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Piggy Wiki
Not to be confused with Book 2's Hidden Ending.
Plant Badge 3

The badge you receive after completing the True Ending.

The True Ending is the canonical ending to Plant - Chapter 12 and Book 1 as a whole.


Step 1[]

NOTE: You must have all badges from chapters 1 to 12 on Piggy: Book 1, including both Good and Bad Endings on Plant. Leaving the server will reset your progress. It is recommended to attempt the ending in a private server.

  1. Start a round on City - Chapter 9. The game mode must be Player + Bot. You must have at least one other person in the server with you, or the game will automatically choose Bot. If necessary, use an alternate account or another person in your server as a stand-in for the infected player.
  2. Complete the map as normal, but do not escape the map after you open the exit.
  3. Walk over to a purple car, look underneath, and grab the Mrs. P Photo, but be careful not to get killed while trying to grab it. (NOTE: If you pick up another item while holding the photo, it will disappear, and you will have to restart the map. It's recommended to either: Unlock the exit before grabbing the photo and escaping, or if you are playing with two or more players, have either you or one of them complete the map while you or they are holding the photo, then escape once the exit is open without dying.)
  4. Escape the map with the photo equipped in your hand. You can skip the cutscene.

Make sure that you do NOT leave the server after completing Step 1, if you do, then your progress WILL NOT SAVE and you will have to start from the beginning.

Step 2[]

  1. Pick Plant - Chapter 12 on any gamemode and escape. When you finish the map, DO NOT skip the cutscene! Walk towards Mr. P like you would in the Bad Ending, and watch the full cutscene.
  2. You instead will be granted with different dialogue, cutscene, end credits changes, the badge and the Mr. P skin.

If it doesn't work, make sure to check that you:

  1. Have all badges for Book 1, including both the Good and Bad endings of Plant.
  2. Are holding the photo when you escape City, not just keeping it in your inventory.
  3. Do not leave the server after finishing City.
  4. Do not skip the cutscene after you escape Plant. This will skip the ability to choose an ending.


After meeting a now-cyborg mentally ill Mr. P, he attempts to kill the Player and Georgie. However, the Player then calms Mr. P down by showing a picture of Mrs. P. The Player then walks over to Mr. P, and make him realize that you and Georgie are not illusions. Mr. P subsequently tells you a simplified version of how Substance - 128 came to be and the start of The Infection. You afterwards walk away and escape the outpost alongside Zizzy, Georgie, and Pony.


  • It took around a week until the True Ending got its first badge holder.
  • The True Ending is the only canonical ending to Book 1.
  • The Good and Bad Endings are set in different continuities or alternate universes, and are therefore non-canonical to the Piggy timeline.
  • The True Ending was unobtainable for unknown reasons on January 6th, 2022, but was fixed after 5 days on the 11th.
  • This is the least earned Book 1 badge, with only 780K people having it as of December 19th, 2024.
  • Mr. P, the reward skin, was once the only skin without a theme. This was later changed.


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