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Piggy Wiki
Plant Gallery
For chapter 12 of Piggy: Book 2, see Lab - Chapter 12.

"But this time, I'll stop you as I should've stop myself."
Mr. P

Plant is the twelfth and final chapter of Piggy: Book 1. This is the first map that has phases. In the first phase, the player must try to place the dynamite. The second phase also forces the player to move faster and be more careful to deal with hallucinations of Bunny and Doggy. The main bot for this chapter is Badgy, while Mr. P is the secondary bot and is also important for completing the chapter. This is also the first map to showcase multiple endings, one of which is obtained from being able to do harder gamemodes and finish maps in an elapsed time. Georgie Piggy is a friendly NPC for this chapter and will stun Piggy for 20 seconds if given an apple. The skins added along with this chapter are Badgy, Billy and Mr. P (though he can only be obtained by getting the true ending). When this chapter was released, Distorted Memory was removed, though it was later re-added due to popular demand.


The plant is a multi colored power plant with a gray and black atmosphere, surrounded with crates. Each room has a hallway, there are two laboratories, and a generator room, After placing the dynamite, the map changes and brings you into your memories. These memories consists of the main lobby from the metro, the High Striker game from the carnival, the cafeteria from the school, and the cave from the forest.


The Player and Georgie chase after Mr. P, who stops running abruptly. He says that he only wanted to be left alone, but that the memories still haunt him. He then tells the Player that they are just as stubborn as him when he tried to save his wife, but that now, he will stop them like he should have stopped himself. He then cocks his gun as the round starts. By finishing and surviving both phases of the round, another cutscene plays where Mr. P stops his attack thinks about his actions. Georgie wants to hurt Mr. P, since he is a direct culprit for the infection of his family, but the Player prevents him from doing so, telling him that he won't be any better than Mr. P if he does so. Mr. P then makes a decision to continue fighting off the infected, and this is where you can choose to go with either Mr. P or Georgie. To determine which ending you get, you must decide either to go with Georgie or to stay with Mr. P.

When both the Player and Georgie Piggy leave Mr. P in the plant, they find both Zizzy and Pony alive, who just have finished off every Soldier there. They notice the Player and Georgie and congratulate them on their success. However, Pony then asks what they should do next. Georgie insists that they search for a cure, ending the cutscene and making the screen black for a second. After the credits, Mr. P's hat is shown, implying that he died.

In this ending, the Player instead stays there and begs Mr. P to go with them, but Badgy appears behind the Player and attacks them. In the next scene, the Player is standing over Mr. P's hat.

In this ending, Mr. P explains to the Player how the infection started. His wife, Mrs. P, was sick with a virus called Linnaeoma, so he funded a research for the cure and even rushed the doctors to test it. Despite their warnings that the cure, code-named Substance - 128, is not fully safe yet, Mr. P already started searching for the test subjects. The Piggy Family, except for Georgie, volunteered to test the cure. At first, the test seemed successful, so Mr. P gave a potion to Mrs. P too.

Everything was fine until Mr. P heard the news that the Piggy Family started becoming hostile. He initially thought it had nothing to do with his cure, but then his wife started becoming hostile too, and her eyes turned red. Mr. P knew he had to stop her, but he didn't have a heart to do it, so he let her go instead. Then, he funded more research for this new virus at the Hospital, trying to make things right again.

Then, the Player came along. When they fell unconscious, they discovered that the Player had the symptoms of infection, but they didn't get infected. As Mr. P did more research, the Hospital was raided and Bunny was attacked. Mr. P tried to save her with a different potion, but realized what he had done and fled the Hospital in regret, also giving up on the Player for being infected.

After Mr. P is done talking, the Player and Georgie walk out of the Plant, and the rest of the ending plays out the same as the Good Ending. In the credits, every infected that appears in Good and Bad Ending are gone, and so is Mr. P's hat. This implies that something happened to the infected and Mr. P, but no one knows what.


Mr. P: “I wish to be alone, but you memories continue to torment me.”

