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Piggy Wiki

To see all Piggy-related pages, click here. This page is also not to be confused with another type of hunt.

PIGGY: Hunt was a game on Steam made by Oktagon Games and Shaggy Doge in collaboration with PhatMojo and MiniToon. Its open playtest phase was released on September 14th, 2021, and its Early Access phase started on October 14th. On November 5th, 2021, the PIGGY: Hunt team announced they would make the game free for mobile when it comes out, though the mobile version never ended up releasing. They then also decided to make the game free on Steam. On Steam it previously costed $4.99 USD due to its early-access status. You were able to redeem DLC Codes in this game. The servers were eventually shut down, making the game unplayable.


PIGGY: Hunt is a fast-paced survival horror multiplayer game. Survivors must work together to survive and escape from the Infected.

The PIGGY universe expands with PIGGY: HUNT, a multiplayer adventure where survivors team up to escape the wrath of the Infected, the monstrosity trying to hunt them down.

Survivors: Complete tasks, solve puzzles, find and use tools to help one another survive and escape!

Infected: Use traps and all of your senses to hunt down the Survivors!


• Fast-paced fun for up to 6 players; more players available with custom-game mode!

• Highly customizable characters, weapons, and items.

• Use custom-game mode to create endless playable options.

• 3 House maps to play, each with different mechanics to win.

• Officially licensed game from MiniToon.



When playing as a Survivor, you had to avoid getting caught by the Infected at any cost. You also needed to complete objectives before you could escape. There are many paths and tools. Pick up objects and use them with the indicated button. You could use shortcuts to get away, but they got disabled for a while after that.


As an Infected, your objective was to neutralize all survivors. You had to get close to them to attack them. You won when you finished off all of the survivors. Additionally, you could place traps to give the survivors a harder time to do the map. A scent trail would appear leading to the nearest survivor. If you got stunned, you would gain a rage bonus immediately after.


When playing as an Infected, you could use traps to slow down the survivors and catch them. You selected your trap when the stage begins. Each had a different effect. You placed traps down using the indicated button. A "triggered" sign would indicate when one of your traps had been set off.

Puzzles and Stages

The current set of objectives was shown at the top of the screen. When they were completed, the next set would appear. Objectives frequently required an object (indicated by the place where it will be used) or that you completed a puzzle. Items currently required and current puzzles would be glowing. To start a puzzle, you would use the indicated button. The command required would be indicated inside them.


If the Infected got you, you became a ghost. You would remain on the game to receive your rewards. As a ghost, you could stun the infected once by using an indicated button. You would help the survivors complete their objectives, because if they won, you won too!




PIGGY- Hunt - Offical Game Trailer

Survivors had to work together to survive to escape from the infected. The survivors had to complete different tasks like fix the gas leaks to win the game once they complete them all. If they didn't manage to do this and the infected captured them, the infected would win. You were also able to pick up items, stun the infected, interact with different things, use an item or do other things with the items. There were also rewards and Piggy Tokens. You could also customize your avatar, start a game, start a custom game and change some settings in the menu. You could play as the infected and hunt down survivors. Like in Piggy, it took time until you got to spawn into the map you are playing, being 20 seconds. There were also traps which could trap the players and prevent them from moving once the survivor steps on them. There was an alarm symbol that told the infected if there was a trapped survivor, similar to Piggy's alarm trap.

Item Shop

The PIGGY: Hunt item shop was where you could customize what you wanted your character to look like. You could purchase items with the two types of currency, Bacon and Piggy Tokens. This is also where you could choose what skin you want to be when you're Piggy. Instead of having the skin you chose have a weapon already, you could choose your weapon from the ones you owned. You could also choose different killing animations to use, such as Homerun or Death Tango.


The settings included the options to turn the sound effects on of off, turn the music on or off, graphics settings, resolution settings, language settings, DLC code redemption, input settings, and the credits. The input settings allow you to change which keys/buttons do things like move forward/backward.

DLC Codes

Note: DLC Codes found inside Series 3 merchandise currently don't work.

DLC Codes were a feature that were used for obtaining exclusive badges (profile pictures), masks and currency inside PIGGY: Hunt. DLC Codes could either be 1 time use codes and found in Merchandise, or a code that could be used by anyone usually given out by MiniToon or the PIGGY: Hunt team. Pieces of valid merchandise contain a tiny slip of paper that can be scratched off to reveal a code. They were redeemable in the settings of PIGGY: Hunt. However, due to the shutdown of PIGGY: Hunt, codes are no longer redeemable and are essentially useless.



