Piggy Wiki

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Piggy Wiki
Piggy Gallery
"Sounds like something is coming up from there. Doesn't sound too friendly to me." - Willow
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To see all Piggy-related pages, click here. This is also not to be confused with another book.

Piggy is an online, survival, and episodic-horror game, created by MiniToon on the gaming and game development platform Roblox. It was founded off the game-play and aesthetics of the indie horror game Granny and the style of the popular children's show Peppa Pig, but forged its own direction as development went on and became distinct from both. Piggy has a variety of modes with players being assigned the roles of the Survivor or Piggy, with Traitor and Tagger roles existing in their respective modes. The main goal in each map for survivors is to complete different tasks and escape or reach the goal while avoiding the Piggy before the timer runs out. Meanwhile, the Piggy has to stop the survivors from winning by killing them all or running out the timer.

Originally, the game was meant to be a non-serious bot path-finding test, and a game for MiniToon and his friends to play, but it unexpectedly took off after advertising and achieved several milestones. In 2021, Piggy won "Game of the Year", and the title of "Builderman's Award of Excellence" during the 8th Annual Bloxy Awards. In the 2022 Roblox Innovation Awards, Piggy's Breakout Update won "Best Content Update". Piggy was nominated for “Best Horror” in the 2023 Roblox Innovation Awards. The game is the second fastest game on Roblox to reach a billion visits and has reached over 10 billion visits. Piggy got its own official website, official merchandise, and sprouted a franchise featuring games like Piggy: Intercity, PIG 64 and even Piggy: Hunt, a Steam game.

Piggy takes place in the city of Lucella. It begins with you trying to find someone named Georgie Piggy and later finding and taking revenge on Mr. P, who abandoned you in the Hospital. This was all started by Mr. P, who accidentally caused the Infection thinking that it would help cure his wife, Mrs. P from her disease. While you try and find a cure, many events take a toll on your journey. Some of your choices might affect your adventure as well.

Piggy had a grand expansion from a small project to the core of its own media franchise, creating a large community and brand. Piggy has become an icon of Roblox and made its mark on the platform.



Piggy (Main Controls)

  • Pick/Use Items:
    • Click (Computer)
    • Right Trigger (Controller)
  • Crouch:
    • CTRL/Shift (Computer)
    • B/Square (Controller, Xbox/Playstation format)
  • Place Traps/Use Abilities:
    • User-Customized Keybinds (Computer)
    • D-Pad Up/Right/Down (Controller; top/left/bottom respectively)

Build Mode

  • Block menu:
    • 1 (Computer)
    • D-Pad Up (Controller)
  • Tool menu; choose between 6 tools (Delete, build, paint, color picker, move, and resize):
    • 2 (Computer); 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    • D-Pad Left (Xbox/Playstation); D-Pad Up, D-Pad Left, LB/L1, RB/R1, Y/Triangle, B/Circle
  • Color/Material Menu:
    • 3 (Computer)
    • LB/L1 (Xbox/Playstation)
  • Owner menu:
    • 4 (Computer)
    • RB/R1 (Xbox/Playstation)
  • Rotate object counter-clockwise:
    • R (Computer)
    • D-Pad Right (Controller)
  • Tilt object clockwise:
    • T (Computer)
    • D-Pad Down (Controller)
  • No-clip; ascend and descend:
    • Space double tap, E and Q (Computer)
    • A/Cross double tap, A/Cross and B/Circle (Xbox/Playstation)
Main Menu
Main article: Main Menu

The Main Menu is a UI with multiple buttons that affect how you can play, for example if you click on the abilities button, you can equip different abilities that can affect your gameplay. There is the Play button, the Skins button, the Abilities button, the Build button, the go to Book 2/Book 1 button and buy Piggy Tokens button. The RB Battles Studio, RB Battles Spaceship, Metallica x Piggy, and The Hunt: First Edition all have unique main menus that only have a Play button. The Hunt: First Edition and Decay are accessible via a button at the bottom right of the menu.

Clicking Play will send you into the current ongoing round or the voting menu if no round is currently ongoing. The voting menu is where you can vote the gamemode and chapter that the next round will use. It starts with a 30 second intermission and then goes to a 15 second map/chapter voting then it goes to a 15 second gamemode voting then the round starts, though the gamemode voting is skipped if Breakout is chosen. The main chapters of both books plus Breakout and Mansion in Book 2 are on the voting screen, as well as every mode except Survivor. In private servers, all non-extra/removed chapters will be available on the voting menu.


Main article: Gamemodes

Gamemodes are different ways the game can be played, which force different conditions on the match from how Piggy is controlled to adding unique roles. In the main game, modes are voted on. In Build Mode, the owner selects a mode before the round begins. Below are all the modes in the game:

Survivors' Tasks

The main goal of the survivors is to locate all of the items needed and use them in each of their respective uses to get the final items to escape the map or reach a goal, all the while escaping Piggy and their traps. Non-completion items exist that can knock out Piggy for 20 seconds by giving them to a friendly NPC or by loading them into a Gun or Crossbow. Survivors have abilities that they can spend Energy on in exchange for momentary advantages against Piggy. While their main opponent is Piggy, secondary bots and ambient hazards exist in various maps which can hinder progress of or kill survivors.

Traitor's Tasks

The main goal is to kill all the other survivors or to escape the map. Survivors will not initially know who the traitor is and will only know if they see them kill a player or place a trap. The traitor can die to Piggy or environment hazards like a regular survivor but can also be killed with a shot from a Gun or Crossbow. The traitor receives double tokens for escaping which stacks with the 2x Piggy Tokens gamepass.

Piggy's Tasks

The main goal of the Piggy is to locate the survivors and kill them. Piggy can either be player-controlled or AI-controlled depending on the mode. Piggy kills survivors who come into contact with their hitbox, which is the same for all Piggy skins and bots. Player Piggies can place traps at the cost of energy which, with one exception which is used by Piggy, hinder player progress on contact or in range depending on the trap. Piggy is immune to ambient hazards and Piggies cannot hurt each other, but shots from Guns/Crossbows or strikes from certain Friendly NPCs can stun a Piggy for 20 seconds. In the Infection mode, players killed by Piggy will become additional Piggies but none of them can place traps.

Tagger's Tasks

Taggers function as slower Piggies except in their mode, all players except one are Taggers and when a Tagger catches the one Survivor, the Tagger and Survivor switch roles. Taggers can’t place traps.



Main article: Items

Items are a mechanic in Piggy, you can equip the item by click (computer), tap (mobile), left/right bumper (controller) and you can equip it by clicking the item icon or typing its number (computer). There are various types of items, mainly keys and keycards but also various completion, offensive, and quest items. You usually use them on locks and obstacles/events but offensive items are used against Piggy and quest items are used in specific areas to progress quests for skins or badges.

Keys Green Key Green KeyRed Key Red KeyBlue Key Blue KeyOrange Key Orange KeyYellow Key Yellow KeyPurple Key Purple KeyWhite Key White KeyBlack Key Black KeyPinkKey1 Pink KeyGrey key Grey KeyElevatorKeyEdited Elevator KeyFrontKeyV1 Front Door KeyGlitchKeyInGame Glitch Key
Keycards RedCard Red KeycardBlueCard Blue KeycardGreenCard Green KeycardOrangeCard Orange Keycard
Gears GearRed Red GearGearGreen Green GearSewerGear White Gear
Vials VialEmpty Empty VialVialPurple Purple VialVialGreen Green Vial

RedWire Red WireBlueWire BlueWireSpaceShip Blue WireGreenWire GreenWireSpaceship Green WireYellowWire Yellow WirePurpleWireSpaceShip Purple Wire