Mr. P: “You are just as stubborn as I was when I tried to save my wife.”

Mr. P: “But this time... I will stop you as I should've stopped myself.”

Anonymous User: “We need to find something to make him snap out of it!”

Mr. P: “...It’s all coming back to me. I’m sorry...”

Mr. P: “I left the hospital with researchers when I thought you were infected, Anonymous User.”

Mr. P: “They helped me protect myself... and now I look like this.

Mr. P: “No matter how much they changed me, nothing could protect me from my mistakes.”

Georgie: “Finally, you know we’re real! Now, tell us what you did to my family.”

Mr. P: “They wanted to help me with my research...”

Georgie: “You took them away from me. You hurt them.”

Georgie: “Now I am going to hurt you.”

Anonymous User: “Georgie, don’t do it! If you hurt him, you are no better than him!”

Anonymous User: “It would only turn you into what you hate the most in him.”

Georgie: “I guess you’re right...”

Mr. P: “...You need to leave now. It’s not safe here.”

Anonymous User: “He’s right, this place is infested.”

Mr. P: “I’ll fight the infected here until I drop, it’s time I try to redeem myself.”

Anonymous User: “Good luck, Mr. P.”

Georgie: “Let’s meet up with Zizzy and Pony.”

Georgie: “Are you coming, Anonymous User?”

(Anonymous User walks up to Mr. P)

Anonymous User: “Mr. P, we can’t leave you behind. You need to come with us.”

(Badgy sneaks up on the player from behind)

Georgie: “Anonymous User! Look out!”

(Badgy attacks Anonymous User)

Mr. P: “...It’s all coming back to me. I’m sorry...”

Mr. P: “I left the hospital with researchers when I thought you were infected, Anonymous User.”

Mr. P: “They helped me protect myself... and now I look like this.

Mr. P: “No matter how much they changed me, nothing could protect me from my mistakes.”

Georgie: “Finally, you know we’re real! Now, tell us what you did to my family.”

Mr. P: “They wanted to help me with my research...”

Georgie: “You took them away from me. You hurt them.”

Georgie: “Now I am going to hurt you.”

Anonymous User: “Georgie, don’t do it! If you hurt him, you are no better than him!”

Anonymous User: “It would only turn you into what you hate the most in him.”

Georgie: “I guess you’re right...”

Mr. P: “...You need to leave now. It’s not safe here.”

Anonymous User: “He’s right, this place is infested.”

Mr. P: “I’ll fight the infected here until I drop, it’s time I try to redeem myself.”

Anonymous User: “Good luck, Mr. P.”

Georgie: “Let’s meet up with Zizzy and Pony.”

Georgie: “Are you coming, Anonymous User?”

(Anonymous User walks out of the plant with Georgie)

(Pony knocks out the last soldiers)

Pony: “Oh! You two are finally back! We took care of the soldiers. What about you?”

Anonymous User: “We stopped Mr. P. He’s no longer a threat.”

Zizzy: “Great job, I knew you could do it!”

Pony: “I hate to ruin the moment, but... where do we go from here?”

Georgie: “I’ve got an idea...”

Georgie: “What if we look for a cure?”

Mr. P: “...It’s all coming back to me. I’m sorry...”

Mr. P: “I left the hospital with researchers when I thought you were infected, Anonymous User.”

Mr. P: “They helped me protect myself... and now I look like this.

Mr. P: “No matter how much they changed me, nothing could protect me from my mistakes.”

Georgie: “Finally, you know we’re real! Now, tell us what you did to my family.”

Mr. P: “They wanted to help me with my research...”

Georgie: “You took them away from me. You hurt them.”

Georgie: “Now I am going to hurt you.”

Anonymous User: “Georgie, don’t do it! If you hurt him, you are no better than him!”

Anonymous User: “It would only turn you into what you hate the most in him.”

Georgie: “I guess you’re right...”

Mr. P: “...You need to leave now. It’s not safe here.”

Anonymous User: “He’s right, this place is infested.”

