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Piggy Wiki
Mr. Stitchy Gallery

Mr. Stitchy is a skin and seasonal NPC in Piggy. He was a limited time obtainable skin which was obtainable during the Spooky Hunt, which lasted from October 17th, 2020 to December 20th, 2020. He was added into the game along with Pumpiggy, Crove and the Tombstone Trap.


He has stretched out arms and legs which as well as his torso are pure black with a sleeve on his left arm. His head is brown with stitch marks all over, as well as a matching colored snout and a brown oval-shaped nose. He has circular ears with stitch marks, a fully white right eye, and a black pupil with a dark orange iris on his left. Finally, he clutches a glowing lantern in his right hand.



Stands upright while facing forward. Has arms and legs in slightly altered positions. He occasionally slightly twitches his head.


Idle but with moving legs and swaying arms.


Steps back a few steps, then lunges at the player with his hands out.


Looks up and puts arms down, with occasional head twitching (overlays the current animation).


Note: You can no longer obtain him due to the Spooky Hunt being over.

  • Choose Forest.
  • There were 5 hidden candles around the map. You were to collect all of them, and as you collected them, they would appear on the platform where Piggy spawns.
    • In the upper part of the watch tower in a corner.
    • Inside the tent where orange key is used.
    • Beside the cabin farthest to the left.
    • In a corner near the entrance of the cave.
    • Behind the Piggy Spawn platform.
  • Light all of the candles with the torch.
    • Note: Do not hold out the torch, but you must keep it in your inventory also.
    • Note: If the torch had already been used in the cave to obtain the white key, you would not be able to light the candles, and thus you would have to play another round.
  • After that, he would spawn in the center of the candles.
    • Note: He would start chasing you and could kill you if you got too close to him.
  • You needed to lead him to a purple orb inside the cave. When you did, he would disappear and you would hear a "cha-ching" sound, which meant you had obtained the skin.
    • Note: You didn't need to complete the map after obtaining the skin.


  • Mr. Stitchy's shadow can be seen in some chapters around Halloween.
    • He was seen in the backyard in House.
    • He was able to be summoned in Forest, during the Spooky Hunt in 2020.
    • He was seen stalking the player in the background in School.
    • He was seen in the background in Carnival.
    • He was seen in the beginning intro in Alleys.
      • According to the Piggy timeline, he makes his first appearance in Alleys, stalking Doggy and the Player, however this possibly isn't canon as he was added in Alleys in the 2020 Halloween Event, not from Alleys' release.
  • He was based off a SCP-096/The Shy Guy skin named Mr Stitches from another one of MiniToon's other games, Containment Breach.
  • He shares his head model with Pony's old design without the nostrils.
  • Unlike Tigry, Elly, Devil and Rash, he uses a different shade of orange for his pupil/iris. This applies to Owell, Mari, Phenna, Silzous, Fergus, Marley Russell and Glenn.
  • Similarly to old Billy, Budgey, Pandy (Uniform), Tobi, Kona, Twins, and Mr. Bliss, he has many broken animations, such as /e cheer, and the /e dance commands.
    • /e dance1, his arms and legs are out of place, the right arm spins facing up but the left arm spins facing to the front.
    • /e dance2, his legs is out of place, but his arms is lesser, goes from the left to right, looks around in every second.
    • /e dance3, his arms and legs are out of place and tilted, facing the bottom, and dances from the left to right to left.
  • When the bot was about to spawn, you could hear the sound effect of the Teleporter.
  • The lantern that he holds can be found in the Roblox Catalog.[1]
  • He is the first character who doesn't attack with an item they hold, in this case, the lantern, with the second being Felix.
  • He is the second skin to have a 'Mr.' in his name, with first one being Mr. P and third one being Mr. Bliss.
    • Coincidentally, all of them are quest skins.
  • Mr. Stitchy was once the tallest skin in Piggy before the release of Alfis.
  • He used to be unable to kill Decoys.
  • There are three drawings depicting Mr. Stitchy and a Mr. Stitchy plush in the The Hunt: First Edition Event map.
    • One of the drawings seemingly depicts Mr. Stitchy giving TIO his mask, heavily implying that Mr. Stitchy is TIO's friend from beyond, who was mentioned in Distraction.
      • This also means that Mr. Stitchy is most likely canon, though this hasn't officially been confirmed.
  • MiniToon stated that if Mr. Stitchy was to return for a future Halloween update, it'd be a new alternate skin of him, keeping the original exclusive.[2]


