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Mr. P Gallery Mr. P (Novels)
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"I tried making things better... but just ended up making them worse."
― Mr. P, Outpost - Chapter 11

Mr. Poppyseed,[1] better known as Mr. P, is a character in Piggy. He is one of the three main antagonists of Piggy and serves as the main antagonist of Book 1, and a minor character in Book 2. He served as a relatively unknown character for the first half of Piggy: Book 1 (up until Hospital), and then became the main antagonist for the second half of Book 1, though he appears as a neutral character in the ending of Plant. He was also the secondary bot and main antagonist of Plant. He also appears in Regarding The Rumors and Decay as a hallucination.

He is a major part of the Piggy: Book 1 storyline as the starter of the infection accidentally, when he attempted to save his wife, Mrs. P from the Linnaeoma disease. Although he looked like normal in School, he was soon a cyborg in Outpost, which was then revealed as to why he looked like that in the Plant ending.

Mr. P is also a billionaire, and funded a team of researchers to develop a failed cure for the Linnaeoma disease which was named Substance - 128.

Physical Appearance


Mr. P is a purple sweet potato. He is wearing a black fedora with a flower in it, has a small, black mustache, and has a yellow monocle on his right eye. He wears a suit and a tie, black pants, and what appears to be brown socks with black shoes. He also has a cane in this right hand.


He is a half robotic/cyborg purple sweet potato, and his entire left arm is replaced with a robotic gun. Also, a large portion of his body is artificial, like his right eye. His glasses are gone, and he no longer uses a walking stick.


Mr. P's old design was based off of Mr. Potato from Peppa Pig. He had the appearance of a modeled potato with limbs and a modeled mustache. He has a wide red smile and wears a desperado hat.


He is a half robotic/cyborg potato, and his entire left arm is replaced with a robotic gun. Also, a large portion of his body is artificial, like his right eye. His smile is now gone, and he has a small eyebrow above his left eye, giving him an angry expression.


Before the Infection

Mr. P was a popular celebrity in Lucella, having been a millionaire, and even being interviewed by Protection Services Through Mechanics & Machines. As time went by, he became a billionaire, however his wife, Mrs. P contracted a disease known as Linnaeoma. While she was resting in the hospital, Mr. P would do everything he could to try and make her feel better. He donated over 40% of all his funds to various research facilities, but they still could not do anything to cure Mrs. P's disease. Mr. P later formed a group of people, consisting of himself, his wife, and two of his friends named Bunny and Sheepy, to try and create a cure to the Linnaeoma disease.

Testing the Cure

After a while, the researchers managed to make what he thought would be a successful cure to the disease, though it was rushed, and doctors warned him that it is unstable. Before he could give it to Mrs. P, he had to test it on other people to see if it was safe. Eventually, the Piggy family volunteered to test the cure, except for the youngest child, Georgie Piggy. The initial results were significant, as the Piggy family became stronger, so Mr. P was overjoyed and gave the cure to Mrs. P immediately.

Start of the Infection

Mrs. P was getting better, until Mr. P heard news that Piggy family started becoming hostile. Mr. P shrugged it off, thinking that it had nothing to do with his cure, but then, Mrs. P started becoming aggressive too, and her eyes became red. Mr. P knew that he had to stop her, but didn't have the heart to do it, so he let her go. He then funded the hospital to develop a cure for this new virus.

Failed Rescue Mission

Mr. P and Bunny later went on a rescue mission and a supply run in a school to save a Teacher. The Teacher was fine when Mr. P and Bunny came to rescue her, but soon turned infected, which caused Mr. P and Bunny to get separated. Bunny locked herself in a surveillance room, while Mr. P seemingly locked himself in the sewers beneath the school.

Contacting the Player

Just when the Player managed to escape from the forest, they find a walkie-talkie. Mr. P, who was on the other side, asked if there was anyone from the other side. When the Player made a contact with Mr. P, the billionaire guided him to the school asked him to rescue Bunny, and meet him in the sewers afterwards. After escaping the Teacher, the Player and Bunny then found their way to Mr. P. Shortly after meeting with Mr. P, the Player starts to feel sick and then faints . Mr. P and Bunny then take the Player to the hospital to save them.