Mr. P: “I’ll fight the infected here until I drop, it’s time I try to redeem myself.”

Anonymous User: “Good luck, Mr. P.”

Georgie: “Let’s meet up with Zizzy and Pony.”

Georgie: “Are you coming, Anonymous User?”

(Anonymous User walks to Mr. P)

Mr. P: “I... I want to tell you my story, but you wouldn’t believe me.”

Anonymous User: “Say it, Mr. P. We need to know what happened.”

Mr. P: “Then you must leave after... I’m afraid there isn’t much time.”

(The screen fades to black)

Mr. P: “I was developing a cure to the sickness my wife, Ms. P, had.”

Mr. P: “I put in all my time and money into saving her. I even rushed the doctors to test the supposed cure.”

Mr. P: “The doctors kept telling me that the sample was unstable, but I didn’t listen and I needed volunteers.”

Mr. P: “Then came the kind Piggy family... all but Georgie. They wanted to help.”

Mr. P: “The initial results were significant. They became stronger. I was overjoyed, so I gave it to Ms. P immediately.”

Mr. P: “She was getting better until we heard news that the Piggy family started becoming hostile.”

Mr. P: “I thought it had nothing to do with my cure, but eventually, Ms. P became aggressive, too.”

Mr. P: “The last time I saw her, she had red eyes. I had to stop her but I didn’t have the heart to, so I let her go."

Mr. P: “I tried again to make cures. Then you came along, we found signs of the infection within you but you were still alive.”

Mr. P: “Before we could do more research, the hospital we were at was raided, and Bunny was attacked.”

Mr. P: “I gave her another rushed cure, thinking it would save her. I realized what I had done, and left you two.”

(The screen fades to black again)

Mr. P: “There you have it. That is my selfish, sorrowful story.”

Anonymous User: “Thank you for telling us, Mr. P. We won’t forget you.”

Mr. P: “Good luck, you two.”

(The screen fades to black for the third time)

(Pony knocks out the last soldiers)

Pony: “Oh! You two are finally back! We took care of the soldiers. What about you?”

Anonymous User: “We stopped Mr. P. He’s no longer a threat.”

Zizzy: “Great job, I knew you could do it!”

Pony: “I hate to ruin the moment, but... where do we go from here?”

Georgie: “I’ve got an idea...”

Georgie: “What if we look for a cure?”

Then the credits roll, but the infected and Mr. P's hat do not appear.

Mr. P: "I'm so glad to see you home."

Mrs. P: "I'm glad to be home."

Mr. P: "How do you feel?"

Mrs. P: "Good! Great, even!"

Mr. P: "That's amazing!"

Mrs. P: "How are the others?"

Mr. P: "I haven't checked in, but the last time I heard from them, they were doing well."

Mrs. P: "You should check in, you usually need to give these things a few hours to see how they settle in."

Mr. P: "You're right, I should give them a call. Will you be alright on your own for a bit?"

Mrs. P: "Yes, yes. Don't worry about me! I'll be okay."

Mr. P: "Alright. I'll see you soon, darling."

(The flashback ends. It is now in the plant)

Mr. P: “...It’s all coming back to me. I’m sorry...”

Mr. P: “I left the hospital with researchers when I thought you were infected, Anonymous User.”

Mr. P: “They helped me protect myself... and now I look like this.

Mr. P: “No matter how much they changed me, nothing could protect me from my mistakes.”

Georgie: “Finally, you know we’re real! Now, tell us what you did to my family.”

Mr. P: “They wanted to help me with my research...”

Georgie: “You took them away from me. You hurt them.”

Georgie: “Now I am going to hurt you.”

Anonymous User: “Georgie, don’t do it! If you hurt him, you are no better than him!”

Anonymous User: “It would only turn you into what you hate the most in him.”

Georgie: “I guess you’re right...”

Mr. P: “...You need to leave now. It’s not safe here.”

Anonymous User: “He’s right, this place is infested.”