New Soundtrack
Old Soundtrack

Sound Origins[]

  • His new soundtrack is an APM Music track from the Roblox Audio Library called Ice Cream Truck but slowed down.
  • His old soundtrack comes from the Roblox Audio Library and is an audio called Creepy Ice Cream Truck Music uploaded by marlboro but slowed down by 3 semitones and lower pitched by 1 semitone. It was taken down by Roblox, along with the uploader being banned.
  • His jumpscare sound is an audio from the Roblox Audio Library called Shhh uploaded by CaptainSpinxs.
  • His hit sound is an audio from the Roblox Audio Library called fullgems_snap_sound (1), uploaded by Brand New Verse.


The discussions tag for Mr. Stitchy can be found here.

Piggy: Book 1 Skins PiggyRedesign DistortedPennyRenderPiggyLittleBrotherRedesign Little BrotherMotherRedesign MotherFatherRedesign FatherGrandmotherRedesign GrandmotherSheepyRedesign SheepyAlt SheepyPandyRedesign PandyTeacherRedesign TeacherMemoryTransparent MemoryKittyRedesign KittyMimiSkinRedesign1 MimiDinopiggyRedesign DinopiggyDaisyRedesign DaisyAngelPiggy AngelPonySkinRedesign PonyTransparentDevil DevilDoggySkinRedesign DoggyGiraffySkinRedesign GiraffyBearyRedesign BearyFoxyRedesign FoxyEllyRedesign EllyMiliSoldier SoldierZombifiedPiglin ZompiggyBadgyTransparentAlternateSkinBadgy BadgyBunnySkinRedesign Bunny (Alternate) BunnyTransparentSkelly SkellyClownyClownTransparent ClownyTigryNew TigryMousyRedesign MousyParaseeParasitePigTransparent ParaseeZizzySkinRedesignZizzyInTheNutcracker ZizzyGhostyMoreTransparent GhostyRobbyTransparent RobbyBillyRedesign BillyBudgeyFrontTransparent BudgeyTransparentTorcher TorcherMrPSkinRedesign Mr. P
Piggy: Book 2 Skins InfectedPoliceDoggo Officer DoggyRacoonTrash RashKatieNurseTransparent Katie (Alternate) KatieMoreEvilKonaGaming KonaMadScientist KonaTransparentPandyUniform Pandy (Uniform)DessaTransparent DessaArchieArcticWillow ArchieRazetheCyborgRatTransparent RazeTigry (Uniform) redesign Tigry (Uniform)KolieWorkerTransparent KolieMarkus-WitchHunter MarkusAlfisTransparent AlfisLink=Dakoda DakodaTobiTheTurtle TobiAnotherFelix FelixDelta DeltaMariTransparent MariKamosiDoesNotStartWithPKamosiAltTransp KamosiSpidellaTheAwesomeSpider SpidellaZebraTwins TwinsKraxicordeHQ KraxicordeSilly zeus Silzous InfectedWillowWillowTheEntity???
Extras PumpiggyTransparent PumpiggyTheRedNosedReindessa ReindessaAnotherTransCroveCroveTheDeathDoctor CroveAnotherPoley PoleyMisterStitchy Mr. StitchySideTransparentOwell OwellFrostiggyHQnobg FrostiggyPrimroseArcher PrimroseBessBunny BessTrophyPiggy Gold PiggyPhenn PhennaColorfluidAntRedAnteoItsAllJustABadDreamLaura LauraBaka!Bakari BakariSentinel SentinelMr. Bliss Mr. BlissDarkKnight-Gryffyn GryffynOmbraTransp OmbraFerguscrazy FergusSHARDANTUS ShardantusMarley Russell In-Game Marley RussellGLENN GlennJakaylaTransp JakaylaCarver CarverDuocara DuocaraMayor DuocaraBelaV2 BelaMeisery MeiseryEelektra2 EelektraGoober BlattPrototypeTransp The PrototypeDecayingInfectedIcon Decaying InfectedMonsterman SamRachna RachnaKrampig KrampiggyMrsPoopyseedskin Mrs. P
User Exclusive PickleRickie3D-0 Pickle RickLisaSkin LisaMoonie PNG MoonieFes Moonie2024-07-27 18-02-41 MoopyTankMegaTankNormalMegaTank Mega Tank
Other Skins

Sketchy (Skin) Png real sketch (not fake)GurtySkin 2D-Gurty GurtyPiggyEXE Piggy.EXE