Offensive Items Gun GunPiggyAmmo AmmoDoggyBone BonePonyBunnyFood CarrotBowcross CrossbowGrassAKAZizzyFood GrassApple.png AppleCopyrightFreeBattery BatteryActualKnife KnifeWoodensword Wooden SwordBat BatPipeSwordIcon PipeMilitary knife Military KnifeTraitor Gun Traitor GunSwordItem SwordDecayAxe Axe
Gifts Book BookDreidel DreidelFencingFoil Fencing FoilPresentThing PresentRobotToy Robot Toy
Paint Buckets MorningPaintBucket Day Paint BucketSunsetPaintBucket Sunset Paint BucketMidnightPaintBucket Night Paint Bucket
Quest Mrs. P Photo Redesign Render Mrs. P PhotoCandleDocksCandleSkellyskull Skelly PartsRedRose RoseWeirdBook Spell BookPurpleGuyTeddy Purple TeddyPurplePotionActual2 Purple PotionPurpleGuyGameboy Purple ControllerSnowmanCropped Snowman PartsEggPig Easter EggsGoldPiggyItem Gold Piggy TrophyBlueprint transparent BlueprintsPageTransparent PagesBlack Key Black KeyCrystalTransparent CrystalChip ChipGlitchKeyInGame Glitch KeyCrowbar CrowbarGearRed Red GearGearGreen Green GearCauldron potion 1 Red PotionCauldron potion 2 Purple PotionSpecial Potion Event Green PotionMrs. P puzzle piece renderPuzzle PiecesDangerHook Grappling HookHeart Key light fixed Heart KeyHeartBox Heart BoxHeart Piggy(1) HeartLitTorchonWall TorchesBrokePotato NotesBucket Empty BucketBucket Filled Filled Bucket
Others HammerHammer HammerWrenchWrench WrenchMostSecureCode Key CodeWoodenPlank PlankGasolineGas GasNewRedEgg Red EggNewGreenEgg Green EggNewTorch TorchGoldTokenCoin CoinWaterPistol Water GunCarn MalletFire1 Fire ExtinguisherDynamite DynamiteCrowbar CrowbarLaserMirror MirrorBulletfortank Tank BulletDinosaurtoy Dinosaur ToyScrewdriverbettercropped ScrewdriverMop MopScissors ScissorsTvremote Remote ControlLadderladder LadderActualGrenade Smoke GrenadeMimiRoaster BlowtorchChampionshipTicket Show TicketShovelShovelShovel ShovelBarenAxe Baren's AxeDangerHook Grappling HookCandleDocks CandleRopeIcon RopeSprayIcon Spray CanPie PieWeightIcon BarbellYellow flashlight FlashlightFishingRodMetallicaEvent Fishing RodFanBlade Fan BladeDecayLever LeverBurlapBag Burlap BagPickaxe Piggy Decay Background PickaxeSnowball Snowball
Build Mode Exclusive GoldTokenCoin Stackable CoinTraitor Gun Traitor GunActualKnife KnifeGenerator Parts Generator PartsSkeleton arm Skeleton ArmPresentThing GiftMagnifying Glass Event ItemPng Magnifying GlassSpecial Potion Event Special Potion EventMagic Wand Item Magic Wand
Piggy: Hunt Exclusive PlungerPiggyHunt PlungerValve item Valves


Main article: Obstacles

Obstacles (also known as events) are a mechanic in Piggy. They block your path so you can't go beyond the obstacle and can be eliminated with their respective item by either click (computer), tap (mobile), right trigger (controller) or equip the item needed and go into or click/tap/right trigger on the obstacle. The most common obstacles are doors and safes. Doors and safes requiring basic keys will have their locks colored according to their keys, while other obstacles will have thought bubbles above them showing their item(s).

Obstacles and Events
Doors GreenDoor Green Lock DoorRedDoor Red Lock DoorOrangeDoor(!) Orange Lock DoorBlueDoor Blue Lock DoorYellowDoor Yellow Lock DoorPurpleDoor Purple Lock DoorBlack Door Black Lock DoorGreyDoor Grey Lock DoorPink door Pink Lock DoorEscapeDoor2 Exit DoorGreenKeycardDoor Green Keycard DoorRedKeycardDoor Red Keycard DoorOrangeKeycardDoor Orange Keycard DoorBlueKeycardDoor Blue Keycard DoorCrackedDoor Cracked DoorBlowtorchDoor Blowtorch DoorScrewdriverDoor Screwdriver DoorBookshelf BookSafeBook Book Events
Safes PurpleSafeTransparent Purple SafeYellow Safe Yellow SafeTheWhiteSafe White SafeGreenSafeTransparent Green Keycard SafeGlassSafe transparent Glass CabinetTVSafeBlack Remote Control EventVialEvent Vial EventTrophySafe Gold SafeBlack Safe Black SafeWire Safe Wire SafeColorPuzzleInRBBNewChapter Color Code SafeGreenSafe Green SafeBlueSafeInRBBNewChapter Blue Safe
Puzzles ColorCodePad Color Code PuzzleDigitCodePad Digit Code PadRomanNumeralPuzzleMain Roman Numeral PuzzleShapeCodeWheel Wheel Shape MechanicLightCirclePuzzle Light Circle PuzzleNineSquaresPuzzle Lever PuzzleColorCirclePuzzleInBreakOut Circle PuzzleClassroomBreakoutUnsolved Desk PuzzleEddy Painting Elephant PaintingsSymbolCodePanel Symbol Code PuzzleScrewdriverPipe Screwdriver PipesThe Hunt First Edition Event Chapter - The Safe Room Spin Wheel PuzzleClawPuzzle Claw Puzzle
Build Mode Exclusive InvisibleBlock Invisible BlockDrivableCar Drivable CarPlayerSpawnPoint Player SpawnNewPiggySpawn Piggy SpawnTrapLocation Trap PointHand Drop Point Hand Drop PointLightBlock Custom Invisible Light BlockSound Block Invisible Sound BlockConveyorBelt Conveyor BlockBM-Note NoteGate event thing Gate EventCauldronEvent Cauldron EventGiftBlockBells Gift Block EventDreidelEventUsable Dreidel EventSpikes (Event)Png Spike TrapMagnifying Glass Event Block Png Magnifying Glass EventMagic Wand Event Magic Wand EventShovel Pile Snow PileRotating Fireplace Rotating FireplaceSlow Block Slow BlockSlide Block Slide BlockColor Block Color Block EventColorBlockButton Color Block ButtonReverseColorBlockButton Reverse Color Block Button
Hazards LaserGate Laser GateSpikes (Event)Png Swinging Axe Spike Trap and Swinging AxeAcid AcidInsolence Trap Insolence TrapRed Teddy Bears Red Teddy Bears
Miscellaneous KeyCodeLockEventIcon Key Code LockBoardsEventIcon BoardsWrenchPanelIcon Wrench PanelPlankEventIcon Plank EventBatteryBox Battery BoxIceBlock CampfireNewredlocker Red Lock LockerVending MachineVending MachineCarnival - Mallet game In-game Mallet GameArcadeMachine Arcade MachineFireBlock FireVerymuchsobetteratmpic ATMBatterySlotInGame Battery SlotNewgearboxpic Newandbettergearpuzzleeventpic SewersControlPanel Gear EventsGrass Patch Grass PatchHammer VentLocked Vent Locked VentElevatorThing ElevatorRopeEvent.Buildmode.Png Rope EventToy Train Toy TrainWireBox WireBoxInTheSpaceShip Electrical BoxHOWITZERBESTNOCAP Artillery CannonPurplePortal PortalQuestionMark Question MarkDrivableCar Drivable CarVialStands Vial StandsSnowballEvent Snowball EventHeart Closet Heart ClosetMinor Events

Traps and Abilities

Main articles: Traps, Abilities

Abilities are Survivor-oriented powerups that can be purchased after the eight Blueprints for one are found, with the exception of the free Sprint. Survivors can spend Energy to activate an ability which either provides them or other survivors a boost or adds some hindrance to Piggy. In any sub-place maps, Breakout, Lab’s Hidden Ending, and in any map on Hard Mode, abilities are disabled.

Traps are Piggy’s equivalent of abilities, except only one is for Piggy’s direct benefit while all others are detriments to survivors. All traps are placed in the spot Piggy is in when activated and they have differing lifespans, effects, sizes, and effect times between trap types. Most traps are bought with tokens but certain traps are obtained by special means and the Default Trap is given for free.

Traps and Abilities
Purchasable Traps DefaultTrap3D Default TrapSmallTrap3D Small TrapBigTrap3D Big TrapSlowTrap3DSlowStormTrap Slow TrapActualAlarmTrap Toy Robot Trap Alarm TrapEgg Trap new model Bones Trap Egg TrapBestTrapTornadoSkintrap.Png Black Hole TrapMouseTrapCheeselessSpidella'sChild Mouse TrapTeleporterActiveTeleportationChamberInGame Teleporter
Event/Quest Traps GraveTrap Tombstone TrapSnowyPiggyMr. Bliss Trap (Snowtrap skin) Season 7 Shop Icon Snowpiggy TrapBirthdayTrap Inflatable TrapAntiVentCamperTrap Crawling TrapConcoctionTrapTransparent Concoction Trap
Unusable Traps Insolence Trap Insolence TrapSpikes (Event)Png Spike Trap
Abilities SprintIconTransparent SprintMagnifyingGlassIcon Magnifying GlassDecoyAbilityIconTransparent DecoyTeamMagnifyBoostIcon Team Magnifying GlassTeamEnergyBoostIcon Team Energy BoostFlareIcon FlareCamoflaugeIconCamouflageRadarIconTransparent RadarScanner Icon ScannerWarp Warp
Event Abilites Crafty Crafty


Main articles: Energy, Energy Bar

Energy is a mechanic in Piggy. Every time you play, there will be an energy bar that will appear along with your abilities (survivor-only) or traps (Piggy/Traitor-only). Each second, your energy will gradually go up until its cap at 10, you can use energy for traps and abilities to boost your gameplay. Survivors can increase each other’s energy with the Team Energy Boost ability which gives all other survivors two more energy points but depletes your energy completely. Anywhere where abilities are disabled, survivors will not have energy either.