Mr. P: “I’ll fight the infected here until I drop, it’s time I try to redeem myself.”

Anonymous User: “Good luck, Mr. P.”

Georgie: “Let’s meet up with Zizzy and Pony.”

Georgie: “Are you coming, Anonymous User?”


First, go into the laboratory room with green and pink liquid down to the red-lit hallway. Pick up the orange keycard and head back to the spawn. Go to the orange lit hallway and into the room. In the room, you should get a Yellow Key. Upstairs. It could be in multiple spots but it always does spawn in that area. It could also be in one of the rooms under a shelf or on one of the benches. Go downstairs and open up the Yellow Safe near the boarded doors with the key. You should find Wooden Boards in here, pick those up. Go to the area opposite the Yellow Safe and open up the door. Use the planks to cross the green liquid to get the Hammer. Once you have the hammer, go back to the side of the room with the yellow safe. Use the Hammer to remove the wood that is on the door. Go to the end of this room and you will find the Green Vial. Pick that up and go back to the laboratory down the red hallway. Place the Green Vial into the green liquid area. Pick up the Green Keycard in the room and then head back to the starting area and through the green-lit hallway and through the green door.

Find the Blue Key or Red Key and unlock the matching door. You should find the other key you need behind that door. Take that key and unlock the other door. You need to find two batteries that will be in the red room and the table outside of the blue room. One of these areas will have a piece of furniture with two red lights on it. This where you need to bring the Batteries. Once you find a Battery, bring it to this area and place it. Find the second Battery and place it as well. When you do, you will be given the Purple Vial. Take that and return to the Laboratory room. Place the Purple Vial into the purple liquid area and you will receive Dynamite. When the dynamite is released and can be picked up, music will start to play, signalling the final phase. Pick up the dynamite and place it in the middle of the map, which is the large circular area that leads to all of the rooms. This changes up the entire area and features some new rooms with Previous Chapters including Forest, School, Metro And Carnival.

Look into these rooms. Find two Tokens to place into a vending machine. You should be able to find one of them in the Carnival area, but it could show up elsewhere. When people die both coins spawn in the white crate. Find the coin and bring it to the vending machine. Next, get the torch. It can appear in the vending machine room but could spawn in other random spots. Take the Torch to the ice block, which is in a small room that almost looks like a prison cell. Light the fire next to the ice and it will melt. The White Key will drop from the ice block, take that key and bring it to the Silver Safe which is located in the cafeteria room. Unlock the White Safe and retrieve the second Coin. Place that Coin into the Vending Machine to retrieve the Mallet. (If a player dies with a token, the token will be in the safe as well as the second token)

Bring the Mallet to the carnival room and use it to play the High Striker game that will ring a bell once you smash it. This will drop a picture of Mrs. P, pick that up. Find Mr. P and hand him the picture to escape.

To get the good ending, you will need to go with Georgie. You will exit the facility unharmed and Mr. P will stay to fight the infected. His hat will be left behind. You will talk to Georgie, Zizzy, and Pony, about what your next goal will be. To get the bad ending, stay with Mr. P. However, Badgy will attack you, and you only see your legs and Mr. P’s hat.

Bot Behavior[]

  • Mr. P - Mr. P will hunt down the nearest player like Badgy does, however in the first phase of the chapter, he will shoot an energy sphere at the player and it will home in on them for a few seconds. You can outrun it, although touching it will stun you. It will explode either if it touches a player, hits a wall, or doesn’t hit anything after a while. On the second phase of the chapter Mr. P will start actively hunt players down like a bot and touching them will kill you, like in phase 1. You must bring the Mrs. P photo to this bot to complete the chapter. (The Mr. P bot will only kill you if he touches you, so it's recommended that you click him from a short distance.) An advantage is that he usually goes to where you’ve gone, not where you currently are.
  • Memories of Doggy & Bunny - These bots will appear in phase 2 of the chapter and will start to appear either near the fragments of the Forest cave (Doggy), the Metro station near the Vending machine (Bunny), or in the middle of the map. A small black and white Roblox flame particle indicates that they are spawning in or leaving, and touching them will result in the player getting stunned as a trap does, but much longer. This makes it a very bad idea to touch them as it can end up getting you killed. They are semi-transparent making them somewhat hard to spot so if you're not paying attention. They are also theorized to have something to do with the true ending. Note: they never appear inside the extra maps itself (those being the parts of forest, school, metro, and carnival).
  • Badgy - Works like a normal Piggy bot would, chasing down the nearest player and has a delayed door opening time.