Badges were a reward you were able to obtain from redeeming certain DLC codes, by being one of the testers, or by being an early access player. You could select different badges to represent your profile picture in PIGGY: Hunt. You could do so by clicking on the badge icon next to your username, and then selecting one of the badges you owned.

Badge How to Obtain
Alpha Tester Badge Being an Alpha Tester.
Gold Beta Tester Badge Being a Beta Tester.
Silver Beta Tester Badge Being a Beta Tester.
Early Access Badge Playing the game during its early access phase.
Default Badges Playing the game. There will be 7 badges you can choose from.
Merchandise Badges Redeeming DLC codes from certain Piggy toys.


The Player arrives at the Lucella Manor, an old and abandoned house and are surprised that the lights are on for some reason. You decide to investigate, but while in the house you are chased around by an infected piggy*, and you need to escape. After escaping, you want to ask your friend if they know anything about this.


*MiniToon has stated that the story for PIGGY: Hunt was different from the main Piggy game, but we don't know if it was planned to change the infected, apocalypse scenario that the main game follows. The game says "infected," but it is unknown if the infected were going to work differently from the main game.



  • MiniToon tweets asking what people would think of an official mobile game for Piggy. This was potentially the original idea for PIGGY: Hunt.
  • MiniToon partners with PhatMojo to make official Piggy Merchandise, along with redeemable DLC Codes. However, this idea was scrapped due to Roblox not allowing this without permission, despite games like Pet Simulator X doing this without repercussions later on.
  • MiniToon and Shaggy Doge presumably team up to make PIGGY: Hunt, based on early concepts for skins in the files.


  • Characters presumably underwent major changes and redesigns, and were made less Roblox like.
  • A teaser trailer releases
  • Playtest sessions
  • Full release

You can find the update log here.


  • The game is seemingly abandoned with no updates for years on end.
    • It was also around this time people started to report that the servers for the game began to act funky, sometimes lagging and bugging out.
  • A Twitter thread is made with a user explaining why the game was shut down: A contract expired between the 2 parties. This was later backed up by a former tester.


  • At some point, the PIGGY: Hunt servers were shut down with no known announcement regarding it.
    • Based on the bugs in 2022, it is unknown whether or not the games servers were shut down intentionally or if the servers were left to rot somewhere.


  • In an interview with DaRealMrNoah, peanut5man, and Minitoonfan99, MiniToon stated that he nor PhatMojo was aware of why PIGGY: Hunt was shut down/abandoned and was hoping it would get to mobile.


  • The future of PIGGY: Hunt is uncertain, and it will most likely not return unless developed under a new studio.


  • PIGGY: Hunt was the first Piggy game to be outside the Roblox platform, as well as the first which isn't directly made by MiniToon.
  • If you purchased the early access game on Steam, you would get exclusive prizes that you wouldn't get in the free version.
  • This game supported up to six players per server, which is the same as the main Piggy game.
  • Anyone who bought the game before it became free would get 20 dollars worth of rewards. This includes 1000 Bacon, and 10000 Piggy Tokens.
    • You would not receive this bonus if you played the open playtest, or if you downloaded the game after the F2P update.
  • Unlike the original Piggy, the player would receive all the traps available to them for free, being the default trap, slow trap, and teleporter trap.
  • There was a bug in the game where all textures would be pink. To fix this, you would have to visit Shaggy Doge's official website.
  • On ArtStation[1], unreleased and unused PIGGY: Hunt events were found, including "survivor barrier" and "forklift" events. When attempting to download off the site, these events are listed as "city-[EVENT]". Because of this, we can determine that a later PIGGY: Hunt chapter may have been in a city.
    • It was also established at an unknown point that PIGGY: Hunt's second chapter was going to be Station.

Official Soundtracks

The discussions tag for Piggy: Hunt can be found here.

Main Games CopyLogo PiggyPiggy- Book 2 Thumbnail Piggy: Book 2Piggy Build mode Update Piggy Build ModePiggy intercity logo Piggy: Intercity
Spin-Off Games 7b8e564736ce09065037733a6baa272c Piggy but it's 100 PlayersIntercityIcon Piggy: Intercity (DEMO)CopyLogo 暴走小猪NSH No Significant HarassmentHeader PIGGY: HuntPIG 64 PIG 64MISFITS Piggy: Misfits
Testing Places InvisibleMeshReproProfile Invisible MeshParts Repro0e268977ea77a791704884ca6a6eb0c6 Soldier Survival
Joke Games Potate game Potate game0e268977ea77a791704884ca6a6eb0c6 SketchyWhy does this look just like the thumbnail but with a balck box The PIGGY Household (SCARY) (DO NOT PLAY)