Main article: Badges

Badges are a built-in Roblox mechanic that let players obtain awards in their inventory by doing certain tasks. In Piggy, you can obtain these badges from certain quests and completing chapters/maps. There are currently 35 badges.


Main article: Friendly NPC

NPC stands for non-playable character. There are multiple NPCs in the Piggy story that each play a specific role. NPCs include bots, friendly NPCs, and more.

Friendly NPCs are the NPCs that help you in the chapters/maps, a common example being those who can knock out the Piggy for 20 seconds but require ammunition, like Bunny in School - Chapter 5 and Hospital - Chapter 6. Other times, friendly NPCs require certain items so you can progress, such as Rash in Heist, where you need to give him a crowbar to make a further progress in the game.


Main articles: Bot, Bot/Gallery

Bots are AI-controlled Piggies tasked with hunting down survivors. There are two types of bots: Primary and Secondary. Primary bots have two main behavior types: A bot who will always chase the nearest player regardless of distance and a patrolling bot who places traps and only enters pursuit when a survivor is in its line of sight. The former mechanic is used in every map released before Sewers - Chapter 5 while the latter mechanic is used in the aforementioned chapter and all chapters afterwards. Ombra, Duocara, Eelektra, and Blatt use the latter mechanic with special gimmicks. Secondary bots have a wider variety of behaviors, from moving on a set path to only pursuing when activated. Examples include Foxy, Mousy and Soldiers.

Decay is the only chapter whose bots can’t be evaluated like other bots from the main game. Instead, Decay’s main threats are infinitely respawning Decaying Infected who can be killed by the players. This chapter also features the Twisted Rabbit as an enemy for the two chase sequences.

Build Mode

Main article: Build Mode

Build Mode is a feature in Piggy and was added on June 28th, 2020. This mode allows players to build custom maps with a wide variety of pre-made blocks and tools. Maps can be made discoverable to appear on the server list. Players can leave likes or dislikes on maps to impact the rating seen on a map’s server list label.


Short List

Book 1

Book 2




Chapter # Description Icon
House 1 You are a police officer going to investigate the disappearance of Georgie Piggy. Upon getting out of your car, you hear a weird noise and you are knocked out. You then wake up in a bedroom, and after escaping, you go to the police station for backup.
Station 2 After escaping the house, you get to the police station. However, Doggy announces over the speakers to get into the garage due to a monster being in the station. You unlock the garage and you meet him there. After giving the car gasoline, Doggy and you drive away from the Station.
Gallery 3 Doggy's car runs out of gas and is surrounded by Mother, Father and Sheepy, forcing him and you to run into take shelter in gallery. Although you barricade the door, you discover that Father has already entered, so you and Doggy have to escape. After you do, you and Doggy go to the forest.
Chapter3gallery (1)
Forest 4 Four weeks after the events of gallery, you say that those monsters look like our friends while Doggy asks us to go to sleep. However, while we are asleep, Doggy is forced to drink a potion and becomes infected. He and Sheepy pursue you as you escape. When you escape, you find a walkie talkie on the ground and get a message from someone.
School 5 The person calling is Mr. P, and he asks you to rescue his friend at the school. Teacher pursues you here, who was infected shortly before you entered. A ciphered message is on one of the whiteboards which details how the infected feel. After you rescue Mr. P's friend, named Bunny, you meet Mr. P in the sewer, and you start getting dizzy and then faint followed by Bunny bringing you to a hospital.
Hospital 6 After waking up, Bunny informs you that the hospital is no longer safe since the doctor, Beary, is infected and roaming the hospital. She directs the player to the roof where they will meet Mr. P. Around the hospital, there are notes about an experiment involving "the majority of a family". We are led to believe that Mr. P botched the mission and created monsters. After escaping, you and Bunny find out Mr. P left without you. As you go for another way you, Bunny is distracted by a note left by Mr. P saying "I have to do this for our own good."
Hospital voting
Metro 7 You and Bunny are almost out of the city, all you needs to do is unlock the train to escape. However, Bunny tells you that she needs to rest and you’re tasked with entering the train while Zompiggy pursues you. After you unlock and get on the train, Bunny tells you that Mr. P gave her a potion and she would become an infected. You insist for her to get on but she refuses, fearing that the potion will infect her soon. She tells you that she will stay and try to hold off the infected for as long as she can. You leave without her with a vengeance for Mr. P.
Carnival 8 You arrive at the carnival, hoping to get revenge on Mr. P. After avoiding Clowny and unlocking the exit, instead of Mr. P, you find a survivor duo, Pony and Zizzy. Pony thinks you're infected, but Zizzy tells him the infected can't talk. You introduce yourself and ask them what are they doing here. Zizzy replies that they were looking for survivors, and she has a safe place. Then Pony sees Foxy behind you and mistakes him for a friend of yours, but Zizzy tells him that he’s an infected, so Pony attacks Foxy with his wooden sword, leaving an opening for the three to leave to their safe place.
City 9 You arrive on a rooftop. You, Pony, and Zizzy need to find a way in to the safe place. Elly and Grandmother chase you down as you open the gate in front of the safe place. After entering, Zizzy asks what you did before the infection, to which you state your job as an officer looking for Georgie. Pony was trying to become an optometrist like his father and Zizzy was a fencing coach who even taught her two little sisters. After being asked by Zizzy, you explain that you went into the carnival to confront Mr. P for handing out harmful potions. Zizzy tells you to stay at the safe place for a while, but is shortly startled by a figure watching behind a dumpster who runs away after being spotted. Assuming someone is watching you, you and Zizzy check it out while Pony stays behind.
Mall 10 You and Zizzy follow the mysterious person to the mall. After escaping Robby and Mousy, you and Zizzy follow the person to a locked room upstairs. Zizzy tells the person to show themselves, to which Georgie Piggy rises from behind the counter, frightened and armed with a bat. He asks how you know who he is and you tell him your name. You also let him know he was the person you were looking for when going to the house. He says after his family visited the hospital, they became aggressive. He went to the city to find his grandma but everyone looked scary so he hid. Zizzy tells him to come with you and her. Georgie asks if he can see his family to which you assure him that you will find the person behind this all. You go to the safe place and meet Zizzy's younger sisters, the twins Zee and Zuzy. The two come up and the latter excitedly remarks that Zizzy is back with new allies. Giraffy and Mimi stand in the background. Pony reveals that they tracked a helicopter signal nearby. You suspect that it is Mr. P and you want to see him. Pony says he and Zizzy will come with you to find Mr. P. Zizzy orders her sisters to take care of Georgie. You, Pony and Zizzy head out to go find Mr. P and to stop him.
Outpost 11 The helicopter signal leads you, Pony and Zizzy to a military outpost, which is crawling with infected soldiers, including one armed with a flamethrower who pursues you across the map. You unlock the entrance to a large metal base with neon lights. As you're about to go in the base, Georgie comes from behind and wants to come along. He reveals that he followed them by distracting the sisters with a hide-and-seek game in order to confront the one who hurt his family. Pony remarks about the horde of soldiers who followed Georgie. Zizzy tells you to take Georgie with you into the plant while Pony will help her fend off the infected soldiers. Before Zizzy and Pony face the horde, Pony wants to confess something in case they don’t survive, but Zizzy cuts him off stating that she knows what he wants to say. Meanwhile, you and Georgie find Mr. P, equipped with cyborg tech across his body including one of his arms being replaced with a large gun. He grieves to himself, saying he’s created a disaster and that his efforts at fixing things made everything worse. You make your presence known and announce that you and Georgie will stop his evil plans. Mr. P thinks that he is hallucinating you and Georgie, thinking that he is being haunted by memories of those who he failed. The two of you confused, you question what he’s saying. He stays by his view of you two being memories then runs off, so you tell Georgie that you have to go after him.
Distorted Memory Character-Focused Chapters Georgie wakes up after a nightmare and calls out for his sister Penny. He realizes Penny has gone missing, and gets out of bed to look for her. Georgie sees his house has somehow become corrupted, as the staircase that leads to the top floor is missing, there are strange portals leading to shadowy areas, and a ghost-like pig is chasing him around. He finally finds Penny outside, but she walks away into a black mist. Georgie sinks to the ground, not feeling very well, and says "Oh no... Not now!" as his eyes turn red. He then wakes up with a start in the Mall, and realizes it was all a dream, a dream that has repeatedly tortured him.
Plant 12 After entering the plant, Mr. P finally loses patience and attacks you alongside the infected Badgy. You collect two vials which open a case with dynamite, which you place in the middle of the plant to make a loud noise and snap Mr. P out. Instead, the noise affects you and the sectors of the plant are replaced with bits of the forest, school, metro, and carnival. After showing Mr. P a picture of his wife, he regains his sanity and is on his knees, heavily breathing. He reveals he abandoned you and Bunny in the hospital with researchers because he thought you were infected. Those researchers gave him the cyborg parts as a means of protecting him, but nothing could shield him from his guilt. Georgie wants to unleash his vengeance against Mr. P for taking his family away from him and tries to attack Mr. P, but you stop him, reminding him that by hurting Mr. P, he will become what he hates most in him. Mr. P offers to stay in the plant and fight off the infected. What comes after, is chosen by you.

