- Accounts less than 4 days old will not be able to edit or comment on articles.
- FANDOM's terms of use ( apply to this wiki. All users must be 13 or older.
- All wiki content will be in English for ease of moderation.
- It's advised that you read this from time to time because the rules can be unexpectedly changed, and you don't want to get warned or banned because you broke a rule you didn't even know about. Remarks regarding rules are also posted occasionally by staff members on the discussions.
Main Wiki Rules
- Finding loopholes to these rules will result in further punishment. This includes deleting warning messages from staff.
- Be respectful to users and avoid starting conflict. If a user is uncomfortable with what you are doing, stop. This includes blocked users; do not harass them. Do not start drama.
- Profanity is not allowed on this wiki. Swears can be rarely used (outside of page material; pages cannot have swears) if completely censored (via hashtags or otherwise) though slurs in any form will result in immediate punishment. Our specific profanity guidelines are detailed in this blog.
- No sexual content or heavy gore is allowed on this wiki. Mentions of these topics are also punishable.
- No mention of game-shifting glitches is allowed. We do not want to encourage abuse of the game's flaws. Harmless and patched glitches can be mentioned, though patched glitches need verifications that they are patched.
- All Build Mode bugs can be mentioned as they can be used to further creativity in maps.
- Text or images generated or modified by AI aren’t allowed anywhere on this wiki.
- No blatant badge grinding, like making several useless edits.
Editing Rules
- Erasing valuable page content will result in harsh punishment, especially an entire page. Regardless of who the user is, they will be blocked for a long time for doing this.
- All pages should be made in proper English. This wiki uses American English (Ex, 'color' is used instead of 'colour').
- Pages must contain information either confirmed or verifiable information. Theories and headcanons cannot be added to pages.
- Rare exceptions are made when very heavy implication towards something is made, such as some pupil color meanings or possible Insolence members. These are outliers and should not be treated as the norm.
- New categories should not be made without permission from a staff member.
- Please respect a page's format. When making a page, find a page of a similar topic and copy its layout.
- Pages should only cover official Piggy content. Fan-made content is not covered here.
- UGC items created by users who hadn't made Piggy UGC before UGC went public are not to be covered on this wiki. These fall under the category of fan content.
- Do not credit yourself as an editor of a page on that page. Pages have too many editors to where it'd clutter the page with information most users won't care about.
- 'Edit warring' is not allowed. This means users constantly changing each other's edits back to their own. A staff member will decide which edit is submitted under this circumstance.
- Pages should not be used as substitutes for discussion.
- Don't add content to another user's page without their consent. Your user page is for you and you only. Regular users are only allowed to edit another user's page if that user requested it.
- Staff are only supposed to edit another user's userpage if it has rule breaking text or an important template needs to be added.
Discussion Rules
- Do not reply to a post whose last reply is five or more days old. This is called necroposting and is giving users notifications for topics they’ve already moved on from.
- Discrimination and hate speech of any kind are not allowed on this wiki. Examples include hate speech against races, nationalities, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and religions.
- The only outside links consistently allowed are to Roblox, Wikipedia, large social sites such as YouTube, verified educational sites, and official Piggy sites. If a link was posted by a contributor to the game as something important, it will be allowed.
- If you want a send a link that breaks this rule but you think should be allowed, ask a staff member.
- Linking a different site than the one shown on text (without mentioning it there) is punishable, even if the actual site is allowed.
- Bringing attention to harmful users is not allowed. Simple mentions of them are fine but actively making them a discussion topic will get you punished. Accounts clearly named after harmful users will be blocked on sight.
- Do not make jokes of tragedies or major issues.
- You can only promote games under the following criteria:
- The game is either related to Piggy or has had Piggy content added to it in a meaningful way.
- It's either a Roblox game or does not require a download.
- The post is in the Fan-Made Content category.
- The game is not excessively promoted.
- The game is appropriate for all ages.
- Art theft is not tolerated. It's also suggested that you add watermarks to your fan art to make sure that no one steals yours.
- Do not repost. This floods the discussion page. When using someone else’s art, credit them appropriately.
- Don't spam upvote everyone's posts. The upvote button is only used to show that you like someone's content, not to annoy someone. Even if you enjoy a lot of messages, be stricter with your upvotes as to not cause notification spam.
- Don't mass ping or spam someone's message wall.
- Don't post meaningless messages. This will be regarded as spam.
- No mention of shipping is allowed, though joke/satire ships are allowed. The community is conflicted on this topic and it's best to avoid it entirely.
- Keep in mind that hate speech of shipping counts as ship mentioning and can result in punishment as a standard shipping mention would.
- Do not complain about your ban from other wikis. This is not a place to vent.
- Posts aiming for attention are not tolerated. If posted, they will be deleted and reposting them can lead up to warnings.
- Use tags on discussions appropriately, and only for articles related to the topic of the post.
- Use discussion categories correctly:
- General: Piggy and the Piggy Wiki based posts that don't fall in other categories.
- Build Mode Creations: Showcases for Build Mode maps and things related to them.
- Fan-Made Content: Fan content related to Piggy, except for art and Build Mode maps which have their own categories.
- Memes/Jokes: Anything that is satire or comedic, including memes or sarcastic statements.
- Help/Questions: Either for users to post information for other users to see or for questions.
- Art: Any illustrations, Piggy-related or not.
- Theories/Ideas: Any theories/headcanons, predictions, suggestions and concepts for Piggy.
- Announcements: Only for staff use. Almost always used for large changes on the wiki.
Punishment System
Breaking these rules will result in punishment in the form of a warning/warnings or a block. A block disables a user's discussion and editing for a select amount of time, which will only be given on its own for major offenses. Minor offenses will warrant warnings, which will equate to a block once a user has three of them. A normal warning will expire after 30 days, but non-expiring warnings can be handed out for repeat offenses or more severe offenses that wouldn't result in a block. Punishments are handed out in the form of messages by staff and deletion of these messages will result in additional punishment for punishment evasion. For very minor offenses, notices are handed out, which are just direct reminders to the user about the rules.
User Rights Policy
A user must surpass 1,000 edits to apply for content moderator or 1,500 posts for thread moderator. When one has met the requirements of their desired role, they should send a message on the message wall of a sysop or bureaucrat. They must clearly title the post, explain why they want to be accepted into the staff team, and what their merit as a staff is. The user messaged will look over the person's edits, posts, and general behavior to see if they should be promoted. Sysop is only given to a user once they have both moderator roles and send a request to a bureaucrat to be further promoted.
Once an application is sent, a poll is put in our discord’s dedicated channel for staff decisions. This poll typically lasts a week. The user’s application will be provided and the poll will name the user and what rank they want. In case of a tie, the head bureaucrat decides whether to promote the user or not.