Raid of the Hospital

Mr. P and the researchers noticed signs of the infection in the Player and believes that they will not make it, but Bunny decides to not give up on them. Since the Player rescued her, she believes it is duty to protect them from being tossed out and deemed as a lost cause. As Mr. P is working on more cures, the hospital is raided by the infected and Bunny is attacked. Mr. P gives her one of his rushed cures, thinking it would save her. In the midst of chaos, doctor Beary gets infected and causes severe panic. The Player then wakes up and Bunny tells them that Mr. P is waiting for them on the roof with his helicopter, so the two make it there, only to find out that Mr. P left without them and that he left a note that says "I have to do this for our own good." The Player and Bunny have no other choice but to find another exit.

Hallucinated by Bunny

Bunny begins to turn infected, due to the potion, so she was left at Metro Station Seven, however, she hears her sister, Bonnet, so she goes to other stations to explore, until she found herself in the hospital, when there, there was writing on the ground what said "YOU LEFT US FOR HIM", and Bunny sees hallucinations of Sheepy and Mr. P, she follows them, until they turn around with glowing eyes, and they disappear.

Cybernetic Enhancement

Off-screen, while Mr. P flies the helicopter to a military outpost, he looked for Sheepy in the forest only to find out she is infected. He then undergoes having some parts of his body get artificially replaced, including having his left arm replaced with a plasma gun. There, the infection breaks out too, and soldiers of the outpost become infected too. Mr. P, then questions why everyone is turning infected, since he only made seven potions in total. He parks his helicopter right beside his nuclear power plant in the outpost. They then go in, but one of the researchers (probably Badgy) writes a note saying that they may have come into contact with Substance - 128.

Arrival of the Player and Georgie

The Player and Georgie Piggy go inside the plant and encounter Mr. P, who is talking to himself, saying that he's become a disaster, as he wanted to make things better, but only made them worse. The Player announces his presence by telling Mr. P that he has come to stop Mr. P's "evil plans". Mr. P says that they're not real and that his mind is playing tricks on him. The Player is confused, but then Mr. P says that they and Georgie are dead and to leave him be. He then walks away, but the Player and Georgie run after him.


Mr. P, starting to get annoyed, stops and tells his pursuers that he wanted to be left alone, but that their memories still haunt him, telling that they're just as stubborn as him when he tried to save his wife. Now, however, he says that he will stop them, just as he should've stopped himself and starts to chase them. All of a sudden, Badgy appears and starts chasing the Player and Georgie, showing no interest for Mr. P. After the Player uses the dynamite to destroy a section of the plant, they start hallucinating, but is still able to get Mr. P to snap out of his madness by showing him a picture of his wife.

The Truth

Mr. P falls to the floor, stating that it's all coming back to him, and that he is sorry for everything he's done. He says that he left the hospital with researchers because he thought the Player was infected, and the researchers helped him to become a cyborg to protect himself from the infected, but no matter how much they changed him, nothing could protect him from his mistakes. Georgie then steps in and demands Mr. P to tell him what happened to his family, and Mr. P tells him that they were testing the cure he made. Georgie replies that he is going to hurt him because of his family's fate, but the Player dissuades him from doing so, saying that if Georgie hurt Mr. P, then he would be no better than him. The Player also adds that revenge would only turn Georgie into what he hates the most in Mr. P, so Georgie decides not to put his words into action. Mr. P tells them both that it isn't safe at the plant anymore, and the Player agrees. Georgie suggests that they should leave now, but the Player comes up to Mr. P and asks him what happened, since they really want to know. Mr. P, then explains everything to the Player. Mr. P states that it is a selfish and sorrowful story, but the Player forgives him, and tells Mr. P that they'll never forget him. The Player and Georgie then depart. In True ending, Mr. P is nowhere to be found, implying that he is probably still alive.


Since the battle at the plant, and after he shared his story with the Player, Mr. P has not been forgotten by them, and is still mentioned to this day. However, people overseas in Doveport, claim that he is a joke, and a nuisance to the scientific community, since he's the one who caused the infection. Even TIO mentions Mr. P, who claims that he is a perfect example of how freedom will destroy the world.