Good Ending

In the good ending, you leave the plant with Georgie to find out Zizzy and Pony successfully fought off the infected. Pony asks what their goal is now that Mr. P is pacified, to which Georgie suggests finding a cure. In a post-credits scene, Mr. P's hat is left inside the plant, with his location and fate unknown.

Bad Ending

In the bad ending, you confront Mr. P and tell him that you can't leave him behind. You try to convince him to come with you. Unfortunately, Badgy is behind you and strikes you down. In the post-credits scene, you stand in front of Mr. P’s hat, you presumably infected.

True Ending

In the true ending, you confront Mr. P who wants to tell you his story, to which you allow him. After warning you to leave as soon as possible after he finishes, he begins his explanation behind his actions. The story is about Mr. P trying to develop a cure to the disease his wife Ms. P has. He put all of his time and money into saving her, even rushing the doctors so that he could test the cure. Despite the doctors’ warnings of the instability of the cure, Mr. P insists to find volunteers. The Piggy family offered to help, all except Georgie. The results were positive, with the family having enhanced strength. Mr. P was overjoyed about this so he gave it to Ms. P immediately. She was getting better until Mr. P heard the news about the Piggy Family turning into monsters. He thought it had nothing to do with the cure, but Ms. P turned into a monster too. He tried to stop her, but he didn't have the heart to, so he let her go. He tried to make more cures. That's when the player came along, and he found out some signs of the infection from you but you were still alive. Before Mr. P could do more research, the hospital he was in was raided, and Bunny was attacked. He gave another rushed cure, thinking that he would save her, but he realized what he had done, and left the hospital in regret, concluding his story. You express your gratefulness and Mr. P wishes you the best of luck. Then the events of the good ending play; you leave the plant with Georgie to find out Zizzy and Pony successfully fought off the infected. Pony asks what their goal is now that Mr. P is pacified, to which Georgie suggests finding a cure. The credits scene lacks any of infected normally shown and in the post-credits scene, Mr. P’s hat isn’t present.

  • 1 (Book 2)
  • 13 (Overall)
This is a flashback before the infection, when you and Doggy arrested the criminal Willow and her companion Rash. In the opening cutscene, you and Officer Doggy are pictured in front of an alley, where you assure Doggy that Willow is here before hunting her down. This chapter features new mechanics present across the rest of Book 2 like item despawning, updated door models, and updated safes. The hideout's door requires you to find 3 numbers of a special code, each of the numbers scattered around the map. Notes are scattered around the map with hints of ‘William’ and ‘Daisy’. After cornering Willow, Rash tries to ambush you, but Willow tells him to stand down. She tells you desperately to not arrest her, and she needs to feed her family, but you do so anyway. You feel guilty, but Doggy reassures you that it’s your job to help others and that we all have a role to play.

The cutscene changes to the present, where everyone in the safe place is outside. Giraffy is tending to plants while and Georgie, Zuzy and Zee run around in the background. You, Zizzy, Pony, and Mimi talk about getting going to a store to get batteries for an old radio they found, which could potentially find other survivors.

Screen Shot 2020-09-12 at 1.02
  • 2 (Book 2)
  • 14 (Overall)
You, Zizzy, and Pony are in a store looking for batteries. You clear out the store while Dessa is after you and find two batteries to give to Zizzy. After you make it out, you and your group go back to the safe place with the batteries. Mimi uses the batteries to restore the radio. It eventually works and someone starts to talk claiming to be called Settlement Six, who claim they are looking for any communities to trade with and request to meet up. They tell you to meet them at Old Oak, before you lose the signal. Mimi is delighted, wanting to meet them, but Pony is reluctant. Giraffy starts to doubt Pony, asking if he's making another joke. Pony replies, that he is being serious about this and won't go. Zizzy agrees with Pony, but still wants to meet up. Pony is surprised, and tries to convince Zizzy not to go. Zizzy reassures Pony by saying: "Pony, we know how to handle ourselves out there. If we get into trouble, we know how to get out of it". You agree with Zizzy, remembering when Zizzy and Pony fought an army of infected at the Plant. Pony hesitates, but then gives in, still not trusting the Settlement. Zizzy asks who will stay behind, to which Giraffy and Mimi agree. You, Zizzy, and Pony go to meet the group.

The scene shifts to an open forest where the three meet up. Pony asks if it's the right place, since no one is around. Willow then appears along with Tigry, Pandy, Kitty, and Baren surrounding you. Willow walks up to Pony, revealing that he was an ex-member, saying "It's a shame that you left us". Willow then turns to you, accusing you of taking her away from her family. Willow claims that the player felt good for themselves, ripping her away from the ones she cared about. She then walks over to Zizzy, curious and unfamiliar with her. Zizzy snaps back, stating that she knows everything about Willow and her "sick" crew. Willow remarks that Pony must have told a lot of about them, mentioning Pony’s open mouth as a flaw of his. Willow then conjures up an idea. She orders the rest to take Zizzy and leave you and Pony. Pony starts to run to Zizzy, but Willow whips out a gun as a threat display. She tells Pony that they're only taking Zizzy into questioning. Zizzy promises Pony that she will stay safe and will come back. Willow appreciates with Zizzy’s collaboration and they leave.

Pony is frozen to the spot as they take Zizzy with them. He reveals to the player that they are called The Silver Paw, also known as T.S.P. Pony admits that when the infection broke out, he needed to find a group, so he joined them. He says that they did awful things but he was too scared to leave. When you ask Pony what made him leave, he refuses to tell, saying that it is a story for another time and changes the subject to saving Zizzy before it's too late. You suggest telling the others but Pony says that there is no time and that he needs you now. You join Pony and follow The Silver Paw.

