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Piggy Wiki

Lucella is a fictional urban city set in the continent of Evalia, which is located somewhere in the southern regions of the North Sea. It appears in several chapters in both Book 1 and Book 2, as well as the PIGGY: Infected novel. At some point in time, Lucella was taken over by the Infected, a large group of people who caught an infectious virus known as Substance - 128 or simply the Infection.

Locations and Landmarks[]


Piggy: Hunt[]

PIGGY: Infected[]

  • Ollie's House
  • Ben's House
  • The Lucella Police Department Station
  • The Lucella Gallery


  • MiniToon confirmed that Lucella is a city and that chapters such as Hospital and City take place in different cities.[1]
  • It is currently unconfirmed if Forest and School take place in Lucella, though it's likely that they do.
  • Some people used to think that LPD stands for the London Police Department, but this was debunked by the poster behind a dumpster in Alleys, confirming that it stands for the Lucella Police Department.
  • Distraction is the last chapter that's confirmed to be set in Lucella.
  • Port was often thought to be part of Lucella, but a newspaper in the Metallica x Piggy event map shows an image of Port as ‘Amberdale’.
  • According to a note in the Metallica x Piggy Event, Lucella is in the continent of Evalia.
  • Lucella may be mistaken as a country sometimes. But for now it is unknown what country Lucella is in and in what country Piggy takes place in.


The discussions tag for Lucella can be found here.

Piggy: Book 1 Chapters HouseStationGalleryForestSchoolHospitalMetroCarnivalCityMallOutpostPlant
Piggy: Book 2 Chapters AlleysStoreRefineryThe Safe PlaceSewersFactoryPortShipDocksTempleCampLab
Other Chapters Gurt - Chapter ?Distorted MemoryRB Battles StudioWinter HolidayHeistDistractionBreakoutMansionRB Battles SpaceshipMetallica FestThe HuntThe PIGGY™ HouseholdLucella ManorDecayDistorted Holiday
Non-Chapter Locations LucellaCity HotelElly EnterprisesGrandma Piggy's PoutineKitty's KitchenBirdy BankThe Aye-Aye ArcadeDaisy's TVsLeo's LaundromatOld OakRP2 SubspaceNorth SeaDoveportOutpost EchoBaba's PiesTigry's HouseBoot CampClassroomInvisible MazePlanet BlueMetro SystemSurvivor CampBunny's HouseMr. P's Farm