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No Significant Harassment is a game made by 41_aqd (IK3As' alternate account). It is currently private on Roblox.


The map is very simple, consisting of a large dark green grass platform and a black sky with a moon. In the middle of the map, there is an opened red-brown telephone booth with a fancy dark green lamp on the side. Inside the booth, there is a message that says "Calls are always traced. Don't call for the wrong reasons". If the telephone is clicked, it will start ringing, and a conversation will begin with a recipient. You say that you are looking for T.S.P, and the recipient tries to ask if you have consulted someone. However the line starts to get faulty and gets expunged. You ask if the recipient can repeat what they were saying, but they respond that T.S.P. cannot be contacted at the moment and that IK3As doesn't want you to know right now. After this, the screen freezes, and you are unable to move, and the only thing left to do is close the game.


YOU: Hello?...

RECIPIENT: Who's this?

YOU: I am looking for T.S.P

RECIPIENT: Have you consulted the [EXPUNGED...]?

YOU: What? The line seems to faulty. Can you repeat that?

RECIPIENT: T.S.P cannot be contacted at this time, please call back later.

YOU: What! Please! I need to know!

RECIPIENT: IK3As doesn't want you to know right now.

YOU: ...

Easter Eggs[]

  • There is a small easter egg where if F9 is clicked when the game has froze, a message can appear. It used to say “Hi, you've found the next clue. :) You have found the next clue." although nowadays it will simply say "Hello world!" This easter egg was discovered from the status profile of 41_aqd, which used to say "press F9".
  • If you click on the blue check marks for warning and error it will say you have found the next clue.


  • This game was discovered after solving a series of codes from IK3As' Twitter account.
  • This may possibly be a joke game, as nothing in this game actually hints to what T.S.P. actually stood for.
  • A telephone found in the Sewers classroom may possibly be a reference to this game.
  • It's very likely that the game's name is a reference to Rain World, the game having an Iterator with the same name. This can also be backed up by the fact that IK3As has uploaded a Rain World theme as a Roblox audio, so they know about the game and they’ve had another project with the same name as a Rain World iterator (Seven Red Suns).
    • If this is the case, then the title could be an implication that the game is a sort of joke considering how No Significant Harassment is a jokester character.

The discussions tag for No Significant Harassment can be found here.

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