  • 3 (Book 2)
  • 15 (Overall)
You and Pony arrive at the T.S.P. base in an oil refinery. You break though the fence and try to unlock the room Zizzy is in while Tigry chases you down with Pandy, Kitty, Filip, Baren, Katie, and Felix standing guard and attacking if they see you. While clearing the map, Pony disables Katie and Filip with you disabling Kitty. After opening Zizzy’s room, you see Zizzy knocking out an infected before focusing on you, saying she’s fought all day and started to enjoy it. You try bringing Zizzy out but as she wants to walk out, she feels a large scratch on her shoulder from an infected. She realizes that she’ll become an infected soon and tells you and Pony to leave. Pony insists that Zizzy will be cured, but Zizzy remarks that if a cure existed then they wouldn’t be on their current mission. She says she’ll use her remaining time to sabotage the refinery and disrupt The Silver Paw. Pony hugs Zizzy goodbye before you two leave Zizzy to her fate. You return to the Safe Place, everyone knowing the implications of Zizzy not returning with you.
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RB Battles Studio Event Chapters You want to enter the theatre but find nobody there, so you clear the map looking for an escape from the infected DJ, Russo, and Sabrina who have a unique mechanic where they stun instead of killing. The objective is to be the first to escape through the high tower outside.
RB Battles Studio Image
The Safe Place
  • 4 (Book 2)
  • 16 (Overall)
Georgie wakes you from your room in The Safe Place upon hearing a loud explosion. Neither are aware of the source, but both know that they should escape. Another explosion is heard, and the player unlocks different rooms around the building, freeing Pony, Mimi, and Giraffy from the heavily damaged building which Raze has invaded. Pony finds that Zee and Zuzy are not present, assuming and hoping that they have used the vent to escape safely. Following the survivors' escape, The Silver Paw, all except Tigry, are outside. Baren wields a rocket launcher and Willow reveals her fault for The Safe Place’s demolition, justifying it as revenge for Zizzy’s sabotage. All the Safe Place members present are captured and put in a cell. In the cell, Mimi and Gifaffy apologize for doubting Pony’s concerns. Pony forgives them as they await an escape.
Winter Holiday Character-Focused Chapters You, Pony, Zizzy, Giraffy, Georgie, Mimi, Zee and Zuzy are ready to share the presents in a cabin, but you suddenly realize that you haven't got anything yet. You’re granted ten minutes by your friends to find presents around the map and put them under the Christmas tree. After searching outside while being chased by the ice-pig Frostiggy, you finally found suitable presents for everyone and they're very happy and grateful for their gifts. It ends with Zizzy wishing everyone happy holidays.
Winter Holiday Map
  • 5 (Book 2)
  • 17 (Overall)
Right after Willow leaves, Zee and Zuzy pop out of a sewer lid and you go down to help them unscrew another lid to escape. You find another way in the sewers with the help of Zee and Zuzy while Alfis chases you, who has a unique patrol bot mechanic used in every following chapter. Zee and Zuzy go back to The Safe Place for their fencing foils and leave you to save the group. After you unlock the cell and lead everyone out, Tigry is seen to almost throw a dagger at them, but hesitates and doesn't do it. Willow arrives, insulting Tigry’s hesitance and decides to fire herself. She aims for Pony but Giraffy, spotting her aim, jumps in front of the bullet before it hits Pony and takes it to the gut. Giraffy claims this as his apology to Pony and the group mourns him, all except you, who faces Willow one-on-one in preparation to take her down for all she’s done.
  • 6 (Book 2)
  • 18 (Overall)
Pony joins you in the standoff against Willow. Pitying your lack of a weapon, she gives you two a head start and shoots the light above you. You wander the factory to find three wooden swords to give Pony which he will use to defeat Willow, who is pursuing you alongside Kolie, the first of various infected to have a mysterious orange iris. Along the way, you find the Silver Paw members trapped and you have the option to save any number of them or none at all. The amount you save determines the ending you get the way the story continues.

Savior Ending

You save all the Silver Paw members and exit with your group. The beaten Willow follows behind, taking aim at you, but is interrupted by Katie, who tells Willow that you saved the entire group. Zee and Zuzy return with their foils and see Willow defeated and yell at her for taking their sister Zizzy. Willow is in shock hearing that Zizzy was a beloved sister. While distracted, Willow gets her gun hit out of her hand by a thrown blade by Tigry and she kneels to the ground. She realizes the impact of her actions and sorely apologizes. Pony refuses to accept her apology but you accept her, realizing that anyone can change for the better. Willow reveals that she knows where the cure is from her radio and will lead the group to the cure as an apology for her heinous actions. When Mimi volunteers to take care of the injured Giraffy, The Silver Paw members agree to take care of him instead as a thanks for saving them all. Mimi comes along with the group, but Willow is still kneeling as her thoughts come to her.

A series of memories comes explaining Willow’s backstory taking place in her hideout room in Alleys. It shows her, her little brother William, and their parents whose faces are grayed out to represent Willow’s faint memory to them. It starts off showing them as a happy family, then follows with two polar bear officers with grayed faces coming and taking the parents away as Willow and William reach for them in desperation. Daisy appears and acts as the foster parent of the two, bringing them a pie in one of the shots. She’s later shown reading a note revealing that she was drafted into the military. She is forced to leave and William leaves shortly after in search of her. The only remnant of him is his scarf, which Willow wears and has on throughout the entire story.

Survivor Ending

The survivor ending is identical to the savior ending described above with a few changes. This ending is triggered by saving 1-5 Silver Paw members and the cutscene displays the saved members. A random member tells Willow to stop instead of Katie specifically. They don’t volunteer to take care of Giraffy like in the savior ending, forcing Mimi to stay behind.

Worst Ending

Not having saved any Silver Paw members, the beaten Willow follows you all outside and kills you with a single bullet. This ending isn’t canon and has no effect on following chapters.

Chapter 6 Book 2
  • 7 (Book 2)
  • 19 (Overall)
You arrive at a coastal port with The Safe Place, Willow, and in the savior continuity, Mimi. Willow's boat was here, but Tigry stole it and they forced to find a new one. You spot a lighthouse and decide to power it on to attract any nearby ships. You go through ornate buildings finding batteries to power the lightouse while Dakoda pursues you. Once the lighthouse is on, a large ship docks and you all board it. The captain exclaims in confusion upon noticing the new guests before revealing herself to be Captain Budgey, captain of the ship, named The Medora, and the ship's former crew. Pony asks for help across the North Sea to which Budgey strongly declines. She explains that the boat is out of fuel and the only spare fuel is in the lower levels of the infested ship. You offer to help, and so go down alongside Willow. If on the Savior ending, Mimi asks where the boat will dock if the fuel is retrieved, to which Budgey responds with Doveport. Mimi says she knows a friend there who may be able to help them.
Port - Chapter 7
  • 8th (Book 2)
  • 20th (Overall)
Budgey tells you your task of retrieving the fuel from the lower levels. You unlock parts of the ship as Archie and the other infected crew members try catching you. You open a green crate with fuel cans in it but as you go inside, a crewmate comes from behind and you're forced to shut the hatch. Willow pouts in frustration at having to be locked in with you and you try getting on good terms with her. She denies you and scolds you for being responsible for ruining her life by arresting her parents. You mention that you never knew her parents and when she asks where they are, you aren't able to give her an answer. You suddenly hear Georgie yell from outside the crate and the rest of the team comes to save you. You meet with Budgey on the base level, who is staring at a distant place with vibrant and loud explosions. She declares their arrival.
Ship icon
  • 9th (Piggy: Book 2)
  • 21st (Overall)
You and your allies get off of Budgey's ship and down onto the docks. Budgey wishes the team good luck before they part their ways, as Willow notices her tugboat that'd been stolen by Tigry at a distance. You ascend the stairs to the main docks with Pony to unlock a way to the mainland while being pursued by Markus, another infected with a mysterious orange iris. If you wander close to Markus, Pony will attack him, briefly stunning him before Markus backhands him to the floor. After escaping the map, you walk into a large hallway consisting of two bridges held above a large pit. You walk across one hall and see Tigry walking parallel to you in a new outfit. You talk to Tigry, the two of you remembering each other from the Refinery. Tigry apologizes for pursuing you back then, stating that he was following orders rather than thinking for himself. He too is here for the cure, to save a friend of his. You tell him that you're here to save a friend, being led by Willow. Tigry is surprised and disappointed in your alliance with Willow, saying she can't be trusted. He offers to help you if you ditch Willow. You deny his offer and and he peacefully leaves, his offer still available if you change your mind. Pony comes in after he leaves and you explain what happened. He hears about Tigry's offer and is eager to follow him, but you insist on giving Willow a chance.

You and your group walk out to an open snowscape, full of falling explosives and blast marks on the ground. You, leading the group, are suddenly lunged at by a robot pig. From a house in the distance, a klipspringer calls you to come inside. Once inside, the klipspringer reveals himself to be Kona, an engineer who created the security mall droids, though he claims he isn't responsible for the one with the chainsaw. He reveals that his assistant robot who confronted you outside, Robby, is of the same model. He explains his research of the infected and the current situation, where the military is unleashing mass bombings to kill off infected. He offers you safe passage through his lab, but warns you of the traps there and offers Robby to go with you. If on the Savior continuity, he and Mimi will reunite and have a friendly exchange before Kona hands Mimi a radio which he'll communicate with them through.

Docks icon
  • 10th (Piggy: Book 2)
  • 22nd (Overall)
After meeting with Kona, you and Robby head under Kona's base to open an escape for the others to go through. You are pursued by Spidella as you clear through Kona's base, which is mostly comprised of an underground temple he excavated by accident and merged his lab with. This is the first chapter with a totally unique puzzle required for the exit. This is the first chapter after Factory whose ending heavily varies based on continuity.

