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Not to be confused with his skin counterpart. |
"I have but one thing to leave you with; stay out of my business. If you continue to follow your current path, you will live to regret it."
― TIO, Temple - Chapter 10, Savior
TIO, also known as The Entity, The Insolent or The Iniquitous One is the overarching antagonist of Piggy, being the unseen overarching antagonist of Book 1 and the overarching antagonist of Book 2. He first physically appeared in Temple - Chapter 10. His distorted form is the main bot of Lab's hidden ending's distorted phase, and has to be engaged in a boss battle in order to be defeated.
In his normal appearance, he is a large humanoid with an Insolence eye and a button eye patch on a gray-stitched face. His apparel is a purple blazer over a light purple shirt with 3 black buttons, a red bow tie, purple pants, black shoes, and white gloves. He completes his outfit with a purple top hat that has black trim along the bottom of the hat, with a black and orange flower that heavily resembles the eye of Insolence.
In his distorted appearance, he takes on a more grotesque look: He is a tall, slender, black creature with a white-glowing heart in the center of his body. He has an Insolence eye, a white button-shaped eye, and a creepy smile on his face. There are many holes that can be viewed outside of his entire body. He wears a black hat that has many glowing Insolence eyes, along with a red bow tie on his neck.
When he was young, he felt alone. Because of this, he made himself a friend from beyond. He started to become just like his friend, but his friend didn't like that, and "made it very clear to the world".
Pulling the Strings
As stated in Distraction, TIO seeks to recruit strong-willed, cunning individuals for an unknown reason. He seems to target people in desperate times, a state where they find themselves vulnerable, in order to facilitate the manipulation process. He attempted to recruit Zizzy after she escapes the Refinery, and Pony when he lost Zizzy, and the Player, whom they try to manipulate creating illusions of their fallen friends.
When Zizzy escaped the Refinery, he started talking to Zizzy about his past and that he can help her and that she can help him. He later somehow made a connection between Pony and her, allowing them to have a conversation with each other despite being in different places, in hopes to make her accept his deal. The trick worked as expected, but when Zizzy was about to accept his offer, someone from behind grabbed her and pulled her into a portal.
The Offer (Tigry - Savior Ending)
After Pony and the Player got trapped due to the collapsing structure, and Pony revealed to the Player he was infected, the Player forgave him for what he had done and looked to the other side. There, TIO appeared in front of them. With no other choice, the player walked up to TIO to accept his offer.
Defeat (Hidden Ending)
After the group exited the building with the cure and caught up with the military and Sgt. Monroe, TIO sent a bunch of infected from below the ground to attack them. As they prepared, TIO sent the Player back to his realm. In there, he explained to the Player his motivations; how this cure will only divide the uninfected more and spark a grand war. However, due to the Player not agreeing with him, he said the only thing left to do was stop them himself. Then, he transformed into a giant mostly-black creature with a top hat made of Insolence eyes, a creepy smile and giant hands (the distorted form of TIO). He proceeded to cast a series of illusions to the Player and their friends in an attempt to stop them. However, with the help of memories, they managed to defeat TIO and break the illusion.
Temple (Savior Ending)
- "Are you sure about that?"
- "Tell me, do you recognize this?"
- "How about this?"
- "We are in your memories Anonymous User, it's not the first time you've been here."
- "The memories, the hallucinations, the whispers..."
- "You see, I've been... fascinated by you for quite a while. You're unique, Anonymous User."
- "Incorrect. You're extraordinary, and you're not like the others. You're supposed to be infected. You were attacked at the Piggy residence."
- "But you're not. You're alive. You're..."
- "Don't you see? You're immune to the infection. You have much potential to do things beyond your understanding."
- "I can help you see your friends again."
- "Are you rejecting my offer?"
- "Hm. So be it. They're always stubborn at first. Then, when they have no one left, they come right back to me."
- "I have but one thing to leave you with; stay out of my business. If you continue to follow your current path, you will live to regret it."
- "Greetings, Zizzy."
- "It is a pleasure to meet you. I've noticed your predicament, and would like to help you out."
- "You are a strong, resilient and talented warrior. There is much you can do for me in return."
- "You know Zizzy... I was once living in your world. I was young and quiet..."
- "I felt alone often, so I made myself a friend. One from beyond."
- "We were great friends. Perhaps... too great."
- "I started to become just like him in more ways than you could imagine. He wasn't too happy about that."
- "He made that clear... very clear to the world."
- "When my time ended there, my time here began."
- "Look at me now! I'm more than I ever once was."
- "Isn't it surprising to see what can come of a quiet young child?"
- "I sometimes wonder... if she'll end up the same."
- "She has never spoken a word, Zizzy. And she never will."
- "No, I want you to join me. A skilled fighter like yourself could do incredible things."
- "Me? Perhaps not. But, your friends..."
Lab (Hidden Ending)
- "I must say, I'm rather disappointed in you, Anonymous User."
- "TIO. That's my name. Or, at least, what I am called. I am also called 'The Entity', 'The Insolent', 'The Iniquitous One'..."
- "I warned you not to follow this path. I am trying to save everyone from themselves, can't you see that?"
- "Free will is destructive. Free will is what destroyed your world. Look at what Mr. P has done."
- "This cure... many will fight over it. Many will lose. What you're doing with this... you're causing another grand war."
- "This time, it won't be against the infected. It will be against your own brothers and sisters."
- "I see you are too oblivious now to foresee the destruction of the future."
- "I suppose now I have no other choice but to stop you and your friends myself."
- "YOU... BUFFOON... WHY?!"
- He is believed to have attempted to control the player and several other characters through the storyline. He may have accomplished this using hallucinations, notably:
- To the player in the ending of School - Chapter 5, by making them faint and see a hallucination of Doggy.
- Possibly to the player in Outpost - Chapter 11, by making them see a silhouette of Bunny in one of the towers.
- To the player and (possibly) Mr. P in Plant - Chapter 12, by making them see hallucinations of Bunny, Doggy, the forest, the school, the metro and the carnival.
- To Pony in The Safe Place - Chapter 4, Factory - Chapter 6, and Docks - Chapter 9, by going into his head and whispering to him.
- Very likely to Georgie in Distorted Memory.
- To the player by making them hear whispers in Docks - Chapter 9, and Factory - Chapter 6, of which they could make out the words "he" and "not responsible".
- He is the second character to use the R15 rigged body, with the first being Mr. P.
- The top hat image leaked by MiniToon was TIO's top hat.
- Before his name was revealed, his only official name was "???".
- Although, many people started referring him as "Dude Man", a trend started by KreekCraft.
- TIO is an acronym for "The Iniquitous One" as revealed in the Hidden Ending of Lab.
- Prior to the ending, many people assumed TIO stands for "The Insolence Overseer", until the Hidden Ending reveals otherwise.
- Considering the quote "TIO. That's my name. Or, at least, what I am called." It can be assumed that TIO isn't his real name.
- Furthermore, this is confirmed by the fact that MiniToon said he'd probably never reveal his real name.
- According to Axel_Glow, TIO's eye was based on a pet chicken he had as a kid.[1]
- In a stream on the MiniMoon channel, MiniToon states that TIO is aromantic-asexual, or aro-ace. He is one of the four confirmed LGBTQIA+ characters in the game, the others being Dessa (transgender male-to-female), Silzous (aro-ace), and Mari (agender).
The discussions tag for TIO (NPC) can be found here.