Forest - Chapter 4

  • "Hello? Is anyone out there?"

School - Chapter 5

  • "My name is Mr. P, and I need you to rescue my friend from the school."
  • "Meet me in the sewers when you find her!"
  • "Looks like you two made it out!"

Outpost - Chapter 11

  • "I've become a disaster."
  • "I tried making things better... but just ended up making them worse."
  • "It... can't be..."
  • "The people I let down are here to haunt me."
  • "You two are dead! Leave me be!"

Plant - Chapter 12

  • "I wish to be alone but you memories continue to torment me."
  • "You are as stubborn I was when I tried to save my wife."
  • "But this time... I will stop you as I should've stopped myself."
  • "... It's all coming back to me. I'm sorry..."
  • "I left the hospital with researchers when I thought you were infected, Anonymous User."
  • "They helped me protect myself... and now I look like this."
  • "No matter how much they changed me, nothing could protect me from my mistakes."
  • "They wanted to help me with my research..."
  • "... You need to leave now. It's not safe here."
  • "I'll fight the infected until I drop, it's time I try to redeem myself."
  • "I... I want to tell you my story, but you won't believe me."
  • "Then you must leave after... I'm afraid there isn't much time."
  • "I was developing a cure to the sickness my wife, Mrs. P, had."
  • "I put in all my time and money into saving her. I even rushed the doctors to test the supposed cure."
  • "The doctors kept telling me that the sample was unstable, but I didn't listen and I needed volunteers."
  • "Then came the kind Piggy family... all but Georgie. They wanted to help."
  • "The initial results were significant. They became stronger. I was overjoyed, so I gave it to Mrs. P immediately."
  • "She was getting better until we heard news that the Piggy family started becoming hostile."
  • "I thought it had nothing to do with my cure, but eventually, Mrs. P became aggressive, too."
  • "The last time I saw her, she had red eyes. I had to stop her but I didn't have the heart to, so I let her go."
  • "I tried again to make cures. Then you came along, we found signs of the infection within you but you were still alive."
  • "Before we could do more research, the hospital we were at was raided, and Bunny was attacked."
  • "I gave her another rushed cure, thinking it would save her. I realized what I had done, and left you two."
  • "There you have it. That is my selfish, sorrowful story."
  • "Good luck, you two."
  • "Then came the kind Piggy family... all but George. They wanted to help." [removed quote]

Regarding the Rumors

  • "Is it on?"
  • "Alright, great."
  • "From my experience with Protection Services-"
  • "Ah, right."
  • "From my experience, Mudson and his efficient team of bright engineers and workers have their vision set on what's best for the country and for their business."
  • "And... yeah, I think they're great!"


This page is about the interactions between Mr. P and other characters.

Character Status Description of Relationship First Interaction Location
Penny Before the Infection: Work Mates

During the Infection: Unknown

Penny, alongside with her parents, volunteered to test Mr. P's cure. Since Mr. P refers to them as "kind Piggy family", he was probably in a positive relationship with them. However, it seems that he didn't know much about them, as they were his test subjects. Unknown
Georgie Before the Infection: Unknown

During the Infection: Former Enemies, Minor Allies

Georgie was the only member of the Piggy family who was absent during testing. Georgie hated and blamed Mr. P for infecting his family, even going as far as trying to kill him in Plant. However, the Player dissuaded him from doing it, so Georgie and Mr. P instead became minor allies. Outpost - Chapter 11 (ending cutscene)
Mother Before the Infection: Work Mates

During the Infection: Unknown

Mother, alongside with her daughter and husband, volunteered to test Mr. P's cure. Since Mr. P refers to them as "kind Piggy family", he was probably in a positive relationship with them. However, it seems that he didn't know much about them, as they were his test subjects. Unknown
Father Before the Infection: Work Mates

During the Infection: Unknown

Father, alongside with his daughter and wife, volunteered to test Mr. P's cure. Since Mr. P refers to them as "kind Piggy family", he was probably in a positive relationship with them. However, it seems that he didn't know much about them, as they were his test subjects. Unknown
Mrs. P Before the Infection: Family Member

