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Piggy Wiki
Sam Gallery

Sam is a skin in Piggy. He was released with the Paranormal Pigmas event. He was the bot for Distorted Holiday and was unlocked after completing the chapter.


Sam takes the appearance of what seems to be a brown ripped sack of toys and candy with the shape of a shoebill stork.[1] He has empty black eyes with apparent eye bags and a big smile that stretches from cheek to cheek and the back of his head is shaped like a Santa hat with a pom-pom at the tip. His chest is cut open, with a lot of items inside including a little Piggy gingerbread in his chest as well as various presents and peppermints. There are Christmas lights of various colors on his neck worn as a necklace and there are stitches all over his body and there are candy canes stuffed in cuts along his arms and one on his head.


To obtain the skin, you had to beat Distorted Holiday as a survivor by using three lit Torches on the bot.



Stands with back bent behind and arms hanging back. Sways to the sides while lightly opening and closing mouth.


Walks with feet bent in and head back. Has arms to his waist and hands stretched out. Occasionally reaches both arms out followed by reaching left arm out while loosening right arm.


  • Lifts both arms up, and slams them down.
  • Grabs the player by their shoulders and devours their head.
  • Grabs the player's neck and snaps it counter-clockwise.


Grips his lower jaw with both hands and repeatedly tugs head forward while widely opening mouth.




  • This is one of three skins to have varying jumpscares, with the others being, Anteo and Decaying Infected.
  • He is the third skin to laugh in his jumpscare, the first being Clowny and the second being Silzous.
  • He is the only avian skin so far to not wear a dress as well as the only avian skin to not be modelled by MiniToon.
  • Whenever Sam is set on fire as a bot in Distorted Holiday, he plays the stun animation of his skin variant.
  • According to the director and writer of the Paranormal Pigmas Event, AJFried; Sam was based off of Oogie Boogie, the main antagonist of the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas.
  • He shares one of his hit sounds with Rachna. This hit sound originated from Parasight from Piggy: Branched Realities, a Piggy fangame. This is because both Russell0207 and MarcMixy are developers of the game, the former modeling Parasight.
  • Before January 26th, 2024, Sam, along with Rachna and Krampiggy, appeared at the front of the extras section when they are obtained, rather than the back. This was likely done to highlight them more.
  • Sam is one of the few skins that have an actual name used among people in real life.
  • He has no emote animations, similarly to Sentinel and Krampiggy. This is due to his rig using different parts than the ones used for emotes.
  • If one looks closely at his torso, you can see a Piggy gingerbread cookie inside it.
  • His walkspeed as a bot is set to exactly 13.4.
  • His appearance in the Paranormal Pigmas thumbnail uses the old materials, unlike his in-game version that uses the new 2022 materials.
  • Sam was added as a Bot in Build Mode on December 22nd, 2024.




Piggy: Book 1 Skins PiggyRedesign DistortedPennyRenderPiggyLittleBrotherRedesign Little BrotherMotherRedesign MotherFatherRedesign FatherGrandmotherRedesign GrandmotherSheepyRedesign SheepyAlt SheepyPandyRedesign PandyTeacherRedesign TeacherMemoryTransparent MemoryKittyRedesign KittyMimiSkinRedesign1 MimiDinopiggyRedesign DinopiggyDaisyRedesign DaisyAngelPiggy AngelPonySkinRedesign PonyTransparentDevil DevilDoggySkinRedesign DoggyGiraffySkinRedesign GiraffyBearyRedesign BearyFoxyRedesign FoxyEllyRedesign EllyMiliSoldier SoldierZombifiedPiglin ZompiggyBadgyTransparentAlternateSkinBadgy BadgyBunnySkinRedesign Bunny (Alternate) BunnyTransparentSkelly SkellyClownyClownTransparent ClownyTigryNew TigryMousyRedesign MousyParaseeParasitePigTransparent ParaseeZizzySkinRedesignZizzyInTheNutcracker ZizzyGhostyMoreTransparent GhostyRobbyTransparent RobbyBillyRedesign BillyBudgeyFrontTransparent BudgeyTransparentTorcher TorcherMrPSkinRedesign Mr. P
Piggy: Book 2 Skins InfectedPoliceDoggo Officer DoggyRacoonTrash RashKatieNurseTransparent Katie (Alternate) KatieMoreEvilKonaGaming KonaMadScientist KonaTransparentPandyUniform Pandy (Uniform)DessaTransparent DessaArchieArcticWillow ArchieRazetheCyborgRatTransparent RazeTigry (Uniform) redesign Tigry (Uniform)KolieWorkerTransparent KolieMarkus-WitchHunter MarkusAlfisTransparent AlfisLink=Dakoda DakodaTobiTheTurtle TobiAnotherFelix FelixDelta DeltaMariTransparent MariKamosiDoesNotStartWithPKamosiAltTransp KamosiSpidellaTheAwesomeSpider SpidellaZebraTwins TwinsKraxicordeHQ KraxicordeSilly zeus Silzous InfectedWillowWillowTheEntity???
Extras PumpiggyTransparent PumpiggyTheRedNosedReindessa ReindessaAnotherTransCroveCroveTheDeathDoctor CroveAnotherPoley PoleyMisterStitchy Mr. StitchySideTransparentOwell OwellFrostiggyHQnobg FrostiggyPrimroseArcher PrimroseBessBunny BessTrophyPiggy Gold PiggyPhenn PhennaColorfluidAntRedAnteoItsAllJustABadDreamLaura LauraBaka!Bakari BakariSentinel SentinelMr. Bliss Mr. BlissDarkKnight-Gryffyn GryffynOmbraTransp OmbraFerguscrazy FergusSHARDANTUS ShardantusMarley Russell In-Game Marley RussellGLENN GlennJakaylaTransp JakaylaCarver CarverDuocara DuocaraMayor DuocaraBelaV2 BelaMeisery MeiseryEelektra2 EelektraGoober BlattPrototypeTransp The PrototypeDecayingInfectedIcon Decaying InfectedMonsterman SamRachna RachnaKrampig KrampiggyMrsPoopyseedskin Mrs. P
User Exclusive PickleRickie3D-0 Pickle RickLisaSkin LisaMoonie PNG MoonieFes Moonie2024-07-27 18-02-41 MoopyTankMegaTankNormalMegaTank Mega Tank
Other Skins

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