A good strategy to deal with Badgy is to choose someone who has already beat the game and doesn't care about what ending they get to distract Badgy (for ex. Running around in circles in the main room). This will give the players enough time to shoot Badgy or give Georgie the apple, and find the potions for the dynamite. When the music starts playing, have the person distracting Badgy run a different way, and when its the second stage, have them keep it distracted until you can get the hammer. Then, the player can transfer Badgy to a different player or keep distracting Badgy. Note that this only works on bot, traitor, or Player + Bot modes, as Players will most likely realize and attempt to find a new target. Additionally, if the mode is traitor, have the player who is distracting the bot get Badgy to follow you to whichever player you suspect to be the traitor, and get it to kill them. If the player killed was not the Traitor, continue the cycle.


  • "I've failed everyone. Now I am a soulless body wandering without purpose, fighting without reason. - Mr. P"
  • "We should have been careful when moving our equipment here. I may have come in contact with Substance 128... "
  • "This is the perfect place to continue our research from the hospital, as this is the source of some of the ingredients we use."
  • "Mrs. P, Sheepy, Bunny... Our initial group is gone. Now the researchers are, too. I am truly alone. - Mr. P"
  • "I am responsible for everything. I feel everyone's hatred - including my own - towards myself. - Mr. P"
  • "My dear Mrs, I am sorry. Our life was a rollercoaster, and I enjoyed every second of it. I hope that my future efforts will bring us back together if it's meant to be, but I can't make another empty promise. I love you."


Phase One Items[]

  • Red Key: On a bench near the vial stand, on the bench to the left of the green keycard door, on the bench near the red key door, or near the purple safe.
  • Orange Keycard: On a bench near the vial stand.
  • Yellow Key: On a bench near the room were you place the plank, or in the room across from the orange keycard door.
  • Green Keycard: On a bench near the vial stand.
  • Blue Key: In the room diagonal to the red key room, or in the red key room.
  • Purple Key: On a shelf in the room across from the orange keycard door, on a shelf that requires the plank to access, or on the left bench near the orange keycard door.
  • Purple Vial: In the generator after using both batteries.
  • Green Vial: In the room that requires the hammer to access.
  • Gun: In the Purple Safe.
  • x3 Ammo: On a bench near the vial stand, in the room diagonal to the red key room, on a bench near the room were you place the plank, or on a bench near he room across from the orange keycard door.
  • x2 Apples: In the room diagonal to the red Key Room, near the purple safe, on a bench near the entrance to the orange keycard room, or on a shelf that requires the plank to access.
  • Plank: In the Yellow Safe.
  • Hammer: On a shelf that requires the plank to access.
  • Dynamite: In the vial stand after using both of the vials.
  • x2 Batteries: In the red key room, and on a bench near the blue key door.
  • Crowbar (RB Battles Event): In the safe behind the dynamite wall.

Phase Two Items[]

  • x2 Tokens: Near the high striker and in the White Safe.
  • White Key: In the ice block after using the torch.
  • Torch: Near the white safe, near the vending machine on a bench, or near the vending machine on a different bench.
  • Mallet: In front of the vending machine after using both tokens.
  • Mrs. P Photo: In front of the high striker after using the mallet.