In the Savior ending, you start to feel "off" as soon as you leave with the group. Suddenly, you find yourself in a pitch black void, confronted by Bunny as she appeared in School and Hospital. She repeats one of her lines from Hospital. You realize you're in some kind of illusion and start trying to break out, constantly denying that what's around you is real. As figures of Doggy and Zizzy appear behind you, you continue denying them. They disappear and a mysterious voice speaks to you, before revealing himself to be an extremely tall, very human-like figure unlike anything else in Piggy. The figure, ignoring your confusion, shows you a distorted vision of the School sewers, implying he was responsible for you fainting in that ending. He then shows the second phase of Plant, implying he was responsible for those visions. He explains his fascination with you, mentioning how you should've been infected long ago when you were attacked at the Piggy household. He tells you that you are immune to the infection and capable of great things. He offers to help you see your friends again, to which you decline. He accepts your decline and leaves you with a warning to not continue on your current path. You try to strike him in frustration as you find yourself outside the void and back in the snowscape. Willow makes a snarky remark, amused by your seemingly meaningless rambling. Pony reveals that he'd seen the same figure and describes his encounters with him. He says he did something while in The Silver Paw that he horribly regretted. Willow pressures him into telling you what he'd done, threatening to say it herself if he doesn't tell you. Mimi interrupts and gets everyone back on task. Robby volunteers to stay behind with the twins and Georgie, but they rebel and convince the group to let them come along. Kona speaks to Mimi through his radio and mentions something happening at the outpost ahead as the group goes towards it.

In the Survivor ending, you come out with the group and Robby volunteers to keep the twins and Georgie safe with him. You, Pony, and Willow talk amongst yourselves about finally finding a cure and the context surrounding the cure. Pony suggests the idea that something is potentially "pulling strings", with the infected all going further north towards the cure. After your quick discussion, you go to the outpost ahead to find the cure.

Temple icon
  • 11th (Piggy: Book 2)
  • 23rd (Overall)
You and your group arrive at a deserted outpost and aim to access the elevator to go down to find the cure. You are pursued by Delta and their fellow soldiers who rise from the ground, which Willow and Pony will attack to knock out. After clearing the entrance to a large cave and opening the elevator, you alert the crew to come down. On the Survivor continuity, you all go down without hesitation. On the Savior continuity however, Pony keeps you behind to confess something. While he was with The Silver Paw, he was forced to give you and Doggy infectious potions back at the Forest, and hence was responsible for infecting Doggy. You're taken back by this, losing your faith in Pony and being deeply disappointed. Georgie in the back convinces you to forgive Pony, quoting you from when you had him forgive Mr. P at the Plant. You make up with him and proceed but notice Willow staring at something offscreen. When questioned, she denies a proper answer and proceeds with the group.

In the Lab below, Tigry is planting fuses in preparation for Willow's arrival. Willow and Tigry bicker at each other, Tigry upset at being denied for all his time in The Silver Paw and Willow calling him ungrateful for all she'd done to help him survive. They break out into a fight, pouncing over each other and exchanging blows. They have a brief intermission before engaging again, where Willow manages to strangle Tigry and almost chokes him out when Tigry's fuses blow and parts of the Lab isolate the group. You, now alone, aim to find an escape route through the closest door, where a silhouette of a red-eyed pig pops out.

Heist Character-Focused Chapters Willow explains to her friends Rash, Pony and Billy that William feels upset that William won’t talk to her and wants to do something for him. Billy suggests to go steal him “something nice”. The group goes out to steal something for William, too poor to buy anything instead. You play as either Willow or Pony while Rash and Billy assist in completing the map. They’re pursued by Officer Poley around the Alleys which has been reformatted to where certain buildings are inaccessible while the hotel extends to a new section of the map. They break into a warehouse and steal a pie for William. Willow comes back to her hideout with the pie, warmly opening to William before realizing he’s already left and only his scarf remains.

An extended flashback plays detailing Willow’s history. It starts with Doggy arresting Willow in the events of Alleys which sends her to be imprisoned in the Station. While there, she manages to escape while Officer Poley roams as an infected. She returns to the Alleys to see infected Rash barricaded in the upper floor of Leo’s Laundromat, sorrowful at the sight. She returns to her hideout holding a torch, dropping the torch and leaving to let her past life burn away.

Near the Alleys, Tigry is shivering near a fire and Willow offers him a hand. The two go to a grassy field with a river where they see Pony, who is sitting down looking at a photo of him and Zizzy when they were young. The two followed by many others off-screen are recruited into The Silver Paw. The Silver Paw breaks into the Hospital to get a bottle of Substance - 128. Pony and Willow are shown directly before the events of Forest, where Pony is reluctantly about to give you and Doggy the potion to infect you. Pony is shown in one of the rooms of Factory frustrated over what he’d done and holding the same photo of him and Zizzy. He throws his beret down and abandons The Silver Paw, meeting Zizzy at The Safe Place instead.

The final scene cuts all the way to the Savior ending of Camp, focusing on Willow while she’s staring at something. What she’s staring at is Daisy, who is in a military suit and now infected, sitting on the ground and another part of her life she’s lost.

Distraction Character-Focused Chapters Taking place after you and Pony leave the Refinery, Zizzy endures the pain from her scratch and seeks out to set a distraction. Her view is distorted, seeing weird terrain and gradually losing color vision as the round continues. She is pursued by unusual infected versions of her sisters and various tall goopy pigs called Sentinel. She plants three sticks of dynamite in an oil storage room and makes her escape. When she escapes, she finds herself in an empty black void. Suddenly, a tall human-like figure in a formal suit appears, the same character you encounter in Temple’s Savior ending. He convinces her to join his cause, praising her strength and resilience. She protests in confusion and he switches topics. He explains his past as a lonely and quiet child who eventually created an otherworldly friend for himself. Their friendship was strong, but he started to became more and more like his friend, a fact the friend did not take lightly. They went on a rampage and abandoned him. He states that his time in this void started when his time in the real world ended. He connects it back to Zizzy, reminding her of a quiet young child close to her, Zee. Zizzy is taken back and insists that Zee would never be anything like him. Seeing his initial efforts thwarted, he disappears and commences another tactic.

The void turns white and Pony appears to Zizzy. At first, Zizzy isn’t convinced that this Pony is real. Despite her doubt, she vents to this Pony anyways. They sit close facing away from each other annd Zizzy apologizes for wanting to meet with the group and her reckless desperation for seeing new faces. Pony says he isn’t fazed by not seeing anyone new, as long the only face he sees is Zizzy’s. Zizzy is baffled by this, asking him if he truly meant it. He says his picture of her is what kept him going through the infection. Zizzy, still believing this Pony is a hallucination, claims that the tall figure’s tricks are getting more cruel. Pony hears this and asks Zizzy if they’ve seen the same being, before suddenly vanishing. The figure appears in front of Zizzy with his hand held out. Zizzy, realizing the Pony she met was the real Pony, takes his offer in desperation. As she’s about to put her hand on the figure’s hand, a dark hand comes from behind and pulls her away.

  • 12th (Piggy: Book 2)
  • 24th (Overall)
Following directly after the last chapter with no intro cutscene, you venture part of the lab to try to find the cure. You are pursued by a distorted version of Penny Piggy, as well as a goopy crawling pig creature in one of the vents. You power on the lab to complete a puzzle and open a door to the cure. When you go through the door, you’re brought to a distorted fortress of similar vain to the one in Plant, using parts of four different Book 2 chapters. Three of them have one item each and getting an item will summon a Sentinel of its section’s color. These items can be given to either Willow or Tigry who are fighting in the middle, the ending you get being determined by whichever character gets two items first and your continuity.

Tigry Survivor

After assisting Tigry in winning while on the Survivor continuity, Tigry thanks you for assisting him and lets you have the cure as a thanks, to which you're reluctant to accept but you take regardless. You exit the Camp but a soldier emerges from the snow behind you and swipes at your leg. Pony, sitting against a tree, reveals himself to be infected and that you two share a fate. He insists that you use the cure, admitting that he was responsible for Doggy's infection in the Forest per The Silver Paw's orders. You leave him behind and take the cure for yourself, distrustful in your former friend.

Tigry Savior

After assisting Tigry in winning while on the Savior continuity, Tigry thanks you for assisting him and lets you use the cure as a thanks, to which you're reluctant to accept but you accept regardless, letting Tigry carry it. You go to meet Pony at the elevator, but Tigry's fuses that he planted suddenly go off and drop parts of the lab down, blocking the elevator and isolating Tigry and the cure he's holding from you and Pony. Pony sits down and reveals that he's soon to become an infected after being attacked in the Docks. In their last moments, you forgive Pony for what he'd done. In your moment of desperation, TIO appears with his hand out, leaving you no choice but to take his offer.

Willow Survivor

After assisting Willow in winning while on the Survivor continuity, you two get into a fuss before leaving and Willow holding the cure. You two exit the Camp and you find Pony outside against a tree, who reveals that he got infected after being attacked at the Docks. As you try calming Pony down, the camera pans to Willow who is holding the cure and walking off with it. You remember that Willow had the cure, but Pony says they won't be able to get it from her. You and Pony exchange for goodbyes and you walk away.