During the Infection: Neutral

Mr. P cares dearly for Mrs. P as he made an entire research group and started the infection as an attempt to save her. Before the infection Mrs. P was sick with Linnaeoma, so Mr. P donated over 40% of his bank funds for the research of the cure and even rushed the doctors to test it, despite their warnings that the antidote is unstable. When Piggy family tested the antidote, Mr. P thought that it was proper and gave it to Mrs. P. However, the antidote actually turned Mrs. P into an infected. Mr. P knew he had to stop her, but since he loved her, he let her go instead. Unknown
Bunny Before the Infection: Friends/Work Mates

During the Infection: Neutral/Work Mates

Bunny trusted Mr. P, and she and him were seen in a picture together in a memory in the Piggy: Book 1 Credits. They had a positive relationship, although she began to be on bad terms when Mr. P gave her a potion and abandoned her and the Player at hospital. Unknown
Beary Before the Infection: Unknown

During the Infection: Enemies

It is unknown if Mr. P interacted with Beary, but it's possible that Beary was part of Mr. P's research team. However, Beary got infected, so he and Mr. P cannot be on good terms. Unknown
Sheepy Before the Infection: Friends/Work Mates

During the Infection: Neutral

Sheepy and Mr. P presumably worked together to make a cure for Mrs. P. Later, while Mr. P flies the helicopter to the military outpost, he looks for her in the forest only to find out she is infected. Unknown
Badgy Before the Infection: Friends/Work Mates

During the Infection: Enemies

Badgy and Mr. P presumably worked together to make a cure for Mrs. P. However, Badgy got infected, so he and Mr. P cannot be on good terms. Unknown
Patient Zero Before the Infection: Friends/Work Mates

During the Infection: Unknown

Patient Zero trusted Mr. P enough to allow them to test a new cure on them. Unfortunately, they got infected later, as confirmed in a note. Unknown
Other Researchers Before the Infection: Friends/Work Mates

During the Infection: Enemies (presumably)

Several other researchers and Mr. P worked together to make a cure for Mrs. P. Unfortunately, they got infected later, as confirmed in a note. Unknown
Player Before the Infection: Unknown

During the Infection: Minor Friends

Mr. P first speaks with the Player from a walkie talkie left near the Forest, telling the Player to save Bunny from the School and meet him in the sewers. While Mr. P was supposed to bring the Player and Bunny to safety in the Hospital, he retreated since he thought the Player was infected. After the Player finally chases him down and battles him at the Plant, Mr. P is calmed down and apologizes for his actions, explaining his backstory in the True Ending. After that, the Player tells Mr. P that they will always remember him. School - Chapter 5
Teacher Before the Infection: Friends

During the Infection: Enemies

Since the Teacher is a hostile infected, she would've tried to attack Mr. P. She might've been the reason why Mr. P ordered the Player to save Bunny instead of doing it himself. Before that, however, they might have been in a good relationship since Mr. P and Bunny tried to rescue the Teacher. Unknown


Note Location
She's really sick. I need to help her in anyway I can. -Mr. P Hospital
I have to do this for our own good.- Mr. P
Maybe the doctor can make something. A cure. I'll give anything. I just need her to feel better. - Mr. P
The majority of a family volunteered to help with testing. The test will begin shortly. Hopefully it goes well. -Mr. P
I looked in the forest. She's gone, just like Bunny is... -Mr. P Outpost
I don't understand... I've only made seven potions. Why is everyone turning just like them...? -Mr. P
I am responsible for everything, I feel everyone's hatred - including my own towards myself. - Mr. P Plant
Ms. P, Sheepy, Bunny... Our initial group is gone. Now the researchers are, too. I am truly alone. - Mr. P
I've failed everyone. Now I am a soulless body wandering without purpose, fighting without reason. - Mr. P


  • Mr. P's last name is Poppyseed, confirmed by the Mr. P plushie.
  • MiniToon confirmed that one of his favorite characters is Mr. P. His other favorites are Bunny, Georgie Piggy, and Willow.
  • The military who were working on a cure for the infection at Doveport considers him a joke to the scientific community, since he caused the infection to start. They're also upset about Mr. P since they have to be the ones who fix and create a cure for the infection now.
  • If you zoom into Mr. P's cyborg eye, you can see his actual eye and the eyebrow he was expressing in the Chapter 11 ending cutscene.
  • Mr. P was playable in Potate game, until MiniToon decided to shut it down.
  • Mr. P's redesign's flower is a reference to his wife.
  • In the ending of Outpost - Chapter 11, it could confirm that both Bunny and Doggy (possibly other characters) are dead (though others believe Bunny and Doggy are just infected, and Mr. P has memories of them, which he hallucinates), as he describes the Player and Georgie as memories back to haunt him, and some of the people he let down. He also directly states "You two are dead! Leave me be!", as he does not want to be killed.
    • However, a more plausible explanation is that he has simply gone mad, or the Insolence is tormenting him.
  • The reason why Mr. P is a cyborg in Outpost is explained at the end of Plant by himself: The scientists modified him to defend himself from the infected. For more info, see the Plant page, and see the True Ending story.
  • Mr. P's hat is seen laying down at the end of the credits. It is unknown if he was killed/infected by Badgy, disappeared, dropped it while escaping, or was killed/infected while battling the infected along with the Player and the Player was the only one who survived and was looking down at Mr. P's hat mourning his death (Bad Ending). (It is unlikely the Player got infected since the Player is immune to the infection.)
  • In the True Ending, Mr. P’s hat isn’t seen. It was controversial if this was intentional or not, until MiniToon proved it intentional in his livestream.
    • This might prove that he might actually be alive.
  • If you zoom into his hat, you will see that his head is also metallic in his cyborg form.
  • He is confirmed to be a billionaire in one of the notes, hidden in the Alleys map.
    • However, due to Mrs. P being infected with a rare illness called Linnaeoma, Mr. P gives 40% of his money to multiple research facilities to assist him to find a cure for the infection to end.
  • He was added to Build Mode as a hostile NPC on October 10, 2020.
  • Mr. P has not been seen anywhere in Piggy: Book 2, apart from the credits. He was mentioned in the Temple ending cutscene (Savior continuity) and a note in Lab. Mr. P is also mentioned by TIO in the Hidden Ending.
  • Mr. P's old cyborg design had a partially visible mouth, though it was hard to see, as it blended in with the cybernetic parts.
  • He used to have cheeks in Build Mode, but was later changed due to the redesign.
  • Mr. P sometimes breaks in Plant, as seen in NicsterV's Piggy video. Mr. P also breaks sometimes in Build Mode.
  • Mr. P is the first of the two bots to attack from a distance, with the other one being Willow.
  • Mr. P is the first bot to launch stunning projectiles at you.
  • According to the Player's journal for Book 1, Mr. P became delusional and obsessed with finding a cure.
  • Mr. P is the first character in the storyline and game to not be an animal.
  • When asked about what happened to Mr. P, MiniToon replied with "I'm not supposed to be saying this, but I think you're going to really like something that is coming soon...". This could be hinting at Mr. P returning in some way.[2]
  • For both his initial and current designs, his gun is closer to his body in the ending cutscene of Outpost.
  • He uses two sets of eyebrows during Plant and for the skin, with the ones used for his NPC being underneath his cyborg eye and the other is under his second eyebrow.
  • The E.E.P may have been where Mr. P got his cyborg parts, based on how he appears in Regarding the Rumors.
  • In Regarding the Rumors, Mr. P is voiced by Oliver Smith.[3]
  • It's commonly mistaken that Mr. P himself was a researcher for the cure for Linnaeoma, though this is false and he only funded the research.[4]

Sound Origins

  • The origin of his jumpscare sound is the spawn sound effect of Panzer Soldat, an enemy from Call of Duty, but sped up. It can be listened to here in the Roblox Audio Library.
  • His shooting sound is an audio called Plasma Rifle Fire.
  • His reload sound is an audio called Shotgun Pump.


The discussions tag for Mr. P (NPC) can be found here.
