves both hands behind head to grab weapon, then slams weapon and body down onto the player, changing the color of their weapon and suit of armor after getting up.

NOTE: The color changing feature does not apply to the Gryffyn bot in the The Hunt: First Edition event and Build Mode bot (not counting the 'use my equipped skin' option).


Looks up and puts arms down, with occasional head twitching (overlays the current animation).


  • Gryffyn is the first and so far the only season skin to appear in a chapter.
    • The bot used in The Hunt isn't an exact copy of the skin, as it doesn't have the color changing mechanic upon a player being killed.
  • Gryffyn is the fourth skin to partially change color, the first being Anteo, the second being Sentinel, the third being Mr. Bliss, and the fourth being Carver.
    • Of these, Gryffyn and Carver are the only ones to change color after a certain action rather than always alternating in color.
  • Gryffyn is the second skin that glows after killing, the first one being Silzous.
    • Interestingly, both of these characters have a somewhat medieval appearance and are the only skins that D3XT3R_PLAYZ contributed to.
  • They are the second limited time skin to later become a bot, the first being Poley.
    • Both Gryffyn's and Poley's bot counterparts are slightly different from their original skins. The Poley bot having a different hat, weapon, and animations as well as being non-infected, and the Gryffyn bot not changing colors after killing a player. And while the Gryffyn bot uses the same material as the skin, that being Slate, it appears different since the event it appears in uses the 2022 materials rather than the classic materials.
  • Gryffyn has particle effects surrounding them that are more visible on high graphics.
  • When Gryffyn knocks down Pony in Docks, they don't change colors during the jumpscare.
  • They are the tallest skin in the game that is modeled by MiniToon.
  • Strangely, their ears are larger than the other pig-like skins. This applies to Soldier.
    • Gryffyn and Kolie both have their soundtracks played slightly sped up as opposed to most skins having their soundtracks played at normal speed or slowed down.
  • The Gryffyn bot in The Hunt: First Edition was nerfed to have the same speed as the Grandmother bot in the City.
    • Gryffyn's speed was changed back to normal in the 8/21/2024 update.
  • Gryffyn's name might stem from Gryphon, a creature from Greco-Roman and medieval European folklore that is half-lion and half-eagle.
  • Most of Gryffyn's animations are originally from Crove, with Gryffyn's idle having a different head movement due to their rig.
  • Gryffyn has unused idle and walk animations made by D3XT3R_PLAYZ. According to D3XT3R_PLAYZ, the animations were unused because they were too big for the standard doorway.[1]
  • Gryffyn will only repeat colors after cycling through all seven of their colors. They can also turn into their default black color.
  • Gryffyn still has their color changing mechanic as a bot in Build Mode if the 'use my equipped skin' option is selected, though the default Gryffyn bot in the menu acts like The Hunt: First Edition version, not changing color. This is due to the fact that The Hunt: First Edition map didn’t exist at the time when the equipped skin' option was implemented.



Sound Origins[]

  • Their soundtrack origin is an APM Music track from the Creator Marketplace called "The Temple" but 1.2 times faster and slightly high pitched.
  • Their jumpscare origin is a Pro Sound Effects audio from the Creator Marketplace called "Screaming Tone 3" but lower pitched.
  • Their hit sound is an audio called bladedismember3.


The discussions tag for Gryffyn can be found here.

Piggy: Book 1 Skins PiggyRedesign DistortedPennyRenderPiggyLittleBrotherRedesign Little BrotherMotherRedesign MotherFatherRedesign FatherGrandmotherRedesign GrandmotherSheepyRedesign SheepyAlt SheepyPandyRedesign PandyTeacherRedesign TeacherMemoryTransparent MemoryKittyRedesign KittyMimiSkinRedesign1 MimiDinopiggyRedesign DinopiggyDaisyRedesign DaisyAngelPiggy AngelPonySkinRedesign PonyTransparentDevil DevilDoggySkinRedesign DoggyGiraffySkinRedesign GiraffyBearyRedesign BearyFoxyRedesign FoxyEllyRedesign EllyMiliSoldier SoldierZombifiedPiglin ZompiggyBadgyTransparentAlternateSkinBadgy BadgyBunnySkinRedesign Bunny (Alternate) BunnyTransparentSkelly SkellyClownyClownTransparent ClownyTigryNew TigryMousyRedesign MousyParaseeParasitePigTransparent ParaseeZizzySkinRedesignZizzyInTheNutcracker ZizzyGhostyMoreTransparent GhostyRobbyTransparent RobbyBillyRedesign BillyBudgeyFrontTransparent BudgeyTransparentTorcher TorcherMrPSkinRedesign Mr. P
Piggy: Book 2 Skins InfectedPoliceDoggo Officer DoggyRacoonTrash RashKatieNurseTransparent Katie (Alternate) KatieMoreEvilKonaGaming KonaMadScientist KonaTransparentPandyUniform Pandy (Uniform)DessaTransparent DessaArchieArcticWillow ArchieRazetheCyborgRatTransparent RazeTigry (Uniform) redesign Tigry (Uniform)KolieWorkerTransparent KolieMarkus-WitchHunter MarkusAlfisTransparent AlfisLink=Dakoda DakodaTobiTheTurtle TobiAnotherFelix FelixDelta DeltaMariTransparent MariKamosiDoesNotStartWithPKamosiAltTransp KamosiSpidellaTheAwesomeSpider SpidellaZebraTwins TwinsKraxicordeHQ KraxicordeSilly zeus Silzous InfectedWillowWillowTheEntity???
Extras PumpiggyTransparent PumpiggyTheRedNosedReindessa ReindessaAnotherTransCroveCroveTheDeathDoctor CroveAnotherPoley PoleyMisterStitchy Mr. StitchySideTransparentOwell OwellFrostiggyHQnobg FrostiggyPrimroseArcher PrimroseBessBunny BessTrophyPiggy Gold PiggyPhenn PhennaColorfluidAntRedAnteoItsAllJustABadDreamLaura LauraBaka!Bakari BakariSentinel SentinelMr. Bliss Mr. BlissDarkKnight-Gryffyn GryffynOmbraTransp OmbraFerguscrazy FergusSHARDANTUS ShardantusMarley Russell In-Game Marley RussellGLENN GlennJakaylaTransp JakaylaCarver CarverDuocara DuocaraMayor DuocaraBelaV2 BelaMeisery MeiseryEelektra2 EelektraGoober BlattPrototypeTransp The PrototypeDecayingInfectedIcon Decaying InfectedMonsterman SamRachna RachnaKrampig KrampiggyMrsPoopyseedskin Mrs. P
User Exclusive PickleRickie3D-0 Pickle RickLisaSkin LisaMoonie PNG MoonieFes Moonie2024-07-27 18-02-41 MoopyTankMegaTankNormalMegaTank Mega Tank
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