Willow Savior

After assisting Willow in winning while on the Savior continuity, you two get into a fuss before leaving and Willow holding the cure. You two exit the Camp and you find Pony outside against a tree, who reveals that he got infected after being attacked at the Docks. As you try calming Pony down, the camera pans to Willow who is holding the cure and walking off with it. You remember that Willow had the cure, but Pony says they won't be able to get it from her. You forgive Pony for what he'd done in the Forest before his final moments. As he's about to speak, Willow returns and holds the cure out to Pony. Though reluctant to accept it, Willow harshly insists and Pony consumes it. Suddenly, Mimi, Georgie, and the twins return with Giraffy. Georgie asks if they had to cure, to which Willow lies that it was crushed under all the rubble. Zuzy is sad that they can't save Zizzy, but Pony assures her to stay strong as Zizzy would've wanted. They also acknowledge that another cure may be made at some point, so not all hope is lost. You all go down to the Lab to retrieve any useful files, but Georgie notices that Willow is mysteriously absent.


This ending is obtained by special means in the Savior continuity, the first step being to escape Docks without Pony being attacked by Markus. You open an alternate exit to the lab, avoiding the distorted phase entirely. You give a radio you find to Mimi but you find Willow and Tigry fighting next to the cure, Willow seemingly winning. You express your frustration at Willow for her hostility, and Tigry follows up by saying he wants the two of them to be on good terms again. Mimi interrupts and calls everyone outside to see a large aerial military vehicle with a sergeant and two of his soldiers. This sergeant is Sgt. Monroe, who received the distress signal from your radio. He's disgruntled at noticing Willow and Tigry, who he calls a criminal and a deserter respectively. Mimi tells Sgt. Monroe that they have the cure. Sgt. Monroe expresses his confusion on how this specific outpost holding the cure was wiped out, almost as if it were targeted. Suddenly, a horde of orange-eyed infected, some with orange irises, rise from the ground and Sgt. Monroe orders his soldiers to open fire. Your view suddenly pans to the black void you saw in Temple and the same figure you saw appears. He reveals his name, TIO, and his disappointment in your advance to the cure despite his warnings. He tries to reason with you but you deny listening to him. Out of frustration, he decides that he'll take you out himself. He vanishes and a black circle appears on the ground, from which a titanic goop monster form of TIO rises. You first advance through a series of puzzles from other chapters while TIO's distorted form follows behind and traps are placed around. After clearing this, you arrive in a castle-like area where Pony, Zuzy, and Georgie are being attacked by his infected father, infected Zizzy, and distorted Penny respectively in areas resembling maps matching them. You give them weapons to help them defeat these hallucinations, then a second floor opens and two Sentinels also pursue you. You realize that since TIO is attacking you in your memories, you can use your own memories to defeat him. Doggy, Bunny, and Zizzy NPCs are present in spots resembling their maps and will attack TIO once given items. When all three attack TIO, the final cutscene plays. TIO, agonized, yells out as his heart uncontrollably pounds and he sinks down. Your view comes back to the snowscape outside, where the infected are dealt with. All your allies express their gratitude for helping them out. You hand the cure to the military while Willow makes up to Tigry for her actions. You invite Willow along, but she and Tigry want to venture on their own. You offer your final goodbyes on good terms and depart.

After the credits roll, you see the group in Kona's house with uninfected Zizzy, Pony complaining about carrot prices but taking back his complaint once Zizzy suggests farming carrots himself. The camera pans back to a distorted opening from which the whole home is visible, the same opening used in distorted areas influenced by TIO.

Lab voting icon
Breakout Character-Focused Chapters Tigry and Danny are hiding and Sgt. Monroe gives an order to go to the enemy's bunker. When Tigry is about to open the door, the floor falls and he enters the bunker. He is armed with nothing but a flashlight as he enters different portals while the strange tiger monster Ombra pursues him. Each portal leads to a different subspace where Tigry must clear a challenge for part of the code to the armory. He opens the armory and gets a knife to attack Ombra with. He stabs Ombra but the knife has went into a fellow soldier instead. A flashback plays detailing his early life of being neglected by his parents and harassed by classmates, stressing him to the point where he left to join the military. After the flashback, Tigry realizes the mistake he'd made and backs away in horror.

Cutting forward all the way after Lab's Hidden Ending, while on the streets he finds the same poster that convinced him to join the military. He talks to Willow, who he's travelling with, curious about her compassion to him. As they walk ahead, another brief flashback plays where it shows Willow first finding Tigry.

Mansion Character-Focused Chapters Zuzy and Zee are outside a large mansion, which Zuzy wants to break into after hearing "rumors" about the mansion's owner, Eddy. Zee regrettably goes along with her sister to explore the mansion. They open up several rooms as the mansion's resident robot, Duocara, tries to scare them out. Once the power is turned on, Zuzy decides that they need to get out. They escape through the front gate and as they rush out, they run right into Zizzy. Zuzy tries to explain, including a faulty attempt at blaming Zee, when Eddy comes in and startles Zuzy. Zuzy thinks Eddy will "turn her into a toy", to which he's confused. Zizzy apologizes to him and the three are let free. As they leave, they realize that Pony has found himself stuck in a bush. They proceed, ignoring Pony.

It then cuts to a scene where Eddy is in the basement in a secret room, where he has a crystal, a map, and a journal, seemingly investigating The Insolence. He then calls a friend, Finley, for help, saying that something big might happen soon, and he isn't too happy about it.

RB Battles Spaceship Event Chapters The map starts off with the player in the launch zone, stating that they don’t know where they are, but they need to get out of there.

After completing the Launch Zone Tasks while dodging Sabrina, the player presumably gets into the spaceship, and it takes off. The player then spawns in the second part of the map, inside the spaceship, to face off against DJ. Once all the tasks are completed, the player escapes to Planet Blue through an escape pod. They are relieved to have escaped and wave to the players who didn’t make it in time.

Metallica x Piggy Event Event Chapters Metallica is going to perform at Metallica Fest, but the staff find out that an electric eel is causing havoc. The player confronts them and volunteers to take care of the monster. They set up the instruments and props for the Metallica performance as they try to get the sword inside the golden porta potty. The player uses this on the electric eel, which takes her down and with the threat gone and the concert set up, Metallica’s performers thank the player for their help before performing on stage.
The Hunt: First Edition Event Event Chapters Finley's time machine crashes into the menu screen, where he recruits the player to travel through time with him to find treasure. While traveling, something inside the machine breaks and they get sent into a medieval-esque place where a guardian statue chases the player. After fixing the Time Machine through various puzzles, it sends them into the future where Blatt and Scry hunt the player down, Blatt blind but Scry acting as their watchdog who will alert Blatt of players it sees. A large vault is unlocked which requires a code and houses a golden egg inside. When entering the vault, Finley grabs the egg and turns against the player after getting his bounty, and throws the egg at the player which knocks them out.
Decay Character-Focused Chapters Bunny wakes up and hallucinates her little sister, Bonnet. She then begins a quest to find her. After crossing the plank that she must use the crossbow on, she sees Bonnet run through another door. Later, she sees Bonnet yet again, leading her to hallucinate a hallway similar to those in the Hospital. She then begins to hallucinate silhouettes of Mr. P and Sheepy walking in front of her. The silhouettes then stop and suddenly turn to face her direction, revealing their glowing white eyes. She fends off infected that she must shoot with her crossbow to avoid being damaged. Then Bonnet runs through one last door, in which she hallucinates a house-like area. Bunny sees herself arguing with one of her sisters before disappearing. As Bunny is still on her quest, she sees a distorted rabbit. Bunny is chased through a long tunnel until escaping through a door. After another assortment of obstacles, she finds this same rabbit-like figure, chasing her again. After hiding in a vent at the end of a hallway, she escapes the metro station. Bunny, in an alleyway, reminisces about Bonnet and feels guilty about not being able to save her. Shortly after, an infected mouse approaches Bunny. Out of instinct, she shoots the mouse. It is then revealed that the character was actually a survivor that seemed to be an infected due to Bunny's hallucinations. A wolf called Henry walks into the alleyway Bunny and the mouse character, whom he refers to as Mari, are in. It's then revealed that Bunny has fully turned into an infected. Henry, whom Bunny hallucinates as Bonnet and her other sister, shoots Bunny. The scene fades to black and an unknown entity beings talking, saying how it was unfortunate for Bunny's story to end like that, and hints towards future endings for this chapter.
Piggy Decay Icon


The main currency in Piggy are the Piggy Tokens. Piggy Tokens can be gained by escaping as a survivor in a chapter or killing a player as Piggy. Escaping will award 15 Piggy Tokens with an additional 10 from Hard Mode. Escaping on Swarm gives 45 tokens instead of 15. Killing a player as Piggy will award 5 Tokens. Winning as a survivor in Traitor will award 5 Tokens and escaping a Chapter as Traitor will award 30 Tokens. The 2x Piggy Tokens gamepass doubles all the aforementioned token gainings except the Hard Mode bonus. You can also purchase them in the Piggy Token shop with Robux, which is accessible in the bottom of the main menu next to the amount of Piggy Tokens you have.

Seasons also have limited currency that could be used to buy stuff in the respective season's shop, Vials for Mr. P's Lab, Candies for The Haunting and Witching Hour, Gifts for Holiday Hustle and Whistling Winter, and Relics for Expectant Exploration. Season currencies are obtained in bunches of 25, 50, or 75 depending on the season mission completed. Unlike Piggy Tokens, you cannot buy these currencies with Robux, and after the season is replaced with another season, you cannot spend these currencies at all, including in following seasons that use the same currency.


Main Article: Shop

Piggy has two different kinds of shops: Skins and Items. Skins is where players can buy and equip skins they use when they become Piggy while Items is where players buy and equip abilities and traps for Survivor and Piggy respectively.

Skins | Book 1

Skin Price

Piggy (Distorted)

0 Tokens (Default)

Collect all pages for Book 1 and Book 2

Little Brother 50 Tokens
Mother 75 Tokens
Father 100 Tokens
Grandmother 125 Tokens
Sheepy 150 Tokens
Pandy 160 Tokens
Teacher 175 Tokens
Memory 200 Tokens
Kitty 225 Tokens
Mimi 235 Tokens
Dinopiggy 240 Tokens
Daisy 245 Tokens
Angel 250 Tokens
Pony 260 Tokens
Devil 270 Tokens
Doggy 275 Tokens
Giraffy 285 Tokens
Beary 290 Tokens
Foxy 300 Tokens
Elly 310 Tokens
Soldier 315 Tokens
Zompiggy 325 Tokens

Badgy (Alternate)

335 Tokens

300 Vials (Mr. P's Lab Exclusive)


Bunny (Alternate)

325 Tokens

750 Gifts (Whistling Winter Exclusive)

Skelly 375 Tokens
Clowny 385 Tokens
Tigry 400 Tokens
Mousy 415 Tokens
Parasee 425 Tokens

Zizzy (Soldier)

450 Tokens

750 Gifts (Holiday Hustle Exclusive)

Ghosty 460 Tokens
Robby 475 Tokens
Billy 500 Tokens
Budgey 525 Tokens
Torcher 550 Tokens
Mr. P True Ending Badge Exclusive

Skins | Book 2

Skin Price
Officer Doggy 275 Tokens
Rash 300 Tokens

Katie (Alternate)

325 Tokens

750 Candies (Witching Hour Exclusive)

Kona 335 Tokens
Pandy (Uniform) 350 Tokens
Dessa 375 Tokens
Archie 385 Tokens
Raze 400 Tokens
Tigry (Uniform) 415 Tokens
Kolie 425 Tokens
Markus 425 Tokens
Alfis 450 Tokens
Dakoda 460 Tokens
Tobi 465 Tokens
Felix 475 Tokens
Delta 485 Tokens
Mari 500 Tokens

Kamosi (Alternate)

550 Tokens

750 Relics (Expectant Exploration Exclusive)

Spidella 625 Tokens
Twins 650 Tokens
Kraxicorde 700 Tokens
Silzous 725 Tokens
Willow Collect all pages for Book 1 and Book 2
??? Hidden Ending Badge Exclusive

Skins | Extra

Skin Price
Pumpiggy 300 Tokens
Reindessa 375 Tokens

Crove (Alternate)

500 Tokens

600 Candies (The Haunting Exclusive)

Poley Piggy-Jailbreak Crossover Exclusive
Mr. Stitchy Spooky Hunt Exclusive
Owell Spooky Hunt Exclusive
Frostiggy Beat the Winter Holiday Map
Primrose Winter Holiday Hunt Exclusive
Bess Egg Hunt Exclusive
Gold Piggy Egg Hunt Exclusive
Phenna Temple Quest Exclusive
Laura Camp Quest Exclusive
Anteo 1050 Vials (Mr. P's Lab Exclusive)
Bakari 1050 Candies (The Haunting Exclusive)
Sentinel Collect all pages for Book 1
Mr. Bliss 1050 Gifts (Holiday Hustle Exclusive)
Gryffyn 1050 Relics (Expectant Exploration Exclusive)
Ombra Escape Breakout
Fergus 500 Tokens
Shardantus 500 Tokens
Marley Russell 500 Tokens
Glenn 500 Tokens
Jakayla 500 Tokens
Carver 1000 Candies (Witching Hour Exclusive)
Duocara Escape Mansion on bot mode.
Bela Complete her quest.
Meisery 1000 Gifts (Whistling Winter Exclusive)
Eelektra Complete the Metallica x Piggy map.
Blatt Complete The Hunt: First Edition Event.
The Prototype Keymaster Badge Exclusive
Decaying Infected Complete the Decay map.
Mrs. P Bittersweet Badge Exclusive


  • Piggy has a history of April Fool’s Day updates:
    • In 2020, Gurt - Chapter ? was put on the voting screen. It could not be voted.
    • In 2021, the game title was changed to Gurty and Piggy’s design in Book 1 and main menu was replaced with Gurty, the same design but with Gurt’s head. Little Brother was also removed from the Book 1 menu background.
    • In 2022, the game title was changed to Perfectly Normal Piggy game and Piggy was once again replaced with Gurty, except using decals of him. Skin sound effects were replaced with sounds mostly voiced by MiniToon.
    • In 2023, a CLICK ME IF BORED Button was added below the energy bar which would put memes on the screen and play wacky noises.
    • In 2024, House - Chapter 1 was changed to House.EXE DO NOT PLAY (SCARY) and Piggy was replaced with Piggy.EXE in Book 1.
  • The soundtrack heard in the main menu of Piggy: Book 1 is Horror Pantomime, an APM track from the Roblox Audio Library.
  • For the milestone, Piggy is the second fastest Roblox game to have 1 billion visits (it did so in 83 days) and was expected to be the fastest game to reach 2 billion visits. Piggy is only beaten by Blade Ball, which reached 1 billion visits in late 2023 over the span of 62 days.
  • Due to this game being based off of Peppa Pig, there were some images and soundtracks from the show. Images and tracks from Peppa Pig have been removed while character designs based off Peppa Pig characters have been redesigned.
  • Piggy: Book 2 was first confirmed by a trailer MiniToon released on his channel.
  • Piggy has been a part of five Roblox events so far: RB Battles Season 2, Ready Player Two, RB Battles Season 3, Metallica x Piggy, and The Hunt: First Edition.
  • Piggy's private servers were supposed to cost Robux, but went free on multiple occasions and ended up staying free to this day.
    • From criticism during the Ready Player 2 event, Piggy had free private Servers from November 25th, 2020, to December 8th, 2020.
    • For to the Egg Hunt, MiniToon decided to make private servers free again from April 3rd, 2021, to April 24th, 2021.
      • When Heist released, private servers went free once again, and it has stayed that way ever since.
  • Sometime during August 2021, Piggy got content deleted. This was a Roblox bug and was quickly fixed.
  • Due to ROBLOX privating most of the sounds in the RAL, many sounds in Piggy were removed and replaced.
  • On November 22nd, 2024 the default icon was changed to the previous one and the one currently used in the Chinese Variant.
    • This is because Epic_Tank didn’t have the file of the previous thumbnail and used the one currently used for the Chinese Variant instead.


The discussions tag for Piggy (Game) can be found here.

Main Games CopyLogo PiggyPiggy- Book 2 Thumbnail Piggy: Book 2Piggy Build mode Update Piggy Build ModePiggy intercity logo Piggy: Intercity
Spin-Off Games 7b8e564736ce09065037733a6baa272c Piggy but it's 100 PlayersIntercityIcon Piggy: Intercity (DEMO)CopyLogo 暴走小猪NSH No Significant HarassmentHeader PIGGY: HuntPIG 64 PIG 64MISFITS Piggy: Misfits
Testing Places InvisibleMeshReproProfile Invisible MeshParts Repro0e268977ea77a791704884ca6a6eb0c6 Soldier Survival
Joke Games Potate game Potate game0e268977ea77a791704884ca6a6eb0c6 SketchyWhy does this look just like the thumbnail but with a balck box The PIGGY Household (SCARY) (DO NOT PLAY)