Bittersweet Items[]

  • Green Gear: On one of the benches in the School memory.
  • Red Gear: On a shelf in the Carnival memory. Or the shelf in the Hospital memory
  • Red Potion: On one of the basketball carts.
  • Purple Potion: On the bench in the room with the beds, on the grey shelf in the Hospital memory, or on the wooden planks in the Poppyseed house memory.
  • Green Potion:
  • x2 Hearts: In front of the Water Event and on the counter where the Large Potion is.
  • Bucket: On a bench next to the Water Event, or on a shelf in the Carnival memory.

Phase One Obstacles[]

  • Blue Lock Door: At the building with an orange notch in the green section.
  • Green Keycard Door: In the end of the green hallway.
  • Orange Keycard Door: In the end of the orange hallway.
  • Purple Safe: In the building with a green notch in the green section, on a counter.
  • Red Lock Door: At the building with a red notch in the green section.
  • Yellow Safe: On a bench in the lower floor of the orange section.
  • x2 Boards: At the two doors leading to the cave-like room.
  • Battery Box: In the building with an orange notch in the green section.
  • Vial Stand: In the red section.
  • Dynamite Event: In the center of the blue section.
  • x2 Plank Event: Spanning across the acid river in a room in the orange section.
  • Dynamite Wall (RB Battles 3 Event): In the orange section, in a corner.
  • Symbol Code Safe (RB Battles 3 Event): In the room behind the dynamite wall.

Phase Two Obstacles[]

Bittersweet Obstacles[]

  • Gear Frame: In the School memory on the right wall.
  • Large Potion Event: In the Hospital memory on the counter.
  • Water Spigot: In the Poppyseed house memory next to the large barn doors.
  • Water Event: In the Carnival memory next to the ferris wheel.

Phase One[]

  • On the left counter in the red section.
  • In the building with a red notch in the green section.
  • On the side of a cabinet in the laboratory room in the orange section.
  • In the cave-like room.
  • Next to one of the staircases in the orange section.

Phase Two[]

Only one blueprint spawns on the map each round, it will be found at one of the listed below locations.

  • In the back of the green section.
  • On the other side of the acid river in a room in the orange section.
  • In a vent in the back of the green section.
  • In the back of the cave-like room in the orange section.

Phase One[]

  • Player Spawn: In front of the blue hallway.
  • Georgie's Spawn: Right besides the player spawn.
  • Piggy Spawn: In the center of the blue section.
  • Mr. P's Spawn: In front of the red hallway.

Phase Two[]


  • There is occasionally a bug where you will not be able to give Mr. P the picture. This makes the chapter impossible to escape.
    • Another bug similar to this is Mr. P disappearing during the transition into the second phase of the map. This also makes the chapter impossible to escape, since you have to use Mr. P for the picture.
  • Another bug that relates to the true ending is after Mr. P tells you his story the screen fades to black and never moves on forcing you to rejoin thus making the rest of the ending impossible to view, but you still get the true ending badge and the Mr. P skin.
    • This has been fixed.
  • Another bug that prevented players from obtaining the true ending was if a player escaped plant the cutscene would not load only camera movements, dialogue, and some models and objects that aren't affected be gravity will appear. The map and characters would not be seen and after the first part of the plant cutscene ended because the map was no longer there the player fell to their death not being able to choose an ending thus making all of the plant badges impossible.
    • This also happened in City and Lab.
  • Mr. P could get stuck on the side of one of the stairs in the orange room.
    • In some cases, Mr. P would continuously move 360°, while standing in front of the staircase. He wouldn't walk or move, as well. Whenever a player would go near him, he could chase you.
    • This has been fixed.
  • After the redesigns in the first phase, Mr. P wouldn't move, making it easier for the players to solve the map.
    • This has been fixed.
  • When you are in the orange area and you come through the sewer/pipe area while Mr. P is following you there, when he comes out, he will be friendly (he won't kill you), making the map easier to complete. You can also stand on his hat.
    • This has been patched.
  • You could have went through the entire wall, on launch. It was fixed, moments after.
  • There was a glitch in this map around release involving the acid in the orange section of the first phase. There was nothing blocking the acid, so Piggy could get stuck in the sewer until the plant was blown up. In addition, the acid wouldn't kill the player.
  • Piggy sometimes doesn't get teleported into the second phase.
  • When a player escapes Plant, sometimes you aren't teleported out of the map, and the bots kill you during the ending cutscene, thus blacking out the cutscene.
    • This can happen with any map. However, it's most common in this map and Store.


  • This is the first chapter to have multiple endings at the end, the second being Factory, the mid-finale of Book 2, and Lab, the finale, has a variety of 5 endings.
    • This is the only chapter in Book 1 to have more than one ending.
  • This is the first map to have multiple phases, with the second phase being triggered by the Dynamite. The second map to have two phases is Lab, which is also the final chapter of Piggy: Book 2.
  • After the player chooses an ending, if the Player skips the cutscene before the credits start playing, the credits will be skipped and the Player will be instead redirected to the main menu. You can also do the same thing after you give Mr. P the Mrs. P photo. However, it will skip the option to choose an ending as well, meaning it won't trigger any cutscenes.
  • No matter what gamemode is chosen, Badgy will always appear behind the Player in the Bad Ending.
  • This map is the third map where there is no exit door to escape this map. The other maps to do this are City, Outpost, Store, Winter Holiday, RB Battles Studio, Sewers, Factory, Port, Lab, Breakout, Mansion, and RB Battles Spaceship.
  • This is the first map where a bot (Mr. P) can stun you by shooting at you. The second map to have this feature is Factory with Willow.
    • However, Mr. P walk towards you after the fireball hits you. While Willow can't. This is because Mr. P's fireball has alot of stun duration than Willow.
  • This is the second chapter in Piggy: Book 1 where you will need a NPC to complete it, with the first one being City.
  • Originally, Billy was supposed to be the main bot of this chapter but was scrapped and replaced with Badgy, and Billy was instead added as an extra skin.
  • This is the first chapter to have a soundtrack that plays during the gameplay, with the second being Alleys, the third being Heist, the fourth being Distraction, and the fifth being Lab.
    • When the soundtrack ends, it will loop back from the beginning.
    • If a player joins in during the second phase, the soundtrack will not play for them.
  • The three Sentinels that spawn during the RB Battles event are colored after the RB Battles hosts.
  • If you glitch to the top of the blue section, you will find a picture of the Piggy family.
  • The instrumental and lyrical versions of For You To Stay used in the first and second phases respectively are synced up and play at the same time. This means that at whatever point of the instrumental the dynamite is activated at, the lyrical will sync up to that point of the song.
    • Because the time it takes to trigger the second phase uninterrupted is just about the length of the starting instrumental, this doesn’t come into play much.
    • This chapter is tied with Lab for having the most badges, both having 5.
  • MiniToon confirmed that originally the center room would rotate during main gameplay, explaining the inaccessible four hallways.
    • This feature was later added for the RB Battles Season 3 Quest.
    • Half-Life was inspired on that map, and the part of orange area on basement for acid pool was the tram room.


The discussions tag for Plant - Chapter 12 can be found here.

Piggy: Book 1 Chapters HouseStationGalleryForestSchoolHospitalMetroCarnivalCityMallOutpostPlant
Piggy: Book 2 Chapters AlleysStoreRefineryThe Safe PlaceSewersFactoryPortShipDocksTempleCampLab
Other Chapters Gurt - Chapter ?Distorted MemoryRB Battles StudioWinter HolidayHeistDistractionBreakoutMansionRB Battles SpaceshipMetallica FestThe HuntThe PIGGY™ HouseholdLucella ManorDecayDistorted Holiday
Non-Chapter Locations LucellaCity HotelElly EnterprisesGrandma Piggy's PoutineKitty's KitchenBirdy BankThe Aye-Aye ArcadeDaisy's TVsLeo's LaundromatOld OakRP2 SubspaceNorth SeaDoveportOutpost EchoBaba's PiesTigry's HouseBoot CampClassroomInvisible MazePlanet BlueMetro SystemSurvivor CampBunny's HouseMr. P's Farm