Mr. P | Gallery | Novels |
This is a gallery about Mr. P and his skin counterpart.
Mr. P's old design in Build Mode.
Mr. P's current shop icon.
Mr. P's old shop icon.
Mr. P's current design in the Waiting Room.
A GIF of Mr. P in the Waiting Room.
Where Mr. P spawns in Plant's phase 1.
Where Mr. P spawns in Plant's phase 2.
Mr. P's oldest design requesting the Mrs. P Photo.
Mr. P's Redesign requesting the Mrs. P Photo.
Book 1[]
School - Chapter 5[]
Mr. P appearing in the ending cutscene of School - Chapter 5.
Outpost - Chapter 11[]
Mr. P appearing in the ending cutscene of Outpost - Chapter 11.
Plant - Chapter 12[]
Mr. P appearing in the intro cutscene of Plant - Chapter 12.
Mr. P appearing in the Bad Ending.
Mr. P in front of a hospital bed in the True Ending.
Mr. P with the Piggy Family.
Mr. P in front of his helicopter talking about the Player.
Mr. P's hat appearing in the Book 1 End Credits.
Mr. P in a memory alongside Bunny.
Book 2[]
Lab - Chapter 12[]
Mr. P and Bunny appearing in the Book 2 End Credits.
Regarding The Rumors[]
Mr. P in Regarding The Rumors.
Forest - Chapter 4[]
School - Chapter 5[]
Outpost - Chapter 11[]
Plant - Chapter 12[]
"I put in all my time and money into saving her. I even rushed the doctors to test the supposed cure." (True Ending)
"The doctors kept telling me that the sample was unstable, but I didn't listen and I needed volunteers." (True Ending)
"The initial results were significant. They became stronger. I was overjoyed, so I gave it to Ms. P immediately." (True Ending)
"She was getting better until we heard news that the Piggy family started becoming hostile." (True Ending)
"I thought it had nothing to do with my cure, but eventually, Ms. P became aggressive, too." (True Ending)
"The last time I saw her, she had red eyes. I had to stop her but I didn't have the heart to, so I let her go." (True Ending)
"I tried again to make cures. Then you came along, we found signs of the infection within you but you were still alive." (True Ending)
"Before we could do more research, the hospital we were at was raided, and Bunny was attacked." (True Ending)
"I gave her another rushed cure, thinking it would save her. I realized what I had done, and left you two." (True Ending)
A note written by Mr. P found in Hospital - Chapter 6.
A note written by Mr. P found in Metro - Chapter 7.
A note written by Mr. P found in Outpost - Chapter 11.
A note written by Mr. P found in Plant - Chapter 12.
Mr. P's shooting animation in Plant - Chapter 12.
Mr. P's defeated animation in Plant - Chapter 12.
Mr. P's old design in potate game.
A leak of Cyborg Mr. P's old design walking, posted on the Official Piggy Discord.
A leak of normal Mr. P's redesign, posted on MiniToon's twitter.
Mr. P's current design on the exterior of Carnival - Chapter 8.
Mr. P's old design on the exterior of Carnival - Chapter 8.
Mr. P attacking Pony in Docks - Chapter 9.
An egg exclusive to the Egg Hunt event that resembles Mr. P.
Mr. P in the Season 1 - Mr. P's Lab Update's icon.
Mr. P in the Season 1 - Mr. P's Lab GUI.
Mr. P after the Red Hyperlaser Gun gear was used on him during one of Epic_Tank's live streams.
Mr. P appearing next to Mrs. P in a picture on the Twas The Night Before